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macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
This is only the beginning. Ultimately, all shops and shopping centers will disappear.
Everyone knows what the reason is.
Yup..lots of reasons, main one. The number of kids growing up in single parent homes with role models and/or lack of discipline and respect taught. We have become a vicitm society and if we don't succeed or end up in a bad spot in life, it's the system fault, not the person.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
And, those cities have the most crimes per capita.
Also the largest fleeing populations.

Largely true, at least among cities with over 200,000 population. 25 of 30 cities (not the same 25 I stated before) with the highest violent crime rate have Democrat mayors. I'm not sure what the stats are if you include cities under 200,000 population.


macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
Indeed. Tulsa and Jacksonville have high murder rates and are Republican-run. Colorado Springs has one of the highest rape rates and it is Republican-run.

Sounds more like these issues are more to do with the greater issues of large cities in general than any specific party. Large cities tend to be Democrat-run, but being Republican-run doesn't fix the problems. A lot also has to do with media. As others have pointed out, overall crime rates in the U.S. are down, especially from their peak in the 90s. But the "perception" that crime is getting worse is on the rise. Crime tends to be concentrated to certain areas of large cities as well.

It's a few things. Part of it is the larger city attention I had mentioned but another reality is that 25 of 30 cities (not the same 25 I stated before) over 200,000 population with the highest per capita violent crime rate have Democrat mayors. I'm not sure what the stats are if you include cities under 200,000 population.


Jan 21, 2016
Northern California
It's a few things. Part of it is the larger city attention I had mentioned but another reality is that 25 of 30 cities (not the same 25 I stated before) over 200,000 population with the highest per capita violent crime rate have Democrat mayors. I'm not sure what the stats are if you include cities under 200,000 population.

Yes, it's a reality but that doesn't mean causation.

What I'm seeing is that large cities have problems, whether they're Democrat-run or Republican-run.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Wherever my feet take me…
As of Tuesday, employees were not aware the store would be closing, nor did the website mention the upcoming closure.

The relocation of the Charlotte store was already in the works and had been planned before the shutdown. Employees are being transferred to the SouthPark store or will work for the online store.
This bothers me. If the relocation was already in the works and a definite thing days, if not weeks, in advance, management should have informed the employees.That's just common courtesy!


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2020
This bothers me. If the relocation was already in the works and a definite thing days, if not weeks, in advance, management should have informed the employees.That's just common courtesy!
Frequently done to avoid leaks and potential bad press. Par for the course these days.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2017
This is taking action and will force the owners of the mall to take immediate action before other stores leave. Apple probably is using its legal team to get out of the lease due to the uncontrolled gun crime. It is not safe to be in that mall. Kudos for closing.
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macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2020
I'm going to continue to ignore your blathering nonsense and quote what actually matters. Now you're hinting at a real argument. It's a start.

So let's talk data points:

What are the data points that you think contribute the broader problem that leads to store closures like the one in this article?
What are the causes of these patterns?
What do you propose as a solution?
Lol. Lmao, even.

The data point I referenced is that accusations such as yours are being ignored by the people you are leveling them at, and that you and others may be unaware or dismissive of the implications of that fact will not bode well for civil society in the time to come. I advanced no arguments pertaining to the broader discussion.

Also, “your blathering nonsense” is not an argument.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
I now live just outside of Raleigh, have been a North Carolina resident for 60 years, and am very familiar with both cities. Large sections of Charlotte and Raleigh/Durham have become crime havens over the past decade or two and the quality of life has deteriorated significantly. If I had a young family, I would not choose to bring it up in either of those two urban areas.

We lived in Charlotte for two years. Between the fact that Charlotte isn't populated by native North Carolinians but rather transplanted New Yorkers, and the rise in vagrancy and crime, we packed up and moved to the mountains.

We haven't looked back.

Malls as a whole are in decline. Most aren't very safe -- especially on weekends and after 5:00 pm. Even Southpark is starting to get a little rough around the edges...


Jan 21, 2016
Northern California
Lol. Lmao, even.

The data point I referenced is that accusations such as yours are being ignored by the people you are leveling them at, and that you and others may be unaware or dismissive of the implications of that fact will not bode well for civil society in the time to come. I advanced no arguments pertaining to the broader discussion.

Also, “your blathering nonsense” is not an argument.

More blathering.

So you didn't actually have a real, relevant argument. Good to know.

Just "my feelings are hurt because you call me what I am". Again, continuing to engage =/= ignoring. Learn the difference between the two.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
America already has the second highest prison population rate in the world (behind the Seychelles). Doubling down on already failed policies won't help.
This “failed policy” theory was relevant 10-15 years ago, but has been disproven with gun offenders in my area being let go with no bail posted only to commit more gun crimes days later. America should be number 1 with prison population as far as things are going now.
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macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2020
This “failed policy” theory was relevant 10-15 years ago, but has been disproven with gun offenders in my area being let go with no bail posted only to commit more gun crimes days later. America should be number 1 with prison population as far as things are going now.

