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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

In wake of rumors that Apple would be releasing a Mac OS X 10.4.11 update, Apple has already seeded developers with 10.4.11 (8S2138/8S138).

A list of bug fixes has been publicly circulating, and include: AFP Server, CUPS and IPP, dyld and prebinding, CoreTextFont, ImageIO, dyld and threaded programs, SearchKit, enabling/disabling Bluetooth, CoreAudio and Safari, CoreAudio and decoding iTunes Plus files, File Manager and POSIX volumes, Daylight Savings and New Zealand time zones, Networking and Cisco VPN, Networking and UDP packets,HFS and non-existent blocks, Directory Services, AFP X Client and Kerberos, SearchKit and Zip disks, and Service Manager.

Apple last updated Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) on June 20th, 2007.

Article Link


macrumors 65816
Oct 31, 2006
A list of bug fixes has been publicly circulating, and include: AFP Server, CUPS and IPP, dyld and prebinding ...

Article Link

Yeah, I sure hope they mean to fix the nasty dyld/prebinding bug - that one has eaten up various of people's files leaving unstartable apps. (This occurs when updating OSX - If you are say, using at the time when it does "Optimizing Performance" you are in bad luck - will no longer start next time.)

This bug has impacted me recently during the 10.4.9 update.


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2007
Loose ends being tied up, ready for Snarf

With all of these recent updates, seems Apple is starting to tie up all the loose ends. Although the testers here have reported 10.5 is still buggy, progress is obviously being made. So hopefully no more delays, and I can by that new MacPro in October.


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
While bug fixes are always great, for me the BEST part of having 10.4.10 or 10.4.11 releases is it will put to an end, once and for all, the dumbest thread/postings in the Apple Kingdom.

There was nothing worse, and it happened ever time the OS version number got to .8 or .9 to see people debate endlessly if .10 was possible.

Is it a decimal? Wouldn't that be the same as .1?

It was painful.

Thank you Apple for the bug fixes and ended this thread all in one swoop.


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
While bug fixes are always great, for me the BEST part of having 10.4.10 or 10.4.11 releases is it will put to an end, once and for all, the dumbest thread/postings in the Apple Kingdom.

There was nothing worse, and it happened ever time the OS version number got to .8 or .9 to see people debate endlessly if .10 was possible.

Is it a decimal? Wouldn't that be the same as .1?

It was painful.

Thank you Apple for the bug fixes and ended this thread all in one swoop.

Seems to me that you're sustaining it.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
I like the fact that Apple are prepared to fix the current operating system knowing they are soon to release a new one. Unlike MS whose attitude differs somewhat on how to get a fix for a software problem, they force you to buy the new version!


macrumors 68040
Oct 25, 2004
While bug fixes are always great, for me the BEST part of having 10.4.10 or 10.4.11 releases is it will put to an end, once and for all, the dumbest thread/postings in the Apple Kingdom.

There was nothing worse, and it happened ever time the OS version number got to .8 or .9 to see people debate endlessly if .10 was possible.

Is it a decimal? Wouldn't that be the same as .1?

It was painful.

Thank you Apple for the bug fixes and ended this thread all in one swoop.
Are you, like, a professor or something?

I'm just curious.

The reason I ask is...

because that's ancient history! :rolleyes:;):D:)

Ha ha ha ha, I'm a card! :D


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
I'd like to know as well.

1. Tell your MacBook/? not to dim the screen after being idle for a while (not switch off the backlight, just dim it).
2. Reboot.
3. Repeat step 1, saying "Didn't I just @#$%ing tell it not to do that?"
4. Repeat step 2, and then 1 again.
5. Skip to step 6.
6. If you drink the Kool-Aid, turn to page 23. If you politely refuse, turn to page 12.

(At least, if this is the bug I'm thinking of)


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
What is the bug :confused:

It's the bug where when you set the screen to not automatically dim to save power, but when you restart the computer it switches back to dimming.
The bug I want fixed is when you change your junk mail to automatically delete the junk when mail is quit it only works once, the next time you start mail it is back to do nothing.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
1. Tell your MacBook/? not to dim the screen after being idle for a while (not switch off the backlight, just dim it).
2. Reboot.
3. Repeat step 1, saying "Didn't I just @#$%ing tell it not to do that?"
4. Repeat step 2, and then 1 again.
5. Skip to step 6.
6. If you drink the Kool-Aid, turn to page 23. If you politely refuse, turn to page 12.

(At least, if this is the bug I'm thinking of)
1. I like auto dimming
2. No laptop :p


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
1. I like auto dimming

I hate it. I spend most of my day staring at the screen in confusion and dismay, and it distracts me for it to dim. I start thinking the world as a whole suddenly got brighter, and then I start looking under the desk and in the closets for tiny hippies that might've invaded and started trying to change things. Damn hippies and their "free love." Got me nowhere.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
I hate it. I spend most of my day staring at the screen in confusion and dismay, and it distracts me for it to dim. I start thinking the world as a whole suddenly got brighter, and then I start looking under the desk and in the closets for tiny hippies that might've invaded and started trying to change things. Damn hippies and their "free love." Got me nowhere.
I'm sure you don't touch your input devices then.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2006
Are you saying system Lockups in open GL, slower then X1600 performance, and stupid amounts of heat are par? ;P

It feels like I am on an ATI card in Ubunutu ;P

I didnt really know about the issues. Honest question it was, i dont own an SR MBP.

If this is the case then hopefully Apple addresses this in the update


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
I'm sure you don't touch your input devices then.

Not constantly. I mean, I read and deliberate more than I do anything else. I use a small font scaling so I can fit more words on the screen and move less often. Moving is a pain in the ass. So I read a page or so of an article or draft, think about it, and then the screen goes dim. I tap the trackpad, think about it, and then the screen goes dim. I write a few paragraphs, think about it, and then the screen goes dim. And so forth. It's irritating because it's a distraction, and I already have a cat that likes to climb on my head while I'm trying to write.

k2k koos

macrumors 6502a

It's great to see Apple still fully supporting Tiger, and still fixing it, eventhough Leopard is around the corner.

Tiger has been and is a great OS, I just hope that Leopard will be as stable as Tiger in it's current incarnation, otherwise we are going to get all the same threads again, as we had when transitioning from Panther to Tiger (Tiger sucks, not stable, wish I had not upgraded, Apple sucks etc etc). So here is a pre warning to all those who judge before they think.

When Leopard is released, there are bound to be a few bugs, and other issues you'd like to have fixed. These will be fixed over time, and Tiger is living proof of how well Apple does it. So if it is not up to your expectations, you have two choices:

A: Embrace it and enjoy it, despite bugs etc, knowing you have the planets most advanced OS on your machine
B: Wait a few revisions, and then upgrade. Just don't come to these forums moaning and grunting.

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