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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2011
The biggest problem with Apple Maps has always been the POIs. So many are missing, they're often placed in the wrong location, and worst of all, using the 'Report a Problem' feature seemed to be useless, as none of the user's suggestions are ever implemented. This is how it was when Apple Maps was introduced in iOS 6 and then is how it was in the nearly 2 years since then. I have been periodically using the 'Report a Problem' feature for 2 years and none of the changes I recommended for my neighborhood were ever implemented.....until now.

Over the past month, I've noticed a TON of changes. POI markers are being moved to their correct locations, names and information for POIs are being corrected, and tons of places are being added that simply weren't there before. I don't know if it's merely coincidence, but A LOT of these changes are the exact ones that I've been reporting to Apple.

And I've noticed this happening on a weekly cycle. It seems like every Friday, a whole bunch of new changes are implemented in my neighborhood. All week, nothing happens, but then when I check on Friday/Saturday, I see that many of the suggestions that I had made during the week were suddenly implemented into the map, and its POIs suddenly look a whole lot better.

Maps is FINALLY improving. I've seen more improvements to the POIs in my area over the past month than I had seen in the previous 2 years COMBINED. It still has a long way to go, but after years of frustration, we're finally seeing some real forward momentum.


I should also add that I've noticed a method to how things are implemented. It seems like Apple is taking a very specific path regarding how it's fixing these problems; these POI improvements are not happening at random. Larger, more popular places like banks and grocery stores seem to take priority. When you report them, they get fixed faster, while some small mom and pop store on the corner takes a bit longer.
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I know, right? They *FINALLY* are changing the name of the road I live on. I almost wept. LOL
I still dislike their icons for public transport. Google used the London Underground logo for tube stations so you can easily see them on the map. Apple has this weird train icon which is hard to see on theirs...
You are not making any sense at all.

You seem to have missed the whole point of the thread. The point was that for 2 years, POIs in maps made virtually no progress and reporting problems to Apple yielded nothing. That's no longer the case. Now, POIs are improving and now, reporting problems often DOES lead to them getting fixed.
Yep I've noticed massive improvements to the POIs in the UK. Still not perfect, but much, much better.

However they still need to fix the National Park polygons for the UK...some are still horrible (norfolk broads/north york moors/dartmoor)...the Galloway Forest shows as a NP...and they are all in different shades of green!
Apple Maps is finally improving POI data and listening to customers

You seem to have missed the whole point of the thread. The point was that for 2 years, POIs in maps made virtually no progress and reporting problems to Apple yielded nothing. That's no longer the case. Now, POIs are improving and now, reporting problems often DOES lead to them getting fixed.

Apparently reporting problems to Apple has yielded something. Does it really matter that it didn't happen exactly when you snapped your fingers?
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Apparently reporting problems to Apple has yielded something. Does it really matter that it didn't happen exactly when you snapped your fingers?

It matters if I "snapped my fingers" and reported problems two years ago. It matters if Apple has a User Interface that allows reporting problems when they should have known that they are not going to do anything about it.


Over the past month, I've noticed a TON of changes.

Where in the world is that happening?
Apparently reporting problems to Apple has yielded something. Does it really matter that it didn't happen exactly when you snapped your fingers?

For 2 years, reporting errors yielded absolutely nothing. Now, reporting something can often result in changes within a week. That makes a big difference. It indicates that Apple finally has the infrastructure up to accept feedback and implement changes quickly. It didn't beforehand.

On top of that, now that users actually see their changes being implemented, they'll be inclined to send in more and improve Maps further. Previously, it felt like all the suggestions you gave to the 'Report a Problem' feature went into a bottomless pit, so it turned people off from using that feedback feature because it felt like a waste of time.


It matters if I "snapped my fingers" and reported problems two years ago. It matters if Apple has a User Interface that allows reporting problems when they should have known that they are not going to do anything about it.


Where in the world is that happening?

