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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The latest numbers are looking good for Apple, especially in the Laptop market.

According to a ChangeWave survey, Apple's laptop share gained 5% over the past 90 days and is roughly 5% higher than a year ago, now sitting at 17%. The survey also indicates that 28% of potential buyers over the next 90 days will be choosing an Apple Laptop, and 23% choosing an Apple desktop.

In addition to the survey's findings, NPD data reported by Macworld pins June 2007 notebook retail market share at 17.6%, an increase of 2.2% over last year.

Overall, NPD places Apple as the 3rd largest US computer manufacturer, with a 5.9% U.S. market share, up 1.1% from last year's numbers.

Article Link


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Great to see the marketshare gaining. Hopefully Apple can keep up with rising demand and consumer expectations. There are also potential QA issues due to production scale which hopefully Apple remains on top of.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2007
How could a machine with such crippled graphics sell so well? Could it be that Apple has a good idea of who their customer really is?


macrumors newbie
Aug 22, 2007

this is negative! more market share means more reason to development osX viruses, no?


macrumors 68000
My question is when will developers start paying attention? Blackbaud, ArcView, QuickBooks (which is definitely not the same between Winsows and OS X), Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Glidepoint (USB Overdrive is not a substitute for real drivers), and a bunch more. Even SPSS and Palm (before they realized they have nothing to sell) abandoned Macs for a while.

Switching to a Mac is great, but having to kludge stuff that has been on the Windows platform for years could just as easily turn a lot of folks off after that first purchase.

Hell, I'd be happy if some of these folks even used Cider.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2007
Rochester, NY
How could a machine with such crippled graphics sell so well? Could it be that Apple has a good idea of who their customer really is?
Because 99% of people outside of enthusiast community/forums for both Macs and PCs could care less about video cards. I'd be willing to wager most couldn't even tell you what one is. They only care about if they can see the email/webpages on their screen. That's it. Same reason why 99% of people listen to music on terrible speakers, because they don't care.


macrumors 68020
Sep 24, 2002
My question is when will developers start paying attention? Blackbaud, ArcView, QuickBooks (which is definitely not the same between Winsows and OS X), Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Glidepoint (USB Overdrive is not a substitute for real drivers), and a bunch more. Even SPSS and Palm (before they realized they have nothing to sell) abandoned Macs for a while.

Switching to a Mac is great, but having to kludge stuff that has been on the Windows platform for years could just as easily turn a lot of folks off after that first purchase.

Hell, I'd be happy if some of these folks even used Cider.

Maybe they are buying Apple laptops to run Windows :eek:


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
could explain why the delay in my brothers mbp.... now where is my..i mean his CS 3 web premium....


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2007
Good for Apple, just hope they can stop the crap build quality that is flowing out of China. Yellow screens, uneven keyboard keys and lids not closing evenly should not be expected on premium priced MBPros.

I agree, I've gone though all these parts on my MacBook Pro:

THREE MagSafe Adapters
TWO batteries


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2003
Because 99% of people outside of enthusiast community/forums for both Macs and PCs could care less about video cards. I'd be willing to wager most couldn't even tell you what one is. They only care about if they can see the email/webpages on their screen. That's it. Same reason why 99% of people listen to music on terrible speakers, because they don't care.

Don't care? That's why the PC game industry is so huge!!! So what do we need? A desktop Mac with a removable VGA card, like an 8600GTS or 8800GTX :) And for less than 4000 dollar please.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2007
Rochester, NY
Don't care? That's why the PC game industry is so huge!!! So what do we need? A desktop Mac with a removable VGA card, like an 8600GTS or 8800GTX :) And for less than 4000 dollar please.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the PC game industry is absolutely MINISCULE compared to the rest of the planets computing needs. If you want to get into the highend enthusiast cards where companies like ATI/Nvidia make absolutely nothing, then that % tanks down to almost nonexistent. Low end, consumer/business grade video cards are where ALL the money is made. Granted that ATI card in the new iMacs is absolute dick, but it doesn't matter to anyone besides that 1%.


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2003
Last I heard from NPD, PC gaming was 1/5th the size of the console market and shrinking.

1/5 of an industry that is bigger than the movie industry. Do you know many people who don't play games on their pc? I don't. But hey, so what. Bye EA, bye ID.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
How could a machine with such crippled graphics sell so well? Could it be that Apple has a good idea of who their customer really is?

"Crippled" isn't the word; it's still better than a number of new cards sold in stores, it's better than what comes with EVERY Dell, Gateway, eMachines, and Sony sold in stores (have you ever been in a computer store? Nobody sells anything but integrated graphics in CompUSA and Best Buy, graphics cards are sold separately), and it's capable of running any game currently on the market and Final Cut Pro.

Most people don't care for more.

Do you know many people who don't play games on their pc?

Tons and tons and tons. Almost everybody owns a PC these days, and the majority of people I know aren't gamers.

Walk in to a random Best Buy and walk up to random people and ask them if they own a computer and if they play games.

That actually might skewer the results because most of them will say, "oh yes, I play Bejeweled and Solitaire".


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2006
Do you know many people who don't play games on their pc?

I'm kind of hard pressed to think of anybody who does play games on their pc these days...

Very telling was the keynote Steve gave when launching the iPhone. His Keynote slides included a nice little graph to show just how big the mobile phone market was (which is why Apple wanted into that market - even a 1% slice of the pie represents a massive amount of money). The slide also showed the games consol market - a very small (comparitivly) market. No wonder Apple has not tried to create its own games machine.

And the market for pc games is even smaller (and shrinking year by year).

Things are not improved any by the whole games market being a creative graveyard. I don't think I've seen an origional idea for 10 years.


macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2003
Don't care? That's why the PC game industry is so huge!!!

Is it? I thought the PC game market was a drop in the bucket compared to console gaming.

Do you know many people who don't play games on their pc?

Yeah, tons. Probably 10% or less of the people I know do gaming beyond things like solitaire and minesweeper.
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