Apple already posted the video stream for their iPhone 4S introduction today.
Article Link: Apple Posts "Let's Talk iPhone" Media Event Video
This is the end of apple's era.
This is the end of apple's era.
Should be interesting to see the reactions. Much applause for the 4s??
The interwebs are doing a giant, collective yawn over the announcement.
Do you really care if Apple's hand-picked small audience smacks their hands together during the keynote?
The interwebs are doing a giant, collective yawn over the announcement.
Should be interesting to see the reactions. Much applause for the 4s??
they were already snapping up the iPhone 3GS as the second-best selling smartphone (after the iPhone 4).
This is the end of apple's era.
Nothing against Cook. But he is like Steve Job's nerdy brother. Not the most charismatic dude.
Miss ya Steve.
I'm not yawning over the iPhone 4S - there's a lot of important internal changes, and Siri is amazing - but Tim Cook's presentation skills seriously need upgrading.
"Let's Talk iPhone, and Bring Lots of Coffee" would be a better name for the event....
Apple already posted the video stream for their iPhone 4S introduction today.
Article Link: Apple Posts "Let's Talk iPhone" Media Event Video