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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA


  • visionOS automatically checks if display adjustment is required the first time you put on Apple Vision Pro. Press and hold the Digital Crown until you see a green check mark. If you’re unable to complete adjustment, contact your WWDR representative. You can readjust your displays in Settings > Eyes & Hands > Adjust Display Alignment. (109802097)
  • To Force Quit an app, hold both the Digital Crown and top button for 2 seconds. Select the desired app from the list which appears, then select the Force Quit button. (111057029)
  • To quickly re-enroll eye or hand tracking, press the top button 4 times. (111057263)

Known Issues

  • The virtual keyboard might be unusable when attempting to unlock a device following restore from iCloud Backup or Software Update. (109851688)
    Workaround: Use a 4 or 6-digit numeric passcode.


New Features


Known Issues

  • The VoiceOver cursor might not display when expected. (106775145)
  • It isn’t possible to skip Interpupillary distance (IPD) adjustment during setup while using VoiceOver. (108008719)
  • Dynamic Text might displace and break layouts at large sizes. (109052641)
  • Sound Actions and Sound Recognition might not function. (109233749)
  • VoiceOver might not invoke or allow interacting with elements in Control Center. (109479644)
    Workaround: Use direct touch interaction to interact with Control Center.
  • Hearing Aid volume might be too low. (109911780)

Apple Pay

Known Issues

  • Apple Pay payments don’t complete if cards are added during restore from iCloud backup. (104921490)
    Workaround: Remove and re-add affected cards in Wallet & Apple Pay settings.
  • You might be unable to continue past the Apple Pay setup screen during Setup Assistant. (108868427)
    Workaround: Restart Apple Vision Pro.


Known Issues

  • When the usage description for world sensing NSWorldSensingUsageDescriptionand hand tracking NSHandsTrackingUsageDescription is missing in the app plist, no data is surfaced and no error appears. (109215187)
    Workaround: Specify the following in your plist: NSWorldSensingUsageDescription for world sensing and NSHandsTrackingUsageDescription for hand tracking.
  • Loading existing ARKit anchors might take longer than expected after first putting on the device. (109370432)
    Workaround: Disable the device passcode.
  • ARKit anchors and device pose might not automatically update to the Space’s coordinate system, causing content to appear at the wrong location. (109734515)
    Workaround: Press and hold the Digital Crown.

Asset Catalogs

Known Issues

  • The asset catalog editor doesn’t have an option to provide high contrast versions of Reality-idiom images and colors. (109360733)


Known Issues

  • Due to an incorrect visual effect on the bottom bar of the login view, some text and buttons might be illegible. (109737808)


Known Issues

  • Environment might be present while using Capture. (106426026)
    Workaround: Exit Environment before using Capture by turning the Digital Crown counterclockwise.
  • The dimming capability might not function while viewing media in Capture. (109783101)
  • Expanded view isn’t currently available when viewing spatial videos. (109984097)


Known Issues

  • The Look to Dictate overlay doesn’t appear over search bars in third-party apps. You can still speak to search even though the overlay isn’t visible. (108800840)
  • When using Look To Dictate in Simulator, the dwell button animation completes but doesn’t successfully invoke Look To Dictate. (109168370)
    Workaround: Move the cursor at least 1 pixel following the completion of the dwell button animation.
  • When using Simulator, no dictation button is shown on the virtual keyboard. (109471503)
  • When you invoke Dictation and Look to Dictate for the first time, it might take some time for the dictation asset download to complete. This also affects Simulator each time the host Mac is restarted. (110026867)

Eye and Hands Setup

Known Issues

  • Removing Apple Vision Pro from your head before completing eyes and hands setup prevents you from being able to continue setup after putting the device back on your head. (108493280)
    Workaround: Force quit Settings or restart Apple Vision Pro.

Eyes and Hands Setup

Known Issues

  • Having multiple ACCs in the field of view at the time of prescription lens enrollment might lead to incorrect calibration. (110139295)
    Workaround: Ensure only one prescription ACC is visible during prescription lens enrollment. If the enrolled prescription doesn’t match, delete the enrollment and re-enroll.


