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macrumors 6502
May 12, 2009
The crowd's reaction to the lack of AT&T support for MMS, and then again for tethering is priceless. Although, the crowd was a bit more audible in the live stream (you could hear booing), now it just sounds like quieter mixed laughter in this official recording.


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2008
Do they show Phil bending over for AT&T?

No, but he took a pretty good jab at ATT for uploading videos via mms.

"If your carrier supports it."

The audience got a good kick out of it. Forstall also got the audience laughing when all of the carriers from 70+ countries support MMS, except ATT wasn't on the screen. ATT cannot be happy. They are going to get some bad PR from this.


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2008
Try this.

Go to System Preferences > Quicktime > Advanced > MIME Settings...

Select "Custom..." in the transport menu. Switch the transport protocol from UDP to HTTP. (No idea why Apple buried this options so far down where nobody can find it.)

And as a network admin, I'll assume you won't need an explanation as to why that works. :D

HOLLY CRP... That worked for me too. I wouldn't mind you (or someone else) explaining switching to HTTP made it work.


macrumors 6502
Oct 27, 2007
anyone else think it was utterly bizarre that the mbp's have a sd card slot? he glossed over it and i was like "who, thats weird".

perhaps there is more to this...years ago it was the rage, now its nothing and they do it.....something afoot?



macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
HOLLY CRP... That worked for me too. I wouldn't mind you (or someone else) explaining switching to HTTP made it work.

There are a lot of possible reasons, but the most typical is that you're behind some restrictive firewall settings that are blocking UDP traffic on port 554. Switching Quicktime's transport protocol over to HTTP puts you on port 80 which is the same port you receive Web pages over and that's not usually blocked.


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
anyone else think it was utterly bizarre that the mbp's have a sd card slot? he glossed over it and i was like "who, thats weird".

perhaps there is more to this...years ago it was the rage, now its nothing and they do it.....something afoot?


Nope, I think it's about damned time. They're the most common format of media card used today and the ability to just plug the card in from your still or video camera and not have to worry about draining the camera's battery, using a precious, precious USB port or losing the cable from your camera is awesome.

They're fantastic upgrades.


macrumors 603
Oct 8, 2003
Canberra OZ
My guess is that we are still an upgrade or two away from MBPs having a SIM slot. Maybe they can do something tricky with the SD slot to talk to built in phone hardware next rev. Also, I still want to see the trackpad as an ipodtouch screen.


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2008
anyone else think it was utterly bizarre that the mbp's have a sd card slot? he glossed over it and i was like "who, thats weird".

perhaps there is more to this...years ago it was the rage, now its nothing and they do it.....something afoot?


SD cards have become the norm for consumer and professional cameras. Just like firewire 400 lost out to usb2 (in consumer areas), Apple will follow the direction of their consumers, while also steering the industry in new technologies (wireless-n). They must feel that more consumers would use an SD slot than, say an express slot (1% of users used it was what Phil said in the keynote).


macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2006
Was anyone else disappointed by the speech itself? I mean a lot of it was about Snow leopard and Iphone os3 which have already been covered before. Anyone else notice the speakers had some of the same speech mannerisms as Steve? Guess they have the same coaches.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2009
Seriously, there were some really good upgrades + price cuts. I give this keynote A. It shows Apple flexibility that we haven't seen... SD card slot, MacBook (Pro) firewire, and pricing... Great news all around. Mini-tower before September maybe? (probably not)
Snow Leopard's pricing is irresistible, smaller footprint is genius.
While I love reading rumors, it is great to be surprised, I guess Steve Jobs was the one leaking information before previous keynotes. :)

Agreed. I am a 1st Gen. iPhone user. Just bought my new 32G iPhone 3G S. All I really wanted from my phone was Copy/Paste/Video and more importantly... speed. (1st Gen is slooooowww... compared to the 2nd gen iPod Touch)

I own 2 macbooks and a 3 iMacs (black 2.0, 1 work, 1 home... ) I will be purchasing a 15" macbook pro for me, and a 13" for my son. Great updates. SL is looking to be a must have update.

On the bad side:

I HATE defending AT&T when they screw me on MMS!! (Tethering is very nice, but I won't use it that much).

