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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 1, 2007
New York, NY
Just wanted to put this here where I thought people might in enjoy it! Suzy Menkes, Fashion editor, recently posted a picture of an unknown man wearing the Apple Watch. I think this might be the first time Apple Watch has been spotted out in the wild (aside from press moments with Tim Cook & co.)

My guess is that the man in the picture is Marc Newson. What do you all think?? Regardless, it definitely looks good on! Can't wait to try it on myself :)


  • Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 12.54.52 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 12.54.52 AM.png
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macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
Looks good, i think he's wearing the :apple: Watch i want to get the stainless steel with the steel strap :D i wonder if we will be seeing more of these pictures apart from it being marketing these people might be wearing them in order to test them before the final release to the public either that or i'm over thinking it :eek: but either way the :apple: Watch looks really nice :cool:


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
I'm very interested to see how this all plays out with the guys.

At the moment, guys pick their own watch, perhaps it says something about them, of course, has the look they like, and naturally gives a feeling of individuality, perhaps even notice the different watches the guys have to you.

It's going to be interesting socially to see how men will feel if many of them turn up to a party or business meeting etc etc wearing the same watch.

Normally that's a social/fashion NO NO.

Hey, I have no individual concept of style or what looks good, so I just bought the same as everyone else is wearing.

A social change there, personally speaking I'd NOT wear the Apple watch as I would want to maintain individuality.

Will be interesting to see how this pans out and if they all are proud they have the same watch on as each other, or they actually decide not to wear them as they don't want to be seen with it on. After it becomes popular of course, and they are everywhere.

For a short while of course you will be individual with an Apple Watch.


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
I'm very interested to see how this all plays out with the guys.

At the moment, guys pick their own watch, perhaps it says something about them, of course, has the look they like, and naturally gives a feeling of individuality, perhaps even notice the different watches the guys have to you.

It's going to be interesting socially to see how men will feel if many of them turn up to a party or business meeting etc etc wearing the same watch.

Normally that's a social/fashion NO NO.

Hey, I have no individual concept of style or what looks good, so I just bought the same as everyone else is wearing.

A social change there, personally speaking I'd NOT wear the Apple watch as I would want to maintain individuality.

Will be interesting to see how this pans out and if they all are proud they have the same watch on as each other, or they actually decide not to wear them as they don't want to be seen with it on. After it becomes popular of course, and they are everywhere.

For a short while of course you will be individual with an Apple Watch.

This will be interesting to see at univeristy where I'm at, it will be interesting to see how many people will be wearing the Apple Watch. Nearly everyone in our univeristy owns a Macbook and or an iPhone or iPad. Personally if someone is wearing the same watch as me it's not going to be a big deal, the same reason if someone was to wear the same shoes or trainers I have.

What will be more interesting to me is how people will be interacting with their Apple Watches around univeristy and in general life.


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2013
It's going to be interesting socially to see how men will feel if many of them turn up to a party or business meeting etc etc wearing the same watch.

Normally that's a social/fashion NO NO.

This is a very good point. Although I still think the iWatch will appeal more to children, teenagers and dads rather than gentlemen, businessmen and the like.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2014
I'm very interested to see how this all plays out with the guys.

At the moment, guys pick their own watch, perhaps it says something about them, of course, has the look they like, and naturally gives a feeling of individuality, perhaps even notice the different watches the guys have to you.

It's going to be interesting socially to see how men will feel if many of them turn up to a party or business meeting etc etc wearing the same watch.

Normally that's a social/fashion NO NO.

Hey, I have no individual concept of style or what looks good, so I just bought the same as everyone else is wearing.

A social change there, personally speaking I'd NOT wear the Apple watch as I would want to maintain individuality.

Will be interesting to see how this pans out and if they all are proud they have the same watch on as each other, or they actually decide not to wear them as they don't want to be seen with it on. After it becomes popular of course, and they are everywhere.

For a short while of course you will be individual with an Apple Watch.

For me personally I don't care. The Apple watch imo is just a gadget like everything else. It will be my everyday "watch". And if I'm going to dinner or something I'll probably wear one of my other watches. But if someone else happens to have one it wouldn't bother me.


macrumors 6502
Apr 2, 2007
Leeds, UK
I'm very interested to see how this all plays out with the guys.

