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Apr 12, 2001

Apple's latest patent application reveals that they're continuing to look into personal virtual reality headsets. The February 2008 application is titled "Automatically adjusting media display in a personal display system" and details a "personal display system" which can give "the impression of being in the theater."


Apple suggests that by detecting the user's movements, the image could be adjusted accordingly:For example, the device may detect a user's head movement and cause the portion of media displayed to reflect the head movement.Apple even makes the point that they could take the realism so far as adding theatre surroundings, adjusting sound effects based on the user's "seat" and even adding outlines of other patrons sitting in the theatre.

It's not unusual for Apple's patent applications explore novel concepts but Apple has published previous patents related to similar headsets.

Article Link: Apple Researching Virtual Reality Headsets
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And they can add force-feedback chairs to simulate the kid behind you kicking your seat. And maybe random cell phone noises? ;)

Still, this sort of thing is pretty cool. I remember seeing a video on YouTube where some guy attached a Wii controller to a headset so it could track his head movement, and on the TV, simulated a display looking out a window. It was very convincing.
Whenever I hear about VR Headsets, I always think about Virtual Boy and how it was a failure. What they really need is holographic projection. If CNN can do it, then how come I can't have it? J/K :D
This technology has SOOOOOO much potential -- it kind of puzzles me that they would be focusing on imitating the feel of being in a movie theater, though. I guess that's neat, but there are so many other applications, games, etc. that one can see coming from this kind of motion-adjusting technology...
Obviously for Apple internal use, so employees can see Steve's RDF. :cool:
The theater concept doesn't do much for me, but I've waited FOREVER for VR HMDs to become commonplace, even if only for gaming. It's an awesome technology that needs to come down in price! (I don't even need new controls--I can play by mouse or gamepad--just let me SEE the game world all around me please!)
Interesting, and unusual. I don't expect much to come of this for a long time - Apple knows that people feel silly wearing stuff like this.

A good seed of research for the future, though.
people felt silly wearing Bluetooth headsets at first too

They still should. Well, at least the ones who have it on 24/7, when they're not even talking.

And I'm sure anybody using stereo bluetooth headphones with an iPhone feels pretty silly, too.

you're all wrong

Due to how crowded it's been getting in recent years, Apple has decided they need to move away from what other companies do with media events like WWDC. Yes, WWDC 2010 will be streamed live to helmets just like this. Steve Jobs (& Co.,) will be giving the presentation to a simulated audience. Imagine... front row seats... live... in the comfort of your own house. No need for MacRumors:Live (no offense arn,) or anything like that.

Maybe Steve Jobs will even wear one of the helmets to simulate an audience (lol.) Wait... actually... that sounds cool too!
its like that one episode of sliders!

Sounds good to me... especially on a long flight, so i don't have to pay attention to my surroundings. Not something i'd want to use at home though... unless it was for video game use.

Will it support 3D through LCD shutters in front of each eye? Or maybe via polarized lenses?
Mr. Dollar Bill, meet Mr. Toilet Bowl.

Apple even makes the point that they could take the realism so far as adding theatre surroundings, adjusting sound effects based on the user's "seat"....

Right, because when I'm wearing my VR glasses, sometimes I just feel awkward. I'm so used to sitting in the crappy seats, that maybe I'd rather know what this looks/sounds like from the back row of Family Circle.

Maybe they can have the headset throw popcorn into your hair and crinkle a candy wrapper, too.

Or maybe they'll add video of live performances to the iTMS, charging $1.99 for nose-bleed seat and $29.99 for sweet-front-row seat.

Sorry, folks, but this gets a huge :rolleyes:

They should be spending their time+$$$ putting FW400 into the MacBook.
Interesting, and unusual. I don't expect much to come of this for a long time - Apple knows that people feel silly wearing stuff like this.
I don't agree. People wear 3D glasses at the movies all the time now and it's just part of the experience you live with. Who is going to give a flying "consensual-physical-act-between-2-or-more" if someone is wearing some sort of headset if they're enjoying themselves in the privacy of your own home. Obviously it would be stupid to wear these on the subway or while driving but for far different reasons! Safety being the obvious #1 choice.
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