Known Issues

  • Environments might erroneously invoke when joining a FaceTime call. (109798544)
    Workaround: Use the Digital Crown to exit the Environment, or retry the FaceTime call.
  • Persona isn’t available in visionOS beta. (109848538)

iOS and iPadOS Compatibility

Known Issues

  • Game controllers might not function after interacting outside the game window. (101399998)
    Workaround: Tapping the app should allow the controller to continue functioning.
  • The rotation button might appear or disappear unexpectedly in an app. (103041565)
    Workaround: Ensure proper values are defined for UISupportedInterfaceOrientations in Info.plist.
  • RoomPlan, CarKey, DockKit, SafetyKit, and AutomatedDeviceEnrollment frameworks aren’t included and can cause an app linking against them to quit unexpectedly. (110422697)
    Workaround: Temporarily remove linkage to these frameworks and comment out code which calls their APIs.


Known Issues

  • When using the virtual keyboard for emoji search, URL entry, or other usage where the return key displays a label other than “return”, the key might not render, although it remains functional. (108168932)
    Workaround: Use direct touch in the location where the key should appear.
  • Immediately after restoring from iCloud backup, the virtual keyboard might not appear upon entering a text field. (109738103)
    Workaround: Restart Apple Vision Pro.


Known Issues

  • Swift apps linking CoreLocationUI and using LocationButton might quit unexpectedly. (109181676)
    Workaround: Add visionOS to your project as a platform.

Mac Virtual Display

Known Issues

  • Mac Virtual Display requires a Mac running macOS Sonoma beta 2. (111056854)


Known Issues

  • When a LinearGradient stroke is used with a MapPolyline in SwiftUI, the specified gradient color might be ignored. (106152300)
  • When using Map, Xcode emits a runtime warning that “Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed.” (106174743)
  • At certain zoom levels, the title of a selected MKMarkerAnnotationView can overlap other marker titles. (109491779)


Known Issues

  • Some material shader nodes return a vector, which should always be normalized, with a length of one. However, a length that is not one might be unexpectedly returned. The affected nodes are: View Direction (RealityKit), Surface View Direction (RealityKit), Tangent, Transform Normal. (109213630)
    Workaround: Pass the output of the affected node to a Normalize node, before passing it to any other nodes.
  • Under some circumstances, the View Direction (RealityKit) and Surface View Direction (RealityKit) nodes return an incorrect direction. (109214481)
  • Position material shader node world space output is incorrect. (110040016)
    Workaround: Use the Position node in model space, and send its output to a Transform Point node, which allows you to properly transform that position into world space.


Known Issues

  • Messages might quit unexpectedly if a voice message is closed during recording. (108237487)
  • Messages might quit unexpectedly after sending an effect. (109681600)


Known Issues

  • Turning off Autoplay might cause Music to quit unexpectedly. (104996449)
  • Music content in your Library which was added from external sources might not play. (108533542)
  • The volume slider animation might be erratic when adjusting volume. (108844267)
  • Play and shuffle buttons might become unresponsive when playing songs from a playlist. (109282061)
  • Music purchase flows aren’t functional. This might result in a loading progress spinner in the Listen Now window. (109409882)

Optic ID

Known Issues

  • Optic ID is limited to two Rx enrollments and one non-Rx enrollment. (106454427)


Known Issues

  • Some keyboard shortcuts in Photos don’t function, and shortcut guidance overlays aren’t available. (106832804)
  • Spatial photos and videos are square and don’t adapt to the aspect ratio of the media. (107770753)
  • When using drag and drop to import a spatial photo or video into Notes from Photos, it’s transcoded into a 2D derivative. (108581403)
    Workaround: Copy and paste from Photos to Notes to maintain the spacial photo or video.
  • Memories generation isn’t available. (109371117)
    Workaround: Memories generated and played on other devices will synchronize to visionOS Photos.
  • Photo Picker .compact layout isn’t available. (109910778)

Reality Composer Pro

Known Issues

  • Some Reality Composer-authored behaviors don’t function as expected. (107328717)
  • Audio playback in Reality Composer Pro might stop after switching audio devices, for example from speakers to headphones. (109911988)
    Workaround: This issue is resolved in macOS Ventura 13.4. When using previous versions of macOS, save the project and quit Reality Composer Pro, then reload the project after switching audio devices.
  • Reality Composer Pro might quit unexpectedly after switching audio devices from a Studio Display to another device, such as AirPods or built-in speakers. (109912081)
    Workaround: Save the project and quit Reality Composer Pro, switch the audio output device, then reload the project.