Correct assessment, at least as it applies to violent crime or drug offencses. The other side of this anrgument advocates for harsher punishment as a deterrent. Will be interesting to see what the El Salvador experiment yields.
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macrumors regular
Jan 2, 2009
To be fair, 20-25 years ago malls in the US were very safe places as well. I used to go to malls all the time when I was younger, never had a single issue. But then things started to change. We all know what the problem is. I'm not going to discuss it further though because I can see that leading to a suspension or outright ban...just for telling the truth of the matter.

And what is the problem?


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2006
Ramtop Mountains
It's amazing how things look when you manipulate photos. Here's how it actually looks.


It also just exists as a waypoint between places.,_Pennsylvania

Yep, from here it looks even better


  • Immagine 2023-03-02 201232.jpg
    Immagine 2023-03-02 201232.jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 28


macrumors regular
Jan 2, 2009
As I said, you’re probably intelligent enough to figure this out.
But, maybe not.

Blaming Black and Brown for everything? Why it your types want Black and Brown to responsibility FOR EVERYONE that is Black or Brown, but your type doesn't take responsibility for the ENTIRE WHITE community? Why didn't your stop Dylan Roof or that Buffalo Supermarket shooter, or any of the Mass Shooter - Las Vegas...for example?


Jan 21, 2016
Northern California
And if you wonder who committed those shootings, you become raciest

Well how come no one wonders about the age or the gender of the shooters? It's interesting that some people always go straight to race...

What relevance does the race of the shooter really have? Are there criminal laws that target specific races? There shouldn't be, anymore...


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2019
Oh, for the love of crumcake why don’t you all give Mr. Godwin his due and call each other worse than Hitler at this point?

Seems like people want to blame the ills of society on their pet issue. Immigration, guns, race. Pick your poison, but it’s all the same. It has been for over 1,000 years. People usually lack the critical thinking skills to step outside their viewpoint and objectively consider that the ills facing society are incredibly complex and simply can’t be boiled down to sound bites and political slogans?

If anyone had the answer to all of it, we would be living in some sort of Star Trek future utopia where no one committed crime and everyone worked for the greater good. Unfortunately, humanity will never find itself there. A certain degree of humanity is either evil or inclined to behave as such. When they do so, there needs to be consequences to bad actions. They need to be certain, swift, and fair.

There are a lot of factors impact crime and public safety in the US today. Part of that is the remnants of the psychological impact of the pandemic, the lack of accountability for poor (read illegal) behavior, and a failing of political “leaders” to put people and society of their own lust for power and (more so) cash.

Being a “leader” in the US anymore isn’t about doing what’s right. Neither is running a major corporation. Mind you, we’ve always had corruption and profiteering as part of society. A certain percentage of all people are really crappy. But any more it seems like it’s taken to the highest levels.

Being a leader is doing what’s right no matter the cost to your bottom line or our personal position. We haven’t had that for a LONG time. Corporations are interested in only the bottom line and not on being part of the society they rely on to exist.

So in the end, the fish rots from the head. Everyone wants to know what’s “in it for me” because it’s all they see around them and FOMO leads most of them down that path. It’s like Gordon Gekko became a Ferengi and came to earth to run the whole thing.

I’m ranting. I’m sorry. It’s just disheartening to see everything become a tribal war of get mine and screw everyone else. Especially when I spent my whole life trying to make things better for others scraping by on crappy pay working bad hours just to see everyone tear at the world like a couple of stray dogs fighting over table scraps.


macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
Yes, it's a reality but that doesn't mean causation.

Maybe, maybe not. I think more data is needed.

If one watches Fox News, there is definite causation but if one watches MSNBC or CNN, there isn't. :)

What I'm seeing is that large cities have problems

Largely so, although that can depend on how one defines a "large" city. 12 of the top 30 cities (over 200,000 population) with highest violent crime rates have populations below 400,000.


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
Again, “you guys?”

I think you may have reading comprehension issues. The people you are attempting to accuse of something no longer care about that accusation. I see it every day in my practice.

There has been a seismic shift in the mentality of the people you appear to disdain. There is tension, and what I’m trying to tell you is that your accusations will neither defuse nor suppress that tension anymore.

You can attempt to maintain your assumed moral high ground and signal to your political peer group for GBPs but unless you’re willing to stop dehumanizing your opponents and actually engage with their arguments, things are gonna get ugly for everyone.
There's a point in a mental break when fantasy becomes reality and facts don't matter. "You guys" are there. Fixate on your opinion "news" shows, feed on misinformation and conspiracy and continue blaming the "other side" for everything instead of working together to find solutions.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
Well how come no one wonders about the age or the gender of the shooters? It's interesting that some people always go straight to race...

What relevance does the race of the shooter really have? Are there criminal laws that target specific races? There shouldn't be, anymore...

I think people typically wonder about all three (age, gender and race) but race can be the most sensitive or controversial to talk about and ends up generating the most attention/noise.
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