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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple Pay officially launched in Hungary and Luxembourg today, enabling bank card holders there to use Apple's mobile payment system for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch wherever they see the contactless logo.


In Luxembourg, BGL BNP Paribas is currently the sole bank supporting Apple's digital wallet, while OTP Bank is supporting Apple Pay in Hungary. Apple's regional websites for Luxembourg and Hungary both highlight 12 major retail chains that accept the mobile payment system, including Apple resellers in the two countries.

The expansion within Europe follows the launch of Apple Pay in Iceland earlier this month. Elsewhere, regional banks in The Netherlands and Portugal have teased that Apple's contactless payment system is "coming soon."

Apple CEO Tim Cook said in March that Apple Pay would be available in more than 40 countries and regions by the end of 2019, so the rollout is well on track, although Apple's website has yet to be updated with the full list. Apple Pay first launched in the United States in October 2014.

Article Link: Apple Pay Launches in Hungary and Luxembourg
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macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2018
I had no idea that Hungary will be so famous about contactless payments.

Apple Pay officially launched in Hungary and Luxembourg today, enabling bank card holders there to use Apple's mobile payment system for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch wherever they see the contactless logo.


In Luxembourg, BGL BNP Paribas is currently the sole bank supporting Apple's digital wallet, while OTP Bank is supporting Apple Pay in Hungary. Apple's regional websites for Luxembourg and Hungary both highlight 12 major retail chains that accept the mobile payment system, including Apple resellers in the two countries.

The expansion within Europe follows the launch of Apple Pay in Iceland earlier this month. Elsewhere, regional banks in The Netherlands and Portugal have teased that Apple's contactless payment system is "coming soon."

Apple CEO Tim Cook said in March that Apple Pay would be available in more than 40 countries and regions by the end of 2019, so the rollout is well on track, although Apple's website has yet to be updated with the full list. Apple Pay first launched in the United States in October 2014.

Article Link: Apple Pay Launches in Hungary and Luxembourg
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2011
I’ve just counted the countries and regions on the support site. Including Hungary and Luxembourg; that makes 40!


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2015
The rate of Apple Pay rollout really shows the Euro-peons how much Apple cares about them. It's like getting the leftovers from the US table, with the choicest bits always going to the UK and Nordic countries first. What about Apple Pay Cash? Expected to launch before or after 2025? At the same time Apple keeps sucking up to the Chinese market which basically does not care about Apple services – e.g. iPhone users don't know what iMessages are, Apple Pay was a giant flop, everyone's just constantly using a smartphone emulator app called WeChat and people only buy Apple gadgets for bragging rights.
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macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
The rate of Apple Pay rollout really shows the Euro-peons how much Apple cares about them. It's like getting the leftovers from the US table, with the choicest bits always going to the UK and Nordic countries first. What about Apple Pay Cash? Expected to launch before or after 2025? At the same time Apple keeps sucking up to the Chinese market which basically does not care about Apple services – e.g. iPhone users don't know what iMessages are, Apple Pay was a giant flop, everyone's just constantly using a smartphone emulator app called WeChat and people only buy Apple gadgets for bragging rights.

The banks are to blame as well. My bank doesn’t seem to want Apple Pay. They have their own in-app wallet service and blame it on Apple that iPhone users can’t make NFC payments through it because Apple doesn’t allow NFC to work in third-party apps. So apparently if they don’t come to an agreement of some sort I’ll have to open an account in the only bank that has already teased Apple Pay, which is a minor bank, or resort to Monese or N26.
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macrumors demi-god
Apr 30, 2015
Maastricht, The Netherlands
The rate of Apple Pay rollout really shows the Euro-peons how much Apple cares about them. It's like getting the leftovers from the US table, with the choicest bits always going to the UK and Nordic countries first. What about Apple Pay Cash? Expected to launch before or after 2025? At the same time Apple keeps sucking up to the Chinese market which basically does not care about Apple services – e.g. iPhone users don't know what iMessages are, Apple Pay was a giant flop, everyone's just constantly using a smartphone emulator app called WeChat and people only buy Apple gadgets for bragging rights.

