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macrumors member
Feb 1, 2009
How to download the HD qt streaming?
I have already download podcast but I want to have on my hdd the Keynote in HD.
In this thread one guy (Imperiax) was able to post an mp4 link for MWSF08 Keynote, but IDK how to build another link like that for WWDC09 Keynote.

Someone? Thanks.


macrumors member
Feb 1, 2009
oh Im trying to export via QT in.mp4. I'll let you know if it works.

EDIT: no, it didn't works. It toke a bit but result is white video with no audio..

I don't know what to do..

Billy Boo Bob

macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2005
Dark Side Of The Moon
Try Subscribe the the whole Podcast first in iTune Store (It hasn't shown up there yet), then you should find it in the Podcast tab, or it should be automatic downloading

Yeah. I was already subscribed, but kept looking in the "page" in the store, getting frustrated that it wasn't listed... Then I went and looked in my podcasts tab and there it was, already downloaded.


macrumors 68000
Apr 13, 2008
I found it amusing that the one fellow (dont know his name) was bashing Windows because no end-user should ever have to see a defrag window yet its perfectly acceptable for an end-user to have to repair permissions.
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