The number one reason that Apple gives away its OSes for free is so that they then can jamb it down our throats whether we want it or not.
That's the only reason.
The worst part about this is that there's no convenient way to stop these dam updates from automatically downloading on to the phone when on wifi. Sure we can try to remember to disconnect wifi every single time we're plugged in and locked, but inevitably we forget some times.. and then blammo- its download.
Then come the constant nag screens to install it that pop up randomly throughout the day. Sure, we can choose "later", but I've almost hit "install now" mistakenly a few times. Holy crap!
Sure we can delete the update to buy us a little time before it auto-downloads again... But inevitably it always ends up back on the phone no matter how diligent we are at disconnecting wifi when plugged in.
Sure we could reconfigure the router to ignore Apple servers.... But who wants to muck around with that?
This auto-download of iOS updates, with no easy way to stop it, along with incessant pop up nag screens to install it ...really degrades the iOS experience.
Sure security fixes are good. But pushed iOS updates that slow down the phone so much that it becomes unbearable to use.....SUCK