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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 9, 2016
I have a 3rd generation Apple TV running in our guest bedroom. While updating to iOS and tvOS 14 I figured I’d check if the old Apple TV had an update.

To my surprise update 7.6 was available. I just recently updated to 7.5 in April.

Have any of you been able to find any details about this update? I searched around and couldn’t find anything. The last update listed on is 7.5 which brought control center controls.


macrumors 65816
Jul 10, 2007
Well spotted! Downloading just now but seems like it would just be a bug fix. I know there was a jailbreak for 7.4 that was released, probably just trying to stay one step ahead.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 3, 2004
UK, Europe
Updated mine yesterday.

I love that this old technology remains functional - all the apps essentially still work fine.

It’s also interesting comparing Apple’s older interface designs to current.

The whole thing does feel clunky compared to tvOS, but I also kinda get a Star Wars ‘used galaxy’ vibe from it now.


macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2010
Williamstown, NJ
Updated mine and it’s been nothing but frustrating. If I pause a video on YouTube, it completely hangs the device. Can’t even launch the appletv app anymore either. And to think the Apple TV has been nothing but rock solid all these years, this update really screwed my unit up.

I thought You tube no longer worked on the 3rd gen?


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2019
Salisbury, North Carolina
Updated mine and it’s been nothing but frustrating. If I pause a video on YouTube, it completely hangs the device. Can’t even launch the appletv app anymore either. And to think the Apple TV has been nothing but rock solid all these years, this update really screwed my unit up.
Ditto. Most annoying. And still can't see any way to get to AppleTV+. I've not updated other devices to iOS14...will wait for a dot release or several.


Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
Okay, I’m new to this forum. I have two Apple TV second generations, and one third generation. On my third generation I invoked the latest update for what I think is iOS14, if that is what it is called. The Apple T.V. Rebooted and I really didn’t see any apparent changes in the appearance. What I did see is that it broke Brit. TV app. It kept on crashing. Is also made me sign into my Apple account for movies and t.v. shows.

Then a day later I see a new interface, bigger icons, and now I can’t find an Apple TV+ icon, and I can’t find what used to be called “Watch Next” that was an amalgamation of multiple subscriptions/networks. What the heck Apple. Every Apple TV update makes me re-sign in to apps/networks that I’m subscribed to. Then, in this update the interface seems to drastically changed.

Am I nuts here? I find it incredibly frustrating that there seems to be little information or continuity regarding these updates. I’m no weenie, I run Big Sur Beta, and ran ios14 beta on my Macs and iPad. I am willing to replace all of my Apple TV’s with the next new generation. But I hope the future transitions go better and are far less confusing.
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macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2019
Salisbury, North Carolina
Okay, I’m new to this forum. I have two Apple TV second generations, and one third generation. On my third generation I invoked the latest update for what I think is iOS14, if that is what it is called. The Apple T.V. Rebooted and I really didn’t see any apparent changes in the appearance. What I did see is that it broke Brit. TV app. It kept on crashing. Is also made me sign into my Apple account for movies and t.v. shows.

Then a day later I see a new interface, bigger icons, and now I can’t find an Apple TV+ icon, and I can’t find what used to be called “Watch Next” that was an amalgamation of multiple subscriptions/networks. What the heck Apple. Every Apple TV update makes me re-sign in to apps/networks that I’m subscribed to. Then, in this update the interface seems to drastically changed.

Am I nuts here? I find it incredibly frustrating that there seems to be little information or continuity regarding these updates. I’m no weenie, I run Big Sur Beta, and ran ios14 beta on my Macs and iPad. I am willing to replace all of my Apple TV’s with the next new generation. But I hope the future transitions go better and are far less confusing.
i’m with you completely for my 3rd Gen. I also have the added bonus that it locks up if I pause a YouTube video, requiring unplugging the AppleTV to restart. Most annoying update in years and little benefit to show for the pain.
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Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
Thank you! I thought I was going nuts. So frustrating! I still don’t understand why the update didn’t seem to take for another day? Also my generation 2 Apple TV’s didn’t fare much better as I had to log back into my Apple account. I’m ready to kick the two generation 2’s and the generation 3 to the curb. But, I don’t want to invest in more Apple TV devices until the next generation. I’ve rarely, if ever, had such an awful experience with any Apple hardware and I’ve been on board since the //+. Hell, Apple, just quit supporting Apple TV 2-3 and call it a day.

Okay, one last rant. Even when things are working the hodgepodge of multiple networks, and services make it hard to simply find shows that you are following If you can’t seem to remember what networks they are on. Yes, you can use the microphone to ask the Apple T.V. To find the particular series. But, even then I feel like I’m been pushed in the search to buy a series, that maybe I already have access to via a subscription to say Netflix or Amazon Prime. There has got to be a better way to globally organize the offerings with existing subscriptions we own in mind.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2018
I was going to start another thread but I found this one related to my problems. I updated a few days ago my A1427 Apple TV 3rd gen to OS 7.6 (8130) and noticed YouTube app crashed whenever i tried to resume. But that’s not the worst part...

Last night, when I was about to watch something on Amazon Prime Video, I noticed Apple TV was offline and it just not only not detected my own SSID, but it didn’t detect any (my neighbor’s would show up).

I restarted several times and eventually reseted it to no avail. Apparently my WiFi is dead. Connecting through ethernet is still possible though.

Was it a coincidence? Anyone with the same problem? Is it time to upgrade? Any advice? ?
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macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2018
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