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Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway


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macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
bensiebro said:
It depends if you are using mac or windows .. windows users get it in a bundle, mac users get it separately.
That's what SeaFox asked - if he installed with Windows would he also get QT?


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2005
plinden said:
No disappointment here. Works fine.
But then I'm using Windows so it seems to just wor ... oops, wrong forum.

Grrrr .. I just don't get it .. no network / firewall changes made .. it just stopped working on ALL machines. Anyone else having this issue?


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Southern California
A couple quick replies... Though I will say that all of this is simply my opinion and I don't expect everyone to agree. Just stating my case like everyone else here, and I'll try to stop hijacking the thread with this small (but relevant) issue. ;)

MarkCollette said:
I totally understand your concerns. But, I'd like to point out that you've now spent more time typing about this issue then you will ever spend, in your entire lifetime, actually experiencing the gaps. Perspective.

Ha! :D While true, it really has nothing to do with the time spent, to me. If I can finally find a solution that fully satisfies my desires for music listening, then every moment spent will be worth it. Especially if you consider that a proper solution, when released, would eliminate those gaps for millions of people. :)

chabig said:
And you are an expert in digital signal processing and software design?

I certainly wouldn't go that far. But I do design and write software for a living, and as a hobby outside of work. I've also dabbled in implementations to fix this very problem with some degree of success. I feel fairly well qualified to judge that this is not a difficult problem to fix.

Of course, this all depends on how iTunes is designed. If its playback engine is not designed with realtime responsiveness in mind, then this could very well be a huge job for Apple. I can only hope that's not the case. It is my personal opinion that a well designed playback engine should have no problem playing successive tracks without gaps.

MacRy said:
Remember that iTunes is free dude and if you go actively seeking another product from another company then that is your choice but it's not really going to harm Apple sales in any way.

Ahh, but it does affect Apple's sales in a very direct way. iTunes is the vehicle for seamless integration with my portable music player - in Apple's case, the very non-free iPod. Really, my concerns over gapless playback have much more to do with iPod than iTunes because that's where I spent the vast majority of my listening time when I had a working iPod. But the problem exists in iTunes too, so it's wholly relevant here.

I'm looking for a provider to sell me a complete solution that meets my desires. If part of that package is free, fine. It's just a means to sell the non-free part, as Apple uses iTunes to sell iPods. If it's a complete purchased package, fine too. As long as it does what I want at a price I'm willing to pay. I just no longer feel like buying yet another iPod to replace my stolen one until/if this is addressed. I hate being without one, but I also hate implicitly telling them that gaps are ok by buying more of the same.

That is all! :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2003
Daytona Beach
They seem to be killing off brushed metal I wonder if this means anything for the next gen of powerbooks? (I know its a stretch)


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2004
AoWolf said:
They seem to be killing off brushed metal I wonder if this means anything for the next gen of powerbooks? (I know its a stretch)

grey plastic! like dells, with different colored keyboards & trackpads!



macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
bensiebro said:
Grrrr .. I just don't get it .. no network / firewall changes made .. it just stopped working on ALL machines. Anyone else having this issue?
Dumb question, I'm sure you've double-checked ... are you sure sharing is enabled on the host machine?


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2005
plinden said:
Dumb question, I'm sure you've double-checked ... are you sure sharing is enabled on the host machine?
Yes I actually just went around and enabled it on all of them .. not just the one that I usually do .. none of them can see each other .. interestingly, there is one iTunes 4.9 computer left .. it can see and access all of them.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2004
South coast of England
This is very good news. iTunes 5 has just replaced the entire contents of my iPod and now, at long last, the album art displays correctly on every track. Previously, it was often missing - a common problem by all accounts


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2003
Asheville, NC
shambolic said:
Since upgrading, all my podcasts are now showing up in my smart playlists, whereas they previously used to be confined to their own little corner of iTunes where they (IMHO) belong.

Ooooh. I was already thrilled to finally have folders back -- but this removes my biggest objection to iTunes podcasts. I'll have to seriously weigh iTunes versus iPodderX once I get home, if iTunes will now put my podcasts in the smart playlists where they belong. *g* Of course, my _second_ biggest objection remains ... timing downloads so they don't interfere with my other bandwidth usage. Have the scheduling options improved any? With iPodderX, I have it set not to autocheck, so if my connection starts to drag, I can just close the app and stop the download. But if my computer is on, then iTunes is open and playing, so that won't work! I don't suppose it will resume interrupted downloads yet?


macrumors newbie
May 13, 2004
Good Update. (iTunes for LINUX? WHEN???)

It looks and feels more professional. (Safari, and all the other iApps should be like this). Very clean, no noise.

Folders are great. And I'm still exploring. Oh, the "new" search is also very good.

By the way... iTunes for LINUX? WHEN???



macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
Can anyone else not search for iMixes in 5.0?

That's kinda frustrating.

Edit: Never mind. I'm just used to searching from the search bar, now you actually have to click on the iMixes forom the home page and then search.


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2005
It's a bit of a mess without the grey bars to break up the window. There was perhaps too much clutter before, but removing the bars altogether just makes it a mess of text separated by scrollbars and an overabundance of column titles. There's very little visual contrast apart from the blue background in the source pane, and that's too subtle.

What's with the two coloured info pane? It just looks odd.

The search bar is also far too indistinct when it appears.

It does have some nice bits though... showing how many tracks you are dragging into a playlist with a number in a red circle, for instance.

AAC has a Variable Bit Rate option now - unless I missed that in 4.9.

Folders for playlists is good though and long overdue... surely that could've been added in a 4.x release?


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2005
plinden said:
Dumb question, I'm sure you've double-checked ... are you sure sharing is enabled on the host machine?
Do me a favor and try this, just for giggles (I figured it out and it appears to be a bug):

Disable the "Radio" Link from iTunes Preferences .. Do your shares go away?

Re-enabling "Radio" fixed this bug for me.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2002
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Podcasts are now SHAREABLE

Now that Podcasts appear in the regular library, they are sharable. You couldn't share them with other iTunes on the network before. I consider that a big plus!

Also, whenever they update iTunes, they update the visualizer a bit. Usually they add a few more visuals. This time I see they added an overscan option that movies the info text a bit farther away from the edge of the screen. Type the letter O to toggle it.


macrumors member
Sep 7, 2005
Two things

1. Where is this album review feature mentioned on the apple site. The iTMS has had album reviews for a while now, are these any different?

2. I was excited about the new lyrics field until I saw that it can't be used to create a smart playlist. If I'm wrong them someone correct me but I don't think it can be done.


macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
bensiebro said:
Do me a favor and try this, just for giggles (I figured it out and it appears to be a bug):

Disable the "Radio" Link from iTunes Preferences .. Do your shares go away?

Re-enabling "Radio" fixed this bug for me.
Sharing still works with Radio disabled. Perhaps you have some weird combination of preferences that interfere with each other.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2004
Lepton said:
Now that Podcasts appear in the regular library, they are sharable. You couldn't share them with other iTunes on the network before. I consider that a big plus!

Can't agree that's a plus - they're freely downloadable and completely free of charge. The occasions when this sharing will be truly useful are pretty non-existent.

IMHO etc.

<still peeved by having his music and podcasts mixed together> :mad:
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