At the moment, guys pick their own watch, perhaps it says something about them, of course, has the look they like, and naturally gives a feeling of individuality, perhaps even notice the different watches the guys have to you.

It's going to be interesting socially to see how men will feel if many of them turn up to a party or business meeting etc etc wearing the same watch.

Normally that's a social/fashion NO NO.

Hey, I have no individual concept of style or what looks good, so I just bought the same as everyone else is wearing.

A social change there, personally speaking I'd NOT wear the Apple watch as I would want to maintain individuality.

Will be interesting to see how this pans out and if they all are proud they have the same watch on as each other, or they actually decide not to wear them as they don't want to be seen with it on. After it becomes popular of course, and they are everywhere.

For a short while of course you will be individual with an Apple Watch.

What are you on about? Why is it a no no for two guys to have the same watch?!?!?

In my opinion, you'll get the guys crowding round each other showing what apps they have and what watch faces they've got on today.

But then again, from what you've stated I wouldn't know what guys would do - I have no sense of style as I just wear clothes bought from a shop that others must have bought from too, I really must get something no one else has worn before - I know i'll go to the next party wearing the covering of an airline seat - bet that's original!!

Being an individual doesn't mean you cannot have the same as someone else, it isn't about one off clothing or bettering others with what style you have, it is about being who you are, and if you want to wear jeans and a tee fine, if you want to wear a stupidly priced suit that's fine too, but please don't ever try to refer to people who wear 'normal' clothing as non-individuals.

Nobody is forcing you to wear the apple watch, but let me ask - what is your watch that is so individual to you?


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
I don't think we've seen a screen shot yet that shows a battery life indicator. I wonder where that will be located or how one will be notified that battery is getting low? I can see where Apple wouldn't want to clutter up the screen with a status bar full of icons but people will want an easy way to see what their battery life is.


macrumors 68020
Jul 27, 2003
I don't think we've seen a screen shot yet that shows a battery life indicator. I wonder where that will be located or how one will be notified that battery is getting low? I can see where Apple wouldn't want to clutter up the screen with a status bar full of icons but people will want an easy way to see what their battery life is.

My guess is that it'll be in the Watch app on the iPhone.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
What are you on about? Why is it a no no for two guys to have the same watch?!?!?

In my opinion, you'll get the guys crowding round each other showing what apps they have and what watch faces they've got on today.

But then again, from what you've stated I wouldn't know what guys would do - I have no sense of style as I just wear clothes bought from a shop that others must have bought from too, I really must get something no one else has worn before - I know i'll go to the next party wearing the covering of an airline seat - bet that's original!!

Being an individual doesn't mean you cannot have the same as someone else, it isn't about one off clothing or bettering others with what style you have, it is about being who you are, and if you want to wear jeans and a tee fine, if you want to wear a stupidly priced suit that's fine too, but please don't ever try to refer to people who wear 'normal' clothing as non-individuals.

Nobody is forcing you to wear the apple watch, but let me ask - what is your watch that is so individual to you?

Oh no, I never put any rules out there about what should and should not matter.
I was just saying I will be interested how it goes.

Just thinking of the scenarios and how the watch will be perceived.

All sitting round the large oak boardroom table, the company chairman with his solid mechanical watch on his wrist, and a bunch of executives, who by nature like to do the one-upmanship thing, all wearing Apple watches.

The watch is/was for many the only item of "jewelry" many men wear/wore, and it's very individual.

It's going to be interesting how it finds it's position in the market.

If it will just been the children to teen / geeks who end up with them, and the more upmarket current watch wearer ends up sticking with what they feel makes them feel unique in what they wear.

Of course, what we really want is for Apple to licence some aspect of it out, so that Apple can get money, become established in all market areas, inc app sales, but you able to in effect buy an Apple watch from a few dozen makers, in perhaps 100 different styles and form factors.

This won't happen of course, not with Apple.
It could happen with Android wear. It's just too soon to tell is the whole smartwatch concept outside of the sports industry and teens will fall on it's face.

