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macrumors 65832
Original poster
Dec 13, 2010
Denver, CO
I've been thinking about getting the ATV4. Currently I have the ATV3, but I want to get the PLEX app without having to hack things together, and some games as well. But after reading around I'm having some second thoughts. I know enough to heavily discount what people in this forum say (at least in the topic titles), where hyperbole knows no bounds. Seriously, is every little annoyance actually a DISASTER?

I've listened to lots of podcasts talking about the new AppleTV and every single one turned into more than an hour of griping about everything that's wrong with it. The reviewers on The Talk Show, Upgrade, iMore, and Happy Hour all had almost nothing good to say about it. On Upgrade they kept searching for something, anything, they could say that was good, and all they came up with was that the UI was pretty. I got the distinct impression that one of the commentators on that show would rather light his ATV on fire than continue using it.

What I find most distressing about all of this is that all these podcasts are biased in FAVOR of Apple. If these guys hate the product that much, it seems pretty reasonable to think that it's bad. But then you get articles from the main-stream tech press declaring it the best media streaming device available. It all leaves me confused, but leaning toward not wanting to touch the ATV with a ten foot pole.
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The lack of keyboard entry sucks.
The lack of a default real game controller sucks.

But its miles ahead of my AppleTV2. And glad I have Plex, and the slickness of control skipping around in videos is so seemless. It's a noteable upgrade. It's just frustrating, because it could have easily been much more.
Not at all. Very happy with both my purchases upgrading from 2 previous ATV2's. People complain about the littlest things. Are there things they could improve upon? For sure. Apple is developing and releasing updates to the software as we speak. The product should get even better.
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I hands down love mine. The only thing I don't like is the inputting of text with the remote, which can be fixed with some UI fixes, and that games have a 200mb storage limit - which also can be fixed with software.
Umm all podcasts i have heard , all reviews i have seen have given it good reviews and say it has more potential than any other box, CNET for one rates it higher than Roku 4, yes they point out the flaws but this is like when you listen to national sports brodcasters who point out flaws of your team all people do is hear the negative and say they hate my team. I have heard a few of those podcasts and all gave good reviews of the Apple tv that is just a fact. NOT one has said they hated it not one
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Everyone is going to be biased in one way or another. Some of the threads about it are just silly, like the one complaining that the world (seemingly) was going to end because the power LED was too bright, LOL :D Others about the "white background" are easily fixable in future updates, now that Apple is aware of them. The remote is more fragile (because of the glass) so do keep that in mind. It was disappointing to see Apple discontinue the remote (iPhone/iPad) app feature. Hopefully they will bring it back soon. In a few months Siri will be opened up for developers to use and that will be a game changer for ATV4. The biggest reason to get the Apple TV 4 is because it now uses downloadable apps. This is a great idea and opens up many possibilities for the ATV4. All in all I'd say it has more wins than misses :)
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I absolutely love mine. I've always been a Roku user, and the ATV4 is the one that finally made me jump ship.

It's far from where I want it to be, but much better (for me) than the other options. And everything missing is just software, so that's going to be easily fixed in later updates, in all probabilities.

I personally really don't like the Siri remote, but it's not an issue: I just leave it in a drawer, never to be touched again. I use my universal Logitech Harmony, and I do all the gaming using my Nimbus controller.

People are going to freak out about little (or big) details that affect them personally, but that doesn't mean that would affect you. You just need to know what YOU want and expect. Maybe the ATV4 is for you, but maybe another Streamer is better suited for what you want/need?

At the end of the day you can always go get one and give it a shot. If you don't like it after a few days, just return it for a refund, no harms done except for the extra drive to the store. :)
If you have the ATV3 and want Plex, it's absolutely worth the jump. The A8 processor makes the OS work far more smoothly. AirPlay also functions a lot faster and without as many hiccups. Navigating within a TV show or movie is awesome (you tell Siri, "Go back 35 seconds") - so much more precise and easier than the previous method. No line of sight? No problem. The icing on the cake is that I have been able to store my TV and soundbar remote controls. One remote. FINALLY. This feature alone made it all worthwhile to me.

The only real annoyance I have found is the lack of good method for text entry. But then again, the only text you're really entering is username and passwords and you're only doing it once. Plus, I highly doubt that Apple won't have a fix for this really soon - either in the form of BT keyboard compatibility or iPhone/iPad keyboard entry (via new Remote app). So no, it's not the end of the world and absolutely worth putting up with for the nicer, smoother interface.
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games have a 200mb storage limit
All apps have a initial 200 MB size limit. Once the app has been downloaded it can request 2 Gb of further data in the background (known as prefetched tags). The app can then request up to 20GB of data via the iCloud on-demand resources as determined by the app developer(s) and the type of device that is being used.
God no it's not that bad at all. You'll always get opinions skewed one way or the other. Some people are overjoyed that it's finally got the makeover it deserves and the potential for the future. And so are happy with it and what it does just now.

Other people seem to think that because it doesn't have one feature or the other YET, that's the important word. That Apple have somehow robbed them of their hard earned money and provided a device that doesn't do what it claims (even though it does.)

Some people also seem to have a hard time with the difference between Apple and the people who make third party apps for the device. Blaming Apple for poor quality software that Apple have nothing to do with. Or blaming Apple for certain software not being there at all, speak to the content providers and developers, they are the only ones who can do anything about that situation.

I love mine, it's a brilliant step up from the previous generation, it does some good things, I actually think the remote is one of the best bundled remotes I've ever used and I can see the potential and how it will improve down the road.

