Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/9B179)
I don't know why there are so many Lion haters, I have not had any issues. Is it about the software or not wanting to spend the $$$$?
1) Mission Control sucks at content management.
- You can only see one Space at a time
- Windows overlap and Spacebar hide-n-seek is stupid
- Can't drag Windows around very easily
2) iCal looks like ass
- removed mini-calendar
- pop-up Calendar's obscure content
- very difficult to change the time of events if they overlap
3) Address book sucks
- can only see two columns of information at a time
- looks like ass. Why does my digital address book, which could look like anything and should only be limited by the designer's imagination, be crippled just so that is looks like my grandfather's address book?
Lion added a lot of new nice new features, but the crippled Content Management scheme that is Mission Control makes Lion too much work to bother using unless I have to. I might as well be running Windows for how much Mission Control frustrates me.
I hate using Mission Control, I hate using iCal, and I hate using Address Book. The four Apple programs I use on a daily basis: Expose/Spaces, Mail, iCal, and Address book. Of those four programs, only Mail has improved my workflow in Lion, all the rest are harder to use.
Until ReSpaceApp comes out and has Expose capabilities, I'm sticking with Snow Leopard. I can just move my calendars and address book to google if necessary. Heck, at least google is steady, Apple has changed and broken their Syncing service three times now.