Or if all the large companies and current watch brands will be looking to offer a range of smartwatches in their catalogue to choose from.
If they do, THEN it will be interesting what format they go with.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
The watch is/was for many the only item of "jewelry" many men wear/wore, and it's very individual.

It's going to be interesting how it finds it's position in the market.

On the other hand, nobody cares if several people in the board room has the same iPad, MacBooks, or iPhones.

I think if Apple watch turns out to be useful enough, nobody is going to care that it's not a fashion statement, or that everyone is using the same watch. People will use it as a tool. People who feel the need to make fashion statements will find other ways of doing it -- cuff links and tie pins come to mind.


Sep 13, 2014
Speaking of seeing an Apple watch in the wild, I saw one in person a couple of days ago. Unfortunately I don't have a picture because I thought it would be a bit rude to try and sneak in a 'creep shot' of the guy's arm with a 6+ :p All things considered he covered up his arm pretty quick just before he left the shop.

Anyway, I am 80% sure it was the smaller model (38 mm) because I kept thinking the display was too small. Now you'll have to excuse my ignorance considering I was sitting 3-4 feet away from the guy so my view wasn't exactly up close and personal. I'm also sure the guy was an Apple employee, not just because of his Apple cap, but because this was at a local coffee shop in Cupertino where we get a LOT of Apple employees (obviously).

I've attached a picture below of the exact model he was wearing.

NOTE: I'm claiming it's the 38mm based on this tweet ( the device on the man's arm I saw was smaller in comparison to the one on the guy's arm in the tweet) and photos of the device seen on other media sites such as macrumors itself. I could be wrong of course but I'm pretty positive it was the 38mm.

EDIT: ACK! Forgot to add the photo. It's the sport model:



I'm getting so anxious right now just seeing it on someone else's arm that's not Tim Cook & co. I really want one right now! Day one purchase for sure for me :)

This is actually the second time I've seen the watch in person. I'm not going to say it's common to see people wearing them in Cupertino now, I'm just going to say that the people wearing them don't look like Tim Cook's friends to me -- more like engineers wearing their Apple badges on their belts. I think that's a sign we're getting closer to a release date and the products they have at the moment are mass-production worthy (hence why they're letting the engineers wear them).


macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2010
Apple has stated that left-handed people can flip the orientation of the watch, right? It'd drive me nuts to have the crown rubbing against my hand like the fellow (or hairy woman) in the picture


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
I'm glad we're seeing it in the wild because that hopefully means proper real world testing prior to launch.


macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2010
That is how the crown should be, facing out (toward your hand) so that you can control it with the other hand. That's how the crown is on nearly all watches.

Ha! *Mind blown* This is such a silly thing, but I always thought the crown pointed towards your body! I'm a lefty and I typically don't wear analogue watches--but now that I'm actually looking at how righties wear them I'm having a real "duh" moment :rolleyes:


Mar 28, 2013
The Clinton Archipelago unfortunately
Ha! *Mind blown* This is such a silly thing, but I always thought the crown pointed towards your body! I'm a lefty and I typically don't wear analogue watches--but now that I'm actually looking at how righties wear them I'm having a real "duh" moment :rolleyes:

Yeah I have quite a few analog watches, there are some with dials or buttons on both sides. I never really felt the crown of my watches pushing against my hand, but if you did as a new user maybe it would bother you in the beginning, but I think you'd get used to it.


macrumors member
Jan 6, 2015
Waterloo, Ontario Canada
I went to my local Apple Store (Waterloo, Ontario Canada) to buy some Apple Store gift cards and as I was waiting for someone to help me I was looking around at the employees and non of them had a Apple Watch on surprisingly! I would have thought at least one of them would!

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I went to my local Apple Store (Waterloo, Ontario Canada) to buy some Apple Store gift cards and as I was waiting for someone to help me I was looking around at the employees and non of them had a Apple Watch on surprisingly! I would have thought at least one of them would!

Retail employees wouldn't get it before the Watch is officially released. These sightings are of employees working at Apple headquarters in Cupertino.
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