Is it perfect? No, of course not, what is. Will it improve? Absolutely without a shadow of a doubt. (Especially when my game comes out next month :D I kid of course)

At the end of the day take every opinion you read, including this one, with a large handful of salt. Because one person and one person only can decide if it's a worthwhile investment for your money and that's you. Look at what it provides just now, then look into the things that are planned for its future and make an informed sensible decision.... Then come back and tell us how delighted you are with it ;)
I've been thinking about getting the ATV4. Currently I have the ATV3, but I want to get the PLEX app without having to hack things together, and some games as well. But after reading around I'm having some second thoughts. I know enough to heavily discount what people in this forum say (at least in the topic titles), where hyperbole knows no bounds. Seriously, is every little annoyance actually a DISASTER
No, it's not all bad. It's just an unfinished product that was rushed out too early to take advantage of the holiday shopping season, and it is disappointing when measured against the lofty expectations that Apple's "the future of TV" marketing created.

Should you get one right now? If you have a specific need such as Plex, sure, why not. Otherwise I would hold off and see if Apple fixes at least some of the most glaring issues.
The ATV4 and Plex combo is fantastic! Finally all my digital content is at my fingertips. It's a tremendous improvement over my previous ATV3s (which are still in service by the way). Yes the ATV4 might have some omissions for now but if my experience with iPhones and iOS is any indication, the ATV4 will improve significantly over time. Get one now and enjoy it now!
The ATV4 and Plex combo is fantastic! Finally all my digital content is at my fingertips. It's a tremendous improvement over my previous ATV3s (which are still in service by the way). Yes the ATV4 might have some omissions for now but if my experience with iPhones and iOS is any indication, the ATV4 will improve significantly over time. Get one now and enjoy it now!

I'm loving Plex on the ATV 4, using Siri to fast forward and rewind is so much more fun than pressing a button, and so much more precise.
Is there a way to skip to next file easily?

I doubt it, not until Apple open up the sdk to all developers next year. Basic functions like fast forward, pause and such are baked into the Apple TV software so should work pretty much anywhere. The more complicated stuff needs access to the Siri api, sadly we need to wait a little while for that.
I doubt it, not until Apple open up the sdk to all developers next year. Basic functions like fast forward, pause and such are baked into the Apple TV software so should work pretty much anywhere. The more complicated stuff needs access to the Siri api, sadly we need to wait a little while for that.

So you aggre with others that Apple released an unfinished product and should have waited until that perfect moment when no updates were ever needed? :cool:
It's real simple - Do you want to purchase "potential"?

With Apple, it's very dangerous to assume "it will get patched or fixed or added on to". Bugs will get fixed, but "features" tend to come with new products.

They are far more likely to address larger issues with a new model, especially as tvOS and Apps will now benefit a ton from much more frequent hardware upgrade cycles, just like iOS devices.

So really, you have to buy it, try it and decide. Many love it and have kept it and many on here (and all over it seems) have returned it, especially at the cost for the device.

It has to really be a good fit for your usage patterns, preferred store/platform, etc for $150+. Mine did basically nothing for me beyond my ATV3 so I returned it.
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So you aggre with others that Apple released an unfinished product and should have waited until that perfect moment when no updates were ever needed? :cool:
Wait? Are you serious? If we waited for a perfect release of the ATV4 or any other product for that matter, we would have to reincarnate several times! There is not a product out there that was perfect upon release. That said the ATV4 is a joy to use as is and will get better and better as Apple continues to polish the tvOS. There are many improvements slated to be released in the near future. Patience grasshopper!
It's real simple - Do you want to purchase "potential"?

With Apple, it's very dangerous to assume "it will get patched or fixed or added on to". Bugs will get fixed, but "features" tend to come with new products.

They are far more likely to address larger issues with a new model, especially as tvOS and Apps will now benefit a ton from much more frequent hardware upgrade cycles (A series chips), just like iOS devices.

So really, you have to buy it, try it and decide. Many love it and have kept it and many on here (and all over it seems) have returned it, especially at the cost for the device.

It has to really be a good fit for your usage patterns, preferred store/platform, etc for $150+. Mine did basically nothing for me beyond my ATV3 so I returned it.
Do you really believe what you are saying? Did you know that even an iPhone 4S can be upgraded to iOS 9? How many years does that cover? Take a look at the Android landscape and see just how a disjointed upgrade pattern looks like. The some of the newest Android devices can't even run the latest marshmallow or soda pop is month? The point is Apple has done a rather decent job of keeping its hardware relevant and current especially in regard to security updates.

So I'll just take my chances with the ATV4. I've just ordered 2 more!
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So you aggre with others that Apple released an unfinished product and should have waited until that perfect moment when no updates were ever needed? :cool:

Yeah, lets do that. Oh, hold on, if they waited until there was a PERFECT moment, when NO UPDATES were needed, I'd be dead. Along with everyone else on the planet and in all likelihood, the planet itself.

There is no perfect product, not from Apple, not from anyone. If there were, capitalism would die off, we'd never need to purchase anything more than once. Most of the population of the planet would be out of work, with no industry to service.

In all seriousness, there really isn't a perfect moment. You hedge your bets and play the hand you have.
I like it a lot. Yes, I look forward to some features that are sure to come, but the negativity on this forum is crazy.
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I didn't go in having huge expectations, especially when the ATV4 was only released a few weeks ago. It does everything Apple advertised it would. While Siri is severly limited (I don't use her much anyway), I happily have had no issues watching/streaming Netflix, Hulu, HBOGO, etc.

I think it's a modest upgrade from the ATV3, which is connected to our bedroom TV. The UI refresh is nice, but I don't think the ATV4 is anything earth shattering. I do admit liking that it has Apple Music though. It has a lot of potential, especially once more developers build more apps for the ATV.

I don't think everyone needs to go out and spend $149/$199 for this. However, if you're patient, over time this could turn out to a game changing device.
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