Apple profiled some of these employees, including Divya, Ryan, Adrienne, Aurelio, Edith, Riad, Charissa, and Kully, and shared a Creating Opportunities page highlighting its diversity programs and partnerships.
Denise Young Smith, Vice President of Worldwide Human Resources at Apple:
Apple's race and ethnicity breakdown among U.S. employees is 19% Asian, 9% Black, 12% Hispanic, 2% Multiracial, 1% Other, and 56% White, representing a 2 percent increase in White employees and a 1 percent increase in both Asian and Hispanic employees compared to last year's data."Diversity is more than any one gender, race, or ethnicity. It's richly representative of all people, all backgrounds, and all perspectives. It is the entire human experience."
Females represent 37% of Apple's global new hires, while U.S. underrepresented minorities represent 27% of global new hires. Apple defines underrepresented minorities as "groups whose representation in tech has been historically low -- Black, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander."
Apple said that it has achieved pay equity in the United States for similar roles and performance as of August 2016. The company said female employees earn one dollar for every dollar male employees earn, while underrepresented minorities earn one dollar for every dollar white employees earn.
Apple has shared its recently filed Federal Employer Information Report EEO-1 [PDF], representing employees as of August 2015.We see diversity as everything that makes an employee who they are. We foster a diverse culture that's inclusive of disability, religious belief, sexual orientation, and service to country. We want all employees to be comfortable bringing their entire selves to work every day. Because we believe our individual backgrounds, perspectives, and passions help us create the ideas that move all of us forward.
Creating an inclusive culture takes both commitment and action. We're helping employees identify and address unconscious racial and gender bias. We're cultivating diverse leadership and tech talent. We're continuing our advocacy for LGBTQ equality, investing in resources for Veterans and service members and their families, and exploring new ways to support employees with disabilities. We're also strengthening our common bonds through on-campus groups, events, and programs.
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Article Link: Apple's Workforce is Slightly More Diverse This Year