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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

On Monday, Intel dropped prices on existing desktop Quad-Core processors and introduced three new power-efficient Quad-Core desktop processors:
Intel also introduced three power-efficient quad-core chips with the "s" moniker. The Core 2 Quad Q9550s processor includes 12MB of L2 cache, runs at 2.83GHz and draws 65 watts of power. The chips are priced at $369. The chip is power-efficient version of the Core 2 Quad Q9550 chip, which draws 95 watts of power.

Intel also introduced the Core 2 Quad Q9400s processor, which runs at 2.66GHz, and the Core 2 Quad Q8200s, which runs at 2.33GHz. This chips are priced at $320 and $245 respectively.
According to a report from November, Apple was said to be specifically waiting for these Quad-Core processors to launch new machines.

While the overdue iMac still seems the most likely target, such a move would break Apple's tradition of using mobile processors in their iMac line. Despite their "power efficient" designation, the new processors still use significantly more power then their mobile counterparts currently found in the iMac.

While there has been some speculation that Apple may have reworked the cooling module in the new iMac, there have been no evidence that this is actually true.

Article Link: Apple to Use Newly Released Quad-Core Deskop Processors?


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
Well the current iMac's do run quiet but hot. So if they can ramp up the cooling system as big enough to these puppies in that would be one fine machine.


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2006
Birmingham, UK
Weren'we supposed ot have a 3.0 Mhz machine by like june of 2004?

That came in the late 1980's / early 1990's.

I know you mean GHz. At the moment the aim is to reduce power consumption and heat through design, if they carried on ramping up the clock speed with te old Pentium 4, within 5 years time the processor would be as hot as the surface of the sun.


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
this might not be really on topic, but i just need to ask, because i am expecting to buy a new machine...

i would like to video edit with the iMac. is the last iMac good enough for Final Cut Pro?

maybe you guys could give a short answer to this. thanks.


macrumors 601
Jan 10, 2005
Increased power requirements make iMacs with these Q cores hard to believe ... But if new cooling system won't make iMacs louder, I would seriously consider a new iMac.


macrumors 68040
Jun 20, 2007
this might not be really on topic, but i just need to ask, because i am expecting to buy a new machine...

i would like to video edit with the iMac. is the last iMac good enough for Final Cut Pro?

maybe you guys could give a short answer to this. thanks.

More than good enough to run Final Cut Pro. If you plan to do heavy transcoding, you are going to want either a Mac Pro, or wait and see if Apple puts a Quad-Core processor in the next release.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
I'd file this under plausible with the rumour of upgraded cooling in the new iMacs.

that's the thing. the "upgraded cooling" system rumor was plucked out of thin air. It shouldn't even be considered a rumor. someone misread the original report.

The original report (from digitimes) never said there was a new cooling system. Just that some company was making the iMac's cooling system. which may have simply been the existing one.



macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2007
why the iMac? this is definetly a processor for the MacPro, isn't it?
is there another excuse not to launch a new MP?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
why the iMac? this is definetly a processor for the MacPro, isn't it?
is there another excuse not to launch a new MP?

well, the Mac Pros traditionally use server class processors, not desktop-class. It's possible I suppose, but I'm not sure if these processors are much better than what's currently shipping in the Mac Pros.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2006
Las Vegas
I still think this is unlikely. It would be a lot of heat in that small chassis. Apple is far more likely to use the Q9000 - a 45W QC CPU.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2008
The back of beyond.
that's the thing. the "upgraded cooling" system rumor was plucked out of thin air. It shouldn't even be considered a rumor. someone misread the original report.

The original report (from digitimes) never said there was a new cooling system. Just that some company was making the iMac's cooling system. which may have simply been the existing one.


I'd file this under plausible with the rumour of upgraded cooling in the new iMacs.

Ah, I didn't realize that. Probably less plausible then.


macrumors newbie
Jan 16, 2009
First, the rumored cooling system would need to be valid. Then if that's valid, this rumor could plausibly come to fruition.

It just seems like speculation built on top of speculation to me.

Why is this necessary anyway? Intel already makes Quad core mobile processors, so isn't it much more likely that some version of that processor will be the one eventually finding itself into the mainstream Apple lineup?

Michael CM1

macrumors 603
Feb 4, 2008
Weren'we supposed ot have a 3.0 Mhz machine by like june of 2004?

That 3 GHz number is just a number. It means nothing but clock speed.

A quad-core 2.3 Ghz CPU will run much faster than a 2.3 Ghz dual-core. It won't be twice as fast, especially without the right OS, but you're gaining a lot of speed without having to jack up the clock speed.


macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2007
well, the Mac Pros traditionally use server class processors, not desktop-class. It's possible I suppose, but I'm not sure if these processors are much better than what's currently shipping in the Mac Pros.

ok, sorry for my ignorance :)

even so, the heat problem led me to think of this as a possible candidate for the MP. Is this possible?


macrumors member
Jan 1, 2009
It would be cool if

Apple used these processor for a "Mac midi". Where I work, we've started to exchange Windows PCs for macs, but most users don't want the glossy screens, besides, we have lots of good, large screens that we could reuse if Apple only had a sensible screen-less model. The current mac mini is an underspecified joke of a computer, and the Mac Pro is total overkill for the intended office use.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2004
but most users don't want the glossy screens
I hate them in the worst way, especially in an office environment. Apple really needs to do something with the Mac mini or come out with an affordable tower…otherwise they are dead to me. To be honest, Windows 7 is looking pretty sweet anyways. have tons of hardware options going that route.


macrumors 65816
Nov 24, 2008
Georgia, USA
why the iMac? this is definetly a processor for the MacPro, isn't it?
is there another excuse not to launch a new MP?

I think this new quad-core processor will only be in the next update of the Mac Pro. Apple needs to stick with the Core 2 Duo for the iMac.
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