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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


As part of its quarterly earnings conference call yesterday, AT&T offered some insight into the iPad's performance on the its network, with Silicon Alley Insider providing a summary of the data.

- AT&T reported that it activated service on 400,000-500,000 iPad "Wi-Fi + 3G" devices during the quarter, which actually consists of only the last two months of the quarter as the 3G-capable models did not begin shipping until the very end of April. While Apple reported overall iPad sales of 3.27 million for the quarter, that number is spread over a number of countries, with international sales beginning in late May. AT&T's numbers also do not account for users who purchased 3G-capable models but have not yet activated the service for one reason or another. Apple has declined to share the balance between Wi-Fi and 3G-capable device sales.

- AT&T notes that it has been surprised by corporate uptake of the iPad, unlike the iPhone which saw significant reluctance on the part of business during its early phases. During its own conference call, Apple noted that the iPad has already been deployed or is being piloted at 50% of the Fortune 100 companies.

- 75-80% of iPad data customers are on the more expensive 2 GB plan priced at $25 per month as opposed to the 250 MB plan at $14.99 per month. AT&T had initially launched an unlimited data plan priced at $29.99 per month, and users who joined that plan while it was in effect can remain on it for the foreseeable future provided they do not allow their service to lapse. iPad 3G data plan users are also in general using more data than iPhone users, but less than laptop-card users.

Article Link: AT&T Offers Details on iPad 3G Activations and Usage


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2009
Im sure there are a lot of wifi + 3g users who havent activated a 3g plan yet


macrumors newbie
Dec 8, 2009
Interesting that iPad 3G users use more data; I would've thought that it'd be less because the iPad is much less mobile than the iPhone.


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2010
Those are some impressive numbers for this product. It looks like the iPad is going to be sticking around and not just a one-hit-wonder.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2005
Interesting that iPad 3G users use more data; I would've thought that it'd be less because the iPad is much less mobile than the iPhone.

But you can do a lot more, a lot quicker.

I think the iPhone 4 might narrow the gap, since it renders pages much faster (and now Netflix is also available for the iPhone).

However, people enjoy using the iPad for long periods of time, while the same cannot be said of the iPhone because of the screen size.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2007
I just wish someone would ask them or Apple WTF happened to the stop and restart unlimited data plan. That is what sold me on spending the extra cash on the 3G version. It's total BS that they pulled that option almost as soon as people started using it.


macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2007
Not necessarily less mobile than the iphone

"Interesting that iPad 3G users use more data; I would've thought that it'd be less because the iPad is much less mobile than the iPhone. "

Actually, I am a woman that carries her 3G iPad EVERYWHERE. I know that the guys can't relate, but it actually fits nicely in my handbag so I use it all of the time and everywhere. I actually only use my iphone for phone calls these days.


macrumors 68020
Jul 1, 2009
I'm still bummed they dropped the unlimited plan. I bought the 3G model so I could go unlimited for the 3 or 4 times per year when I needed (like when on vacation), but typically I find that around town 95% of places I would actually take the iPad have WiFi anyway -- so I typically don't have it subscribed to 3G.

Going on vacation this month and I ended up buying the 2GB plan. One consolation is that I likely won't use the whole 2GB and the new plan is $5 cheaper.

I guess that is life when you don't have a contract for service. The "no contract" thing works both ways. Can't have my cake and eat it too. I just like the ability to not even think about how much data I am using rather than making sure I switch to WiFi when its available.


macrumors 601
Aug 19, 2003
I guess that is life when you don't have a contract for service. The "no contract" thing works both ways. Can't have my cake and eat it too.

I would argue differently. Many of us (me included) wouldn't have waited the 30 extra days, paid the $130 extra dollars or dealt with the ugly black stripe if the pay-as-you-go AT&T unlimited plan wasn't heavily promoted as a major selling point at launch.

It's bad enough Apple cripples the iPad's firmware to prevent downloading applications and media over 20MB.

AT&T can't have it both ways either.

