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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2013
Hello, like a lot of you I'm looking forward to my Apple watch delivery (fingers crossed on Friday). As a big rollercoaster fan I was wondering if any of you know how the Apple Watch will manage these sorts of extremes. Will the activity monitor go a bit mad?


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
Hello, like a lot of you I'm looking forward to my Apple watch delivery (fingers crossed on Friday). As a big rollercoaster fan I was wondering if any of you know how the Apple Watch will manage these sorts of extremes. Will the activity monitor go a bit mad?

There is nothing about a roller coaster, motion wise, that will resemble any type of gait. At worst you'll probably be a dozen or two footsteps off.
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macrumors member
Jul 25, 2012
Hello, like a lot of you I'm looking forward to my Apple watch delivery (fingers crossed on Friday). As a big rollercoaster fan I was wondering if any of you know how the Apple Watch will manage these sorts of extremes. Will the activity monitor go a bit mad?

No. It's not any different from riding in a car or airplane.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2013
Interesting. Thank you. I was referring to the accelerometer with regard to the extreme accelerations etc but I guess the comparison to a car makes sense.
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macrumors regular
Apr 14, 2015
As a coaster enthusiast, one of the first things I did was check the magnetic strength of the Milanese Loop. Not that I'd ever wear a band that fancy to a theme park, but I just wanted to know. Was happy to see the magnet was incredibly strong and even vigorous arm waving didn't make it move a millimeter.

That being said, I'm definitely going to be wearing something with a clasp when I head down to the Twisted Colossus opening next month ;)
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macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2010
I don't ride coasters, so can someone else please report back on how the heart rate varies on a coaster?

I know it depends on the individual, but it would be interesting to see. I know mine must have skyrocketed when I was talked into getting on the Jurassic Park ride at Universal a couple of weeks ago. 84 foot drop!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2011
Elizabethtown, PA
I don't ride coasters, so can someone else please report back on how the heart rate varies on a coaster?

I know it depends on the individual, but it would be interesting to see. I know mine must have skyrocketed when I was talked into getting on the Jurassic Park ride at Universal a couple of weeks ago. 84 foot drop!

bahahaha! An 84 foot drop is child's play! I've been on many a coaster, including the current tallest in the world, Kingda Ka in New Jersey which has a 456 foot drop!


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2010
I've been on many a coaster, including the current tallest in the world, Kingda Ka in New Jersey which has a 456 foot drop!

Oh HELL no. There would be no heart rate to track if I were ever crazy enough to get on that thing.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2013
I look forward to the heart rate reading when I head to Orlando later this year. If I remember I'll post back in this thread.


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
As a coaster enthusiast, one of the first things I did was check the magnetic strength of the Milanese Loop. Not that I'd ever wear a band that fancy to a theme park, but I just wanted to know. Was happy to see the magnet was incredibly strong and even vigorous arm waving didn't make it move a millimeter.

That being said, I'm definitely going to be wearing something with a clasp when I head down to the Twisted Colossus opening next month ;)

I tried on the Milanese loop today as well (it's the one I ordered). The magnet is indeed very strong; I will order a sport band as well a little later.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
What about the Apple Watch and a blender? From time to time I like to reach in when a strawberry gets stuck or something and I want to know that it can take it.


macrumors regular
Apr 14, 2015
bahahaha! An 84 foot drop is child's play! I've been on many a coaster, including the current tallest in the world, Kingda Ka in New Jersey which has a 456 foot drop!

I'm being super picky when I point this out, but the height of the tower is 456. The drop is more like 418.

You should try Top Thrill. It's a few feet shorter and doesn't have the bunny hop, but I'd trade both those things for a lap bar instead of an OTSR in a heartbeat.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 4, 2007
Interesting. Thank you. I was referring to the accelerometer with regard to the extreme accelerations etc but I guess the comparison to a car makes sense.

Most roller-coasters vastly exceed the acceleration and jerk you would experience in a car or even an airplane. I would think the accelerometer would go a little nuts, but no idea how that might be interpreted in terms of exercise.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I think the accelerometer in the watch should work pretty much the same as the one in the iPhone. So we don't have to wait for the watch to test this. Just keep an iPhone in your pocket when you go on a roller coaster, and see what readings you get.


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2015
Hello, like a lot of you I'm looking forward to my Apple watch delivery (fingers crossed on Friday). As a big rollercoaster fan I was wondering if any of you know how the Apple Watch will manage these sorts of extremes. Will the activity monitor go a bit mad?

An airplane black box for people?

macrumors 68020
Jun 17, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
seeing this thread title, I thought OP was talking about the rollercoaster ride that this forum has been on in the last 10+ days ;)

We had a big low today with near anarchy that there was no updates... and then alas, everyone in the 4/24 camp are happy as can be... roller coaster ride I tell ya...


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2007
bahahaha! An 84 foot drop is child's play! I've been on many a coaster, including the current tallest in the world, Kingda Ka in New Jersey which has a 456 foot drop!

While not a long drop, the Jurassic Park one at Universal was actually not a bad one. I was quite pleasantly surprised actually.

Then there's the Transformers simulated drop in the same park. Really surprised me how good they made that feel!


Easily the best tweet I've read in my months of reading this forum! ##

I agree!! Giggled loudly for myself here..


macrumors regular
Apr 14, 2015
Then there's the Transformers simulated drop in the same park. Really surprised me how good they made that feel!

What's really crazy is the fact that the Transformers ride takes place across two different floors of that building. The transition is done so well I can't even tell where it happens.


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2010
I can't comment on Transformers, because after Jurassic Park I refused to do any other rides that went up, down, sideways or around. LOL

Looks like Siri feels the same way:


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