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Apr 12, 2001

Apple, not known for its partnerships with third-parties, is recognizing December 1st as World AIDS Day on its website and within the Apple Retail Stores.

Apple currently sells two items associated with Bono's PRODUCT (RED) charity, a red iPod Nano and a red Smart Cover, both sold exclusively on the Apple Online Store and in the Apple Retail Store. Apple gives a portion of the purchase price of these specially branded items to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.

IFOAppleStore reports that today in the retail stores:
a select group of Specialists will be wearing and promoting the (RED) iPod nano, with a portion of the $129/$149 price going to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. Also, managers and store greeters who normally carry iPads for work will have (RED) Smart Covers protecting the devices. On the product shelves, signs will promote the Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD Headphones that are also part of the (RED) product line. There is also a special (RED) iTunes gift card available in the stores.
Some stores, including the Regent Street location in London, have also colored their Apple logos red for the occasion:


In addition to its retail store efforts, Apple has put a prominent link on the bottom left of its homepage to (RED)'s

Thanks to Sam for the Regent Street photo.

Article Link: Apple Recognizes World AIDS Day Online and In-Store
Something that would never have happened under the Jobs era. I'm glad that Tim is adding his own touch to Apple.
Something that would never have happened under the Jobs era. I'm glad that Tim is adding his own touch to Apple.

Agreed... even the iPad and iPhone ads on TV seem to be a bit different lately... More personal, less clinical....imho
While they've done (Red) stuff for the past few years, its nice to have them bring this kind of stuff out to the forefront.
Something that would never have happened under the Jobs era. I'm glad that Tim is adding his own touch to Apple.

Well, it's not really surprising that Tim Cook is doing this.

EDIT: Before you make assumptions like everyone else, read my reply.
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A nice touch.

I'm kind of curious, how much of the money spent on (RED) products actually goes to the organization?
Well, it's not really surprising that Tim Cook is doing this.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and pretend you meant that Tim Cook is a bit more generous and giving in nature, after extending holiday benefits to Apple employees, that charity-fund matching effort, etc... but I'm reaching here.
Something that would never have happened under the Jobs era. I'm glad that Tim is adding his own touch to Apple.

Agreed. Philanthropy has been a much higher priority for Apple since he took over, and that is a HUGE boost to their corporate image. It's just the right thing to do. They carefully pick what to do, so they're not diluting their brand or associating with shady partners like Salvation Army, etc. Go Tim!


Typical american comment ... 'Why are they not giving ME money?'

Actually, it's because my brother is dying of AIDS right here, in America.
Agreed. Philanthropy has been a much higher priority for Apple since he took over, and that is a HUGE boost to their corporate image. It's just the right thing to do. They carefully pick what to do, so they're not diluting their brand or associating with shady partners like Salvation Army, etc. Go Tim!


Actually, it's because my brother is dying of AIDS right here, in America.

Well then you'll realise what a great job doctors in developed do and how unfortunate it is for people in under-developed countries who don't have access to better health care.
When did the RED program start? Pretty sure it was years ago when Steve was still here
Yeah I'm not sure what koruki is on, but it had a brd effckt in hrm...

RED was started in 2006 I think and I'm pretty sure Steve had Apple on board with it from the get go.
Actually, it's because my brother is dying of AIDS right here, in America.
I actually lost a family member to AIDS, so I can relate to your desire to have funding directed right here. But in America, it's far, far, FAR more likely that individuals have access to basic AIDS treatment (antiretrovirals for HIV-positive patients, sterile environments and safe practices for deliveries involving infected mothers, etc.). Our own medical community is working WONDERS with regards to AIDS, and I'd argue that it's the advances we're making because of extraordinary funding over here that have allowed us to develop treatments that are keeping the vast majority of HIV-positive people alive and allowing most of them to live normal lives...something that wasn't normal when we lost my uncle to it in the early 90's. In many poor parts of Africa, antiretrovirals are simply unavailable. Sterile delivery rooms are unavailable.
Well, it's not really surprising that Tim Cook is doing this.

Thank you, (presumed) bigotted jerk for informing me that Tim Cook is the most prominent gay CEO today... I didn't know he was gay. It's interesting (nothing more) to know.

Initially I up-voted your comment b/c I took it at face value, as a positive remark. But it seems pretty clear, from the reaction of others, which prompted me to search google to see if Cook is either gay or has AIDS, that you were being a jerk.

If you weren't being a jerk, we all owe you an apology.

EDIT: Please read lordskelic's response before you up-vote or down-vote this. I totally just down-voted my own post, haha. When you make an Assumption, you make an Ass out of U and Umption.... ;)

EDIT2: In the first edit, I should have said, please read lordskelic's response TO MY POST... as opposed to his initial response to the story. didn't mean to be vague. he's since apologized repeatedly for poorly choosing his words, and it would seem many on this forum misinterpreted his comment in the most negative possible light.
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I think the employee or even customer matching program to your charity of choice is a better idea actually. Making a big show of corporate charity like this can backfire. By all accounts this is a worthy charity that does good things, I'm not sure its wise to make it so prominent in a place of business.
Don't all you carnivores hate on me, but I'd be all about that (RED) iPad 2 cover if it were polyurethane, not leather. Just sayin'.
Best way to fight AIDS is to wear one of these. Not perfect and there are other ways to get AIDS as well, but will reduce the rate of contractions which multiply.

This is a good way to stop transmission between sexually active individuals, but we're talking about the poorest nations where the rate of infant infection is HUGE--children infected from birth because they don't have the funding to safely deliver a baby. In absence of proper treatment, HIV transmission rate from mother to baby is something like 25%. THAT'S what this is about. We're also talking about MILLIONS of infected people who condoms won't help--people that are suffering in agony that most of us can't imagine. Condoms won't do much for them.

I'm not trying to minimize the importance of safe sex; I'm simply suggesting that it's not really what this whole program is focusing on. The "AIDS-free generation" for 2015 goal is about something totally different--and that's focusing on the newborns.
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