I hate to say this, because I don't mind AT&T's service (they've really improved in my area), but this is BS!! <sigh> it's already been said enough today.. :)


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2008
There are a lot of possible reasons, but the most typical is that you're behind some restrictive firewall settings that are blocking UDP traffic on port 554. Switching Quicktime's transport protocol over to HTTP puts you on port 80 which is the same port you receive Web pages over and that's not usually blocked.

Well... I think that was it; I just changed settings you mentioned on the firewall and UDP is working as well. I gotta say, I learn something new everyday. Thanks.


macrumors 68030
Aug 6, 2003
AT&T is holding Apple back. Apple has boosted AT&T's business and AT&T shows their gratitude by screwing their customers. I had T-mobile before iPhone. When the iPhone came out, I switched carriers. I love my iPhone but AT&T absolutely sucks. They have more dropped calls than any other carrier, less bars in more areas than any other carrier. They say that they will not support tethering - but just for the iPhone. They add additional fees for iPhones and I'll bet they cap data limits just to squeeze more money out of iPhone users.

Wake up Apple. Stop exclusivity with the world's worst network - AT&T. More carrier choices will allow more sales and a better product not constrained by AT&T. he exclusivity may have been beneficial when the iPhone first was introduced, but those days are over.

I upgraded to the 3G last year. Now AT&T wants an additional $100 for me to upgrade to 3GS. I may as well wait another 6 months. There is very little 3GS will do for me that my 3G can't do now.

The 3GS looks like a very nice upgrade. AT&T is the kill joy.
I honestly see every other carrier doing the same thing if they were in AT&T's position. That doesn't mean I find it excusable. I understand the phone is subsidized but they really need to explain why the range for day one iPhone 3G owners being able to buy the 3GS at subsidized cost ranges from at launch to March. I mean, seriously guys. Hopefully the tethering cost is not the high end price that is being quoted everywhere either.

Still, we're stuck with AT&T until 4G which is a few years out. Apple isn't going to make a CDMA phone when that standard is dead.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
SD cards have become the norm for consumer and professional cameras. Just like firewire 400 lost out to usb2 (in consumer areas), Apple will follow the direction of their consumers, while also steering the industry in new technologies (wireless-n). They must feel that more consumers would use an SD slot than, say an express slot (1% of users used it was what Phil said in the keynote).

wireless n is a new technology? for whom?

i cant believe the didn't simply add the sd slot.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2008
I feel sorry for the iPhone VP. Practically got booed off the stage every time he mentioned AT&T (or DIDN'T mention it!)

You could tell he was nervous. It's okay man, you'll get better.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2008
SD cards have become the norm for consumer and professional cameras. Just like firewire 400 lost out to usb2 (in consumer areas), Apple will follow the direction of their consumers, while also steering the industry in new technologies (wireless-n). They must feel that more consumers would use an SD slot than, say an express slot (1% of users used it was what Phil said in the keynote).

Actually he stumbled across what he said. I interpreted it to mean single digit (<10%), not single percent.

Funny, I use the express slot all the time. For a SD card reader!


macrumors 68000
Nov 20, 2007
Pleasantly surprised by the announcements today, esp the MBPs.:D

Good job Apple.;)

Bad luck US folk, suffering at the hands of your carrier there. Still, you guys have been spoilt for so long anyway in usually getting first dibs on pretty much everything; welcome to our world.

Demosthenes X

macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2008
This is the worst keynote of all time. iPhone 3GS upgrade for 400/500 dollars on top of the monthly plan that charges as though its subsidized? AT&T never ceases to amaze me.

The iPhone 3G was subsidized. If you're signing a brand new contract, you get the iPhone 3GS for the same subsidized price. But why on earth would you expect to be allowed to sign a two year contract, pay a subsidized price, and then pay a subsidized price again a year later? Didn't you read your contract before you signed it? :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2008
wireless n is a new technology? for whom?

i cant believe the didn't simply add the sd slot.

Apple adopted the draft wireless-n standard before most companies, as well as with their router. They even built it into Macbooks without anyone really knowing, and enabling it when it was ready.
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