I'm in Toronto, Canada.
Made me look

I've reported several errors to Apple using their reporting tool, and I checked repeatedly for months with no changes being made. A recent McRumors article about maps improvement that linked directly to this thread made me look to see if my changes have been made, and voilà they have. I've used Maps almost daily for a very long time in my trips around town and they have always served me well in the Houston Texas area, but now it's even better with the corrections being made.
I find google maps hard to use on my mobil devices, but use it heavily on my desktop.
I've always known that Apple would bring this service up to snuff. I'm happy to use both services as I need them.
Apple Maps is finally improving POI data and listening to customers

For 2 years, reporting errors yielded absolutely nothing.

Though, you are not the only user reporting errors. While I am glad that you are seeing improvements made, I have noticed vast improvements made continuously since Maps introduction.

It's all just a matter of perspective, I guess and there are other map apps and services available. I sometimes prefer, "GPS Nav" from Skobbler. It uses data from the Open Maps project and the Open Maps Project allows for users to add or correct POI's easily. The Open Maps Project is open source.
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I reported an error on Apple Maps a few months ago -- a location in the US was having its name shown in Korean -- and it was fixed within a week or two. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not but, as long as it's fixed, I don't really care.
Well, a week has passed and I'm noticing a bunch of new POI corrections.

I reported a couple dozen POI problems in my city this week, and at least 6 or 7 have them already been fixed.

As I mentioned in the initial post, it seems like Apple pushes out these corrections on Fridays. This is the fourth week in a row where I've gone into Apple Maps on a Friday, and noticed a whole bunch of corrections (including many of the ones that I had reported). I hope this trend continues.
Well, a week has passed and I'm noticing a bunch of new POI corrections.

I reported a couple dozen POI problems in my city this week, and at least 6 or 7 have them already been fixed.

As I mentioned in the initial post, it seems like Apple pushes out these corrections on Fridays. This is the fourth week in a row where I've gone into Apple Maps on a Friday, and noticed a whole bunch of corrections (including many of the ones that I had reported). I hope this trend continues.

Yep. Only for POI issues though. Road corrections aren't being touched.


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Yep. Only for POI issues though. Road corrections aren't being touched.

Is the correction notification feature a US-only thing? I don't receive a notification when any of the problems that I've reported have been fixed.
Is the correction notification feature a US-only thing? I don't receive a notification when any of the problems that I've reported have been fixed.
Yep. I've made corrections outside the US, and they haven't acted on them.
Yep. I've made corrections outside the US, and they haven't acted on them.

I'm in Canada and I've noticed a lot of corrections that have been acted upon. But what I haven't experienced is seeing any notifications from the app telling me that the corrections were made. That's what I'm referring to - not the corrections themselves, rather, the system of telling the user that the corrections were made.
Interesting, I noticed some more updates today. That's 3 days in a row where POI data was improved.

Contrary to my initial thoughts, things don't seem to be occurring just on a weekly basis; Apple is actually pushing the improvements every day now, it seems.
It's probably based largely on location. OPs town is just finally up for review. In central jersey we have been getting a steady stream of updates since day one. One of the issues with updating maps, is that you can't rely on just the crowed reported errors. Once identified fixes need to be independently corroborated.
For my town in North West England (Warrington) when I report errors I'm now noticing fixes in just a few days, or sometimes even the next day. Previously it seemed like no one was bothering.
A factory closed 12 years ago, but still visible on Apple Maps. Countless reports sent, not fixed.

Apple Maps are still at least 12 years outdated. Sorry.

Keep sending in those corrections.

I just opened up Maps and from this week alone, I counted at least 19 of my submissions have been corrected. Very impressive.

By the way, when issuing a POI data correction, try to enter a URL for the place. It allows Apple to verify the info for themselves, and I've noticed that it often means the difference between Maps simply using those coordinates when you do a search, vs Maps actually placing a POI marker at that location. Typing the company's website into the field (even a huge company, like Walmart) is key.
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