Bit unfair to put the blame solely on Apple while European banks are at least as much to blame for the slow rollout.


macrumors 68040
Oct 3, 2009
Finally! Now to figure out what Apple pay is for... I've been ignoring it for years since it was non-existent here, and now I have to catch up. It was super simple to set up, so that's a good first step!


macrumors 68000
Jul 6, 2012
Apple is adding new country's constantly, really great to see. Obviously they have multiple teams doing this at the same time.

As a check, Google has 29 countries or so.

Yes which makes you wonder, why? Nearly 5 years and it is still not a Global Roll Out.

But then you think, oh, they have to negotiate with each country's financial system (often the banks in addition to the governments) and realize that yeah it would take forever to get through that process.
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macrumors member
Mar 25, 2019
Aw man, still can't wait for the release in The Netherlands...and as we Dutchies like to say:


(trans.: 9 letters, 2 words...TAKES LONG)


macrumors newbie
May 21, 2019
Hungary is very poor, they need this really?
The most of the iOS user base is come from low class people there, they even take bad “rip-off” loans just to have an iPhone.
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Jan 27, 2018
The rate of Apple Pay rollout really shows the Euro-peons how much Apple cares about them. It's like getting the leftovers from the US table, with the choicest bits always going to the UK and Nordic countries first. What about Apple Pay Cash? Expected to launch before or after 2025? At the same time Apple keeps sucking up to the Chinese market which basically does not care about Apple services – e.g. iPhone users don't know what iMessages are, Apple Pay was a giant flop, everyone's just constantly using a smartphone emulator app called WeChat and people only buy Apple gadgets for bragging rights.
China is not your typical normal country to begin with, so why are you surprised.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
The rate of Apple Pay rollout really shows the Euro-peons how much Apple cares about them. It's like getting the leftovers from the US table, with the choicest bits always going to the UK and Nordic countries first. What about Apple Pay Cash? Expected to launch before or after 2025? At the same time Apple keeps sucking up to the Chinese market which basically does not care about Apple services – e.g. iPhone users don't know what iMessages are, Apple Pay was a giant flop, everyone's just constantly using a smartphone emulator app called WeChat and people only buy Apple gadgets for bragging rights.

Anybody for facts over bias, trolling and/or ignorance?

Apple uptake in any given country depends on 1) contactless infrastructure, 2) local banks being willing to sign on and support Apple Pay (i.e. Security Protocols, Privacy, Marketing & Fee Agreements.)

Infrastructure is not the main problem, the banks are. They want to capture customer info which they sell to partners and they don’t want to lose transaction revenue by diverting a part of it to pay Apple’s fee.

Many banks only move when customers realize they are being ignored and leave them for an Apple Pay supporting bank.
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Jun 16, 2013
London, UK
Hungary is very poor, they need this really?
The most of the iOS user base is come from low class people there, they even take bad “rip-off” loans just to have an iPhone.
Have some respect for a beautiful country, with lovely people that meets all european standards. Budapest is a world class city and the entire country is full of history and culture.


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2016
Yes which makes you wonder, why? Nearly 5 years and it is still not a Global Roll Out.

Because it isn't simply a matter of Apple flipping a switch or they would do so. Every country has unique banking laws and systems, and Apple has to convince and negotiate with each of them to participate when these financial institutions are part of entrenched systems that have fears about losing any portion of the fees they charge, along with control over customer relationship and information. Slow but steady.
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macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2017
Many banks only move when customers realize they are being ignored and leave them for an Apple Pay supporting bank.

That’s what’s going to happen with my bank. They will only move when customers start leaving. I’ve already told them that I will leave them for an Apple Pay supporting bank in case they don’t bring support for it in the short term. In the meanwhile I’ve already opened a Monese account as well and have let them know why.
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