The biggest problem with Apple Maps has always been the POIs. So many are missing, they're often placed in the wrong location, and worst of all, using the 'Report a Problem' feature seemed to be useless, as none of the user's suggestions are ever implemented. This is how it was when Apple Maps was introduced in iOS 6 and then is how it was in the nearly 2 years since then. I have been periodically using the 'Report a Problem' feature for 2 years and none of the changes I recommended for my neighborhood were ever implemented.....until now.
Over the past month, I've noticed a TON of changes. POI markers are being moved to their correct locations, names and information for POIs are being corrected, and tons of places are being added that simply weren't there before. I don't know if it's merely coincidence, but A LOT of these changes are the exact ones that I've been reporting to Apple.
And I've noticed this happening on a weekly cycle. It seems like every Friday, a whole bunch of new changes are implemented in my neighborhood. All week, nothing happens, but then when I check on Friday/Saturday, I see that many of the suggestions that I had made during the week were suddenly implemented into the map, and its POIs suddenly look a whole lot better.
Maps is FINALLY improving. I've seen more improvements to the POIs in my area over the past month than I had seen in the previous 2 years COMBINED. It still has a long way to go, but after years of frustration, we're finally seeing some real forward momentum.
I should also add that I've noticed a method to how things are implemented. It seems like Apple is taking a very specific path regarding how it's fixing these problems; these POI improvements are not happening at random. Larger, more popular places like banks and grocery stores seem to take priority. When you report them, they get fixed faster, while some small mom and pop store on the corner takes a bit longer.
Over the past month, I've noticed a TON of changes. POI markers are being moved to their correct locations, names and information for POIs are being corrected, and tons of places are being added that simply weren't there before. I don't know if it's merely coincidence, but A LOT of these changes are the exact ones that I've been reporting to Apple.
And I've noticed this happening on a weekly cycle. It seems like every Friday, a whole bunch of new changes are implemented in my neighborhood. All week, nothing happens, but then when I check on Friday/Saturday, I see that many of the suggestions that I had made during the week were suddenly implemented into the map, and its POIs suddenly look a whole lot better.
Maps is FINALLY improving. I've seen more improvements to the POIs in my area over the past month than I had seen in the previous 2 years COMBINED. It still has a long way to go, but after years of frustration, we're finally seeing some real forward momentum.
I should also add that I've noticed a method to how things are implemented. It seems like Apple is taking a very specific path regarding how it's fixing these problems; these POI improvements are not happening at random. Larger, more popular places like banks and grocery stores seem to take priority. When you report them, they get fixed faster, while some small mom and pop store on the corner takes a bit longer.
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