Known Issues

  • HoverEffectComponent will only apply a hover effect to the RealityKit Entity object to which it is directly added. (105618166)
    Workaround: Put HoverEffectComponent, ModelComponent, CollisionComponent, and InputTargetComponent all on the same Entity.
  • Reality files with entity trigger actions might collide with dynamic rigid bodies if the trigger flag on the collision component isn’t set. Entity trigger actions are created by Reality Composer for collision components to trigger animations and other effects when two 3D volumes intersect each other. Dynamic rigid bodies previously didn’t interact with colliders if there wasn’t a rigid body component present on the entity with the collider. This behavior changed so that rigid bodies could interact with all colliders that aren’t explicitly flagged as a trigger. (108760431)
    Workaround: Set the trigger flag on any collision component where a dynamic rigid body interaction is undesired with entity.collision.mode = .trigger.
  • The new Entity.playAnimation() function now exposes a user-defined handoff type. The default behavior differs slightly from the default behavior of the existing Entity.playAnimation() functions. In the previous version of Entity.playAnimation(), where handoff type wasn’t exposed, the default handoff type was set to .snapshotAndReplace(applyToAllLayers: true) unless the blendLayerOffset was not 0, in which case the handoff type was set to .compose. The default handoff type for the new Entity.playAnimation() function is .snapshotAndReplace(applyToAllLayers: true). (108908429)
    Workaround: Specify the exact handoff type to use for animation playback.
  • For physics simulations in shared applications, PhysicsSimulationComponent.nearestSimulationEntity will return nil by default rather than the root physics entity. (109239347)
    Workaround: A root physics entity can be explicitly declared by adding a PhysicsSimulationComponent to a root entity.
  • Calling System.registerSystem() on a type conforming to the System protocol will cause it to update infinitely, rather than only when the system has work to do. (109682743)
  • Errors and warnings emitted by realitytool don’t appear as top-level entries in the build log. (109692127)
    Workaround: Review the detailed output for the command.
  • Scene.convexCast and incorrectly returns positions in physics space rather than scene space when referenceEntity is nil. CollisionEvent.Began.position and CollisionEvent.Updated.position are also in physics space rather than scene space. (109734592)
    Workaround: For Scene.convexCast and, pass in a referenceEntity to explicitly specify the coordinate space.


Known Issues

  • In Settings > Eyes & Hands, when switching between Zeiss Optical Inserts, a Verify Lenses screen appears. The close button in the top-left corner of the Verify Lenses screen isn’t functional. (109379738)
  • Settings might quit unexpectedly when opening the News or Freeform settings. (110813777)

Setup Assistant

Known Issues

  • Selecting incorrect Zeiss Optical Inserts might cause eye enrollment to fail. (106069159)
    Workaround: Restart Apple Vision Pro.
  • After removing the device and placing it back on your head, windows might appear in unexpected locations. (108206322)
    Workaround: Recenter the window by pressing the Digital Crown, or restart Apple Vision Pro.
  • The Shut Down option in Setup Assistant isn’t functional. (108619197)
    Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect the battery.
  • Text might overlap and appear clipped after enabling large text in Accessibility options. (108763778)
  • The back button in the Data and Privacy pane might not function as expected. (109364114)


Known Issues

  • It isn’t possible to view both eyes in Simulator. (100422901)
  • It isn’t possible to perform a direct touch when using Simulator. (106957500)
  • Portable Mac computers don’t enter Sleep mode while Simulator is running. (107511201)
  • In ARKit, .worldTransformOfTopLevelEntity(forSceneID:) returns undefined data. (108963142)
  • Launching an app using Xcode’s Build & Run fails if Simulator isn’t already running. (109514561)
    Workaround: After Xcode is installed, launch Simulator before you initiate Build & Run by navigating to Xcode menu > Open Developer Tool > Simulator. Alternatively, Build & Run a second time.
  • Simulator doesn’t support all features of Spatial Audio. You can use Simulator to test a subset of audio features; however, final testing should be performed on device. (109912117)
  • Simulator might restart unexpectedly when invoking Siri on Mac computers with an Intel chip. (110794697)
  • iOS apps using the #Preview macro might quit unexpectedly when targeting Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad). (110801867)
    Workaround: Comment out #Preview and use the legacy PreviewProvider API.
  • Unsupported Language & Region options appear in Settings > General. This functionality isn’t supported in Simulator. (110812274)
  • The lighting of some 3D models might appear too dark when rendered in Simulator running on a Mac computer with Intel chip. (111068998)
    Workaround: Review your content in Reality Composer Pro or use QuickLook instead.