Apple should release a firmware update that allows the iPad 3G to work on T-Mobile's 3G and drop the 20MB limit.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2003
I'm just looking forward to iOS4 on the iPad. My iPhone4 is spoiling me with multitasking, folders, and unified inbox.


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2009
Skip iPhone for iPad?

Hmmm... I'm thinking I might be able to get away with an iPad and an actual, phone only cell phone... Might be the perfect combo for me...


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
Actually, I am a woman that carries her 3G iPad EVERYWHERE. I know that the guys can't relate, but it actually fits nicely in my handbag so I use it all of the time and everywhere. I actually only use my iphone for phone calls these days.

Yeah, goes most everywhere with me too. I use it as my phone as well with skype, but have been thinking it'd be less like carrying a computer if it were in a "european carry-all" (don't call it a man-purse).

Places it doesn't go, I don't want a computer around anyway. Mountain biking, hiking, restaurants, surfing, on dates, etc...

Without the unlimited plan, this thing would be useless to me. It's strength is that it does everything I need a computer to do besides CAD and Graphics work (though it helps with those), and does it from anywhere any time, quickly and conveniently. Superb little device.

I will say, I just travelled cross country, and AT&T's 3G coverage seems only to exist in a handful of busier cities downtown areas. Went entire states without being able to make a phone call over 3g on it.


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2010
I'm in a predictive mood.

iOS4 for iPad will not be a port of iOS4 for iPhone. It will have other stuff, such as printing support, and maybe widgets.

iOS4 will ship on November 1st at a special event. At the same event, iPad 2.0 will be announced and launch a week later.


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2010
I hope not.

Many people prefer having the cheaper wifi only option.

My guess is it will be $499 for the Wifi+3G model.

Apple could make people pay extra this generation as they have no competition. This won't be true - all the proposed tablets include 3G and are at about $499.


macrumors 603
However, people enjoy using the iPad for long periods of time, while the same cannot be said of the iPhone because of the screen size.

Not so much because of the size but because of the much lower screen density. It is less straining to view relatively less dense material.

The iPhone 4 has very high resolution (4x) as compare to the prior model. Most of that is not being used to increase the virtual screen space and increase button counts. It is mainly being used to improve visual resolution of existing image sizes and graphics layouts.

The iPad on the other hand spreads the image over double the pixels on a space where the pixels are themselves wider apart.


Full of Win

macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2007
Ask Apple
Interesting that iPad 3G users use more data; I would've thought that it'd be less because the iPad is much less mobile than the iPhone.

The iPad is more of a media consumption device, and media = data. Just watching one Netflix movie can use 400-500 MB over 3G, in ONE sitting. If we had access to the metrics used, I'm sure it would show that the iPad request data less, but when it does, it uses a lot more of it.

I'm in a predictive mood.

iOS4 for iPad will not be a port of iOS4 for iPhone. It will have other stuff, such as printing support, and maybe widgets.

iOS4 will ship on November 1st at a special event. At the same event, iPad 2.0 will be announced and launch a week later.

iOS 3.2 was, in some ways, was like an 'iOS4 lite' on the iPhone. Similarly, i think iOS 4 on the iPad will be ;iOS5 lite' on the iPhone.


macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2005
iPad 2.0 = One iPad model, no separate WiFi-only model.

That's possible, especially if the rumors are true about different sizes. 2 different connections over 3 different sizes would be unusually diverse for Apple. Even confusing to non-technical people, and the iPad has definitely appealed to the casual non-technical user.


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2010
I just wish someone would ask them or Apple WTF happened to the stop and restart unlimited data plan. That is what sold me on spending the extra cash on the 3G version. It's total BS that they pulled that option almost as soon as people started using it.

I agree. This is my only frustration with the iPad.


macrumors member
Dec 10, 2008
Portland, OR
I'm in a predictive mood.

iOS4 for iPad will not be a port of iOS4 for iPhone. It will have other stuff, such as printing support, and maybe widgets.

iOS4 will ship on November 1st at a special event. At the same event, iPad 2.0 will be announced and launch a week later.

That would make my Christmas!
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