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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple will launch a revamped streaming music service in June at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference, according to 9to5Mac and TechCrunch. The report claims the new Beats-based service will debut at Apple's WWDC keynote, likely during the week of June 8, as opposed to an announcement taking place at the upcoming "Spring Forward" media event on March 9.
"Apple currently plans to launch the new music service as part of an iOS 8.4 upgrade for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch following WWDC, but a final decision has not yet been made. It's possible that the service will be bundled into iOS 9 this fall, which is expected to have a significant focus on bug fixes and stability improvements."
As detailed last month, the purported streaming music service is expected to cost up to $7.99 per month, a few dollars cheaper than Apple-owned Beats Music and competitors such as Spotify, Rdio and Google Play Music. The service will be deeply integrated into iTunes on Mac and the stock Music app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, and apps will also be available for Apple TV and Android.

Apple is developing its first in-house Android application for the upcoming streaming music service, one of the rarer times that the iPhone maker offers cross-platform support for its products and services. Nevertheless, as the release of iTunes for Windows in the early 2000s helped drive sales of the iPod, expanding beyond the iPhone, iPad and Mac will provide Apple with a much larger pool of potential subscribers in the competitive streaming music market.

Apple is also reportedly wrapping up development of its next-generation Apple TV set-top box that could ship with an improved, tactile remote control and all-new operating system bundled with an App Store. Apple allegedly planned to release a new Apple TV as soon as this month, but the release may be delayed until later this year or beyond until Apple reaches agreements with more content providers like HBO Now.

Article Link: Apple to Unveil Revamped Streaming Music Service at WWDC


macrumors 68020
Apr 22, 2014
so that means no iOS 9? If they want to launch it along side iOS 8.4, why bother with 8.4 if 9 is on its way at that point.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2003
For $7.99/month I would seriously give it a thought.
$4.99/month would be a slam dunk though.


macrumors member
Feb 29, 2012

I'm holding back on the excitement until it happens in the UK - unlike iTunes Radio.


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2008
Will Google get (or ask for) 30% of the monthly subscription fee?

If they do, Apple could set it up so that people can subscribe to the service through iTunes on their computers and then just access it with an Android app. Same way Amazon gets around it for Kindle app.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
so that means no iOS 9? If they want to launch it along side iOS 8.4, why bother with 8.4 if 9 is on its way at that point.

What? o_O

They never unveil the newest iOS until June. Should they just stop working on iOS 8 at some random point?


macrumors member
May 10, 2013
So I guess after the iPad Pro, Retina Mac Book Air and the revamped Beats-streaming service already being pushed to some time later this year the apple watch will be next ... srsly, everything you rumored during the last 2(?) days is suddenly postponed. Whats wrong with your sources? :eek:


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2011
Apple is also reportedly wrapping up development of its next-generation Apple TV set-top box that could ship with an improved, tactile remote control and all-new operating system bundled with an App Store.

Please let it be so!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2013
So will the music app be completely revamped and improved or will it just be a tacked on feature a la iTunes radio?

The music app in iOS 7/8 is god awful.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2011
so that means no iOS 9? If they want to launch it along side iOS 8.4, why bother with 8.4 if 9 is on its way at that point.

Shipping the music service with 8.4 means that devices who will be excluded from iOS 9 support will still be able to generate revenue on the new service.


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
so that means no iOS 9? If they want to launch it along side iOS 8.4, why bother with 8.4 if 9 is on its way at that point.

8.4 will probably launch in June after WWDC, letting people access the streaming music service straight away, rather than waiting for September when iOS 9 will be released :)


macrumors 6502
May 18, 2012
From 9 to 5 Mac and TechCrunch.

I'd feel more confident if it were more Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal. That being said, I didn't check the sources for 9/5 and Tech if any were listed.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2009
Fort Pierce
I'm holding back on the excitement until it happens in the UK - unlike iTunes Radio.

iTunes Radio sucks..... No need to wait for it :D

They have no clue what music I like..... I give a list of artists for a station and get horrible music selections returned. Also the way to like & not like music is not very user friendly. Pandora works way better for me.


Mar 26, 2008
hopefully with a different Ui. idk why but the whole dark and black on pink looks very un-apple and makes no sense with the rest of their color scheme. looks very android <4.0


macrumors 604
Jan 7, 2014
In between a rock and a hard place
If they do, Apple could set it up so that people can subscribe to the service through iTunes on their computers and then just access it with an Android app. Same way Amazon gets around it for Kindle app.

Yes they could but why would a consumer want to do that? :confused: It's not intuitive and introduces steps where none are needed. Apple is known for making things easier not harder. How would you market "Hey if you want this app you're going to need to put down your device, go to your computer and subscribe, then you can use your app." That's the antithesis of easy.

I think the cross platform availability is smart of Apple. I'm pretty sure they realize music services need subscribers and depending on their own user base alone would not lead to a sustainable product.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
It'd be great if they combined streaming with iTunes match (including ad free iTunes radio) for one low price.


macrumors 65816
Jun 28, 2012
Maybe Neil Young will play this event, and Apple can announce that it will rebrand Pono as the next-gen iPod.
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