Known Issues

  • When speaking “Hey Siri, FaceTime him”, ‘him’ is mistaken for ‘Kim’. (108555952)
  • When gazing and saying “Hey Siri, FaceTime him”, or “Hey Siri, FaceTime her” the wrong conversation is presented. (110172520)


Known Issues

  • Calling display on a message might not display the message. (106523068)


Known Issues

  • SwiftData isn’t available in visionOS beta. (110546453)


Known Issues

  • Secondary foreground styles might render incorrectly inside Buttons. (105108416)
  • Apps designed for iPad might use the wrong accent color for images after selecting items in a sidebar. (105790997)
  • Sliders initialized with a step parameter might exhibit a misaligned thumb. (107659511)
    Workaround: Initialize the Slider without a step parameter.
  • Content depth doesn’t propagate when using a UIViewRepresentable or UIViewControllerRepresentable. (108052196)
  • glassBackgroundDisplayMode.implicit should handle z offset case. (108344855)
    Workaround: Use .always when your view has a z offset.
  • Converting coordinates between WindowGroup and ImmersiveSpace might produce incorrect results. (108674058)
  • Inspector isn’t available. (108908316)
  • The upper limb visibility API might fail under certain circumstances. (108912873)
  • Using the preferredSurroundingsEffect:)) API doesn’t result in a change to the surroundings (video passthrough) effect. (109472410)
  • Content depth is rounded down which can cause placement issues on the z-axis for some thin views. (109822255)
  • The searchable modifier, when used in a list component, might cause scrolling and padding issues. (110124946)

SwiftUI and UIKit

Known Issues

  • Plain style buttons don’t have hover effects. (101029905)
    Workaround: Add a hover effect to your plain-style buttons.
  • Full-screen presentations from Ornaments show in the Ornament, rather than in the window to which the Ornament is attached. (101080752)
  • Wheel-style pickers might exhibit an incorrect hover effect. (103281179)
  • Some coordinate space conversions aren’t accurate between Ornaments and the window to which they are attached. (104293729)
  • Drag previews might not appear when performing a drag-and-drop operation. (105029557)
    Workaround: Restart Simulator or the device.
  • Ornaments don’t animate their disappearance. (105086210)
  • You might notice an extra UIWindowScene is connected to your application when using ImmersiveScene. (107361984)
  • Some buttons might not play sound. (108579439)
  • In some cases, resizing a popover or an Ornament containing a tooltip might result in a crash. (108918373)
  • When using the .onDrop or .droppable modifiers, the callback for dropEntered and dropExited might not function as expected. (109062202)
  • State restoration might restore an incorrect scene of an app. (109120808)
    Workaround: Ensure that a secondary scene isn’t the last one to be closed.
  • It’s possible to present an invalid presentation from a popover which should assert. (109386548)

SwiftUI Scenes

Known Issues

  • SwiftUI won’t match to the Preferred Default Scene Session Role as documented in the Immersive Space documentation. Instead, it checks only the first declared Scene in the app body. (101961210)
    Workaround: Ensure the first declared Scene matches the value declared in the Application Scene Manifest.

Travel Mode

Known Issues

  • Travel Mode is optimized for a stationary experience. If you activate Travel Mode in Control Center and start walking, you might experience unexpected behavior. (109419383)


Known Issues

  • You might receive a “Something went wrong” error when using third-party streaming apps. (109584031)

UI Frameworks

Known Issues

  • In previous releases, date picker background hover effect was a square but is now circular, as expected. When accessibility settings are enabled, it’s displayed as a rounded rectangle. (97425729)
  • The Cut, Copy, and Paste menu items in third-party applications might not function as expected. (110426316)


New Features

  • The default value of UISearchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation is true in visionOS. Specify a results controller, or set this property to false and use your existing view controller for search results. (104143018)

