I've been thinking about getting the ATV4. Currently I have the ATV3, but I want to get the PLEX app without having to hack things together, and some games as well. But after reading around I'm having some second thoughts. I know enough to heavily discount what people in this forum say (at least in the topic titles), where hyperbole knows no bounds. Seriously, is every little annoyance actually a DISASTER?
I've listened to lots of podcasts talking about the new AppleTV and every single one turned into more than an hour of griping about everything that's wrong with it. The reviewers on The Talk Show, Upgrade, iMore, and Happy Hour all had almost nothing good to say about it. On Upgrade they kept searching for something, anything, they could say that was good, and all they came up with was that the UI was pretty. I got the distinct impression that one of the commentators on that show would rather light his ATV on fire than continue using it.
What I find most distressing about all of this is that all these podcasts are biased in FAVOR of Apple. If these guys hate the product that much, it seems pretty reasonable to think that it's bad. But then you get articles from the main-stream tech press declaring it the best media streaming device available. It all leaves me confused, but leaning toward not wanting to touch the ATV with a ten foot pole.
I've listened to lots of podcasts talking about the new AppleTV and every single one turned into more than an hour of griping about everything that's wrong with it. The reviewers on The Talk Show, Upgrade, iMore, and Happy Hour all had almost nothing good to say about it. On Upgrade they kept searching for something, anything, they could say that was good, and all they came up with was that the UI was pretty. I got the distinct impression that one of the commentators on that show would rather light his ATV on fire than continue using it.
What I find most distressing about all of this is that all these podcasts are biased in FAVOR of Apple. If these guys hate the product that much, it seems pretty reasonable to think that it's bad. But then you get articles from the main-stream tech press declaring it the best media streaming device available. It all leaves me confused, but leaning toward not wanting to touch the ATV with a ten foot pole.