Known Issues

  • Subclasses of UISlider don’t get calls to beginTracking or endTracking. (103964958)
    Workaround: Consult UISlider.isTracking instead.
  • iPad and iPhone apps running on visionOS don’t receive the correct Extended Dynamic Range headroom from UIScreen. (104078545)
    Workaround: Use the value 2 as the display’s headroom.
  • UISlider APIs which take a UIImage (minimum track, maximum track, minimum value, maximum value, and thumb) might not function under certain circumstances. (107386054)
  • UISlider might emit a UIControlEventTouchCancel immediately following a UIControlEventTouchDown. (108268934)
  • The new UIHoverStyle API doesn’t currently add any visible hover effects when set on a UIView. (108409077)
  • UIWindowSceneSessionRoleExternalDisplayNonInteractive is marked as unavailable. (108533882)


  • UISplitViewController.presentsWithGesture and related display modes are deprecated. (104141508)


Known Issues

  • Presentations don’t respect ViewController.preferredBackgroundContainerStyle. (106122535)

USDZ Textures


  • In accordance with the USDZ specification, only PNG and JPEG textures are supported. (106470055)

View Debugger

Known Issues

  • The View Debugger isn’t supported for visionOS projects. (97223098)


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Reactions: QuarterSwede

Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
Installed it 👍
Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 5.19.22 PM.png


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
I really hope that given the release of the software it can be determined if there will be multi-user support. I highly doubt it, but the idea that even a couple will both buy a headset, let along a whole family of users....that would have to get REALLY cheap to make that a reality. If people can share it with different profiles, I see the adoption maybe happening faster. But with Apple's assumed stance with the iPad that they want people to buy their own, I won't hold my breath that they will allow it with this device.
I don’t think it will support multiple users, but instead a focused “Guest” access mode.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Now that we've had a few weeks to breathe after the announcement, I will say there is one thing I'm excited about: What designers and developers will build for this in the coming years.

As a UI/UX designer and web developer, I feel like interfaces for mobile have really matured and there aren't as many innovations taking place in this space. This puts AR/VR based operating systems squarely in a unique position to become the fertile ground from which all kinds of new UI/UX conventions and exploration will spring forth.

Furthermore, Apple is excellent at developing Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for their products, as well as building great tools to make consistent UIs from day one. Most people don't realize that this is a significant reason why iOS became so popular. The unified design language makes everything more approachable and easier to understand across third party applications. Sure, there are outliers, but sometimes those outliers get pulled into the fold.

For instance, pull to refresh. And that innovation only happened because of third party apps, specifically Tweetie for iPhone developed by Loren Britcher, which companies like Twitter and now Reddit are killing off. Ironically, Tweetie eventually became the Twitter first party app after Twitter bought them out and then ruined it over the years.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
I don’t think it will support multiple users, but instead a focused “Guest” access mode.
This continues to be a very annoying apple hang up. iPad isn’t a real work machine until multi user support and the same will be true of this device.
  • Disagree
Reactions: diandi


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
This continues to be a very annoying apple hang up. iPad isn’t a real work machine until multi user support and the same will be true of this device.
They’ve always been clear in what they consider *personal* devices to be.

I can’t fathom a reason why the exclusion of another profile makes an iPad of all things a “real” work machine?
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Reactions: diandi and Jensend


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
They’ve always been clear in what they consider *personal* devices to be.

I can’t fathom a reason why the exclusion of another profile makes an iPad of all things a “real” work machine?
Well...because my laptop can have multiple users and I think that is a feature of a work computer. They want the iPad to be but I think that, among other things, is a requirement. Apple wants people to take the iPad more serious by porting serious apps, but it will still be mostly a consumption device if it is limited to one person. I am assuming your last sentence was missing another negative.


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
Well...because my laptop can have multiple users and I think that is a feature of a work computer. They want the iPad to be but I think that, among other things, is a requirement. Apple wants people to take the iPad more serious by porting serious apps, but it will still be mostly a consumption device if it is limited to one person. I am assuming your last sentence was missing another negative.
Where in your workflow do you have to switch entire user accounts? Is your business centered around shared devices?

iPads in a corporate environment where devices are shared tend to use single app Kiosk mode.

I could see the argument supporting profiles makes an iPad a more compelling *family* device. Apple is a hardware company when it comes to brass tax so I get why they try to offer older devices at discount for the kids.

Never once however have I seen the claim made that user profiles on a device like a laptop is work feature though. Do you mind elaborating on it a bit? Maybe in a fixed computer lab scenario but that tends to be an education based institution. Are there super lean smaller companies these days doing the laptop equivalent of “hot desking”? Come in and take one of the machines and log in? Seems like an IT management nightmare 😅
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