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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
I just woke up. This is the 5s that I just received last night.


So my battery is now at in at about 70% and I haven't even left for work yet.

It has lost 30% in an hour and some change. I haven't even played any games.

I'm coming from the iPhone 5c, the battery on that one lasted longer. $800, this is going back.

This is miraculous. It is now at 74% it's draining by the minute. I literally just watched it drain from 75% to 74% in the minute it took to write this post.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
I'm returning this phone and Apple better put that money right back in my account!

Now it's at 73!!!!


At this rate, it will die before I even get to work.


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
I just woke up. This is the 5s that I just received last night.


So my battery is now at in at about 70% and I haven't even left for work yet.

It has lost 30% in an hour and some change. I haven't even played any games.

You haven't played any games, but what HAVE you been using it for?

I'm coming from the iPhone 5c, the battery on that one lasted longer. $800, this is going back.

The 5s has better battery life than the 5c. Either something is wrong with your phone, or something was syncing in the background.

This is miraculous. It is now at 74% it's draining by the minute. I literally just watched it drain from 75% to 74% in the minute it took to write this post.

That's not an indicator of anything. In the time I typed out my reply the time went from 6:39am to 6:40am.


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2012
well op, if that is the case, and you don't have any apps that are sucking the life out of your battery..

then I would suggest to exchange your phone, because the 5s has the best battery life I've gotten out of all my iphones, and I owned the original iphone


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
It dropped five percentage points in five minutes. I was scared that the iPhone 5s would have bad battery life because I had a 5C for about a month and I'll tell you it wasn't anything like this.

70% before 10:00 AM? You got to be kidding me.

What did I do? All I was doing was browsing the web, I didn't play any of that hard-core games I have on my account including Anomaly 2, and Anomaly Korea.

But when I have my iPhone 5c, I was able to play hard-core games and had plenty of battery left to spare

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
Is the word "unacceptable" is quoted evaluate you're being sarcastic?

You have an app running in the background that's sucking your battery. Reboot.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
I doubt that. I mean I just rebooted this phone.

This should not be anywhere near 50% before 10 AM.

Right now it says 69 and I have 10 minutes.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
I just want to make sure I wasn't crazy. But yeah at the rate that the battery is bleeding it will be at 50% before 10 AM so yeah return.


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
It dropped five percentage points in five minutes. I was scared that the iPhone 5s would have bad battery life because I had a 5C for about a month and I'll tell you it wasn't anything like this.

70% before 10:00 AM? You got to be kidding me.

If you're SURE you have your settings the same on the 5s as you had on the 5c, then you may have something wrong with your phone. Check your default screen brightness, background app refresh settings, location services. Do you have the same version of iOS installed on both?

If you don't like it, take it back. But as others have pointed out, the 5s has the best battery life of any iPhones I've owned.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 5, 2013
I think people did miscalculations because you really think the 5s would have better battery life even with the fact that it has more processors and a 64 bit chip which requires more processing power?
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macrumors 68020
Oct 15, 2008
iOS has become so complicated, battery threads like this are pointless.

If you think you have an issue, just take it back to Apple.

Your signal strength could have a huge impact.
Maybe you have iTunes Match and it's refreshing the data?
Maybe background app refresh is on and an app has crashed?
Maybe the screen brightness is 100%?
Maybe the podcasts app is downloading new podcasts in the background?
Maybe the phone is installing lots of app updates over the network?
Maybe photostream is uploading lots of new pictures?
Maybe you have a location based reminder set?
Maybe you're not running the latest OS?

Could be any of those or a thousand other things, so it's difficult to advise you :)

My advice though? Turn off the percentage indicator.


macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2012
I doubt that. I mean I just rebooted this phone.

This should not be anywhere near 50% before 10 AM.

Right now it says 69 and I have 10 minutes.

"Wah, my battery life sucks, but I'm going to ignore everybody's advice because I want to be able to throw my god damned pity party if it's the last thing I do."

Seriously. The battery life is the same, or better than the 5c. There's something wrong with your phone, or you have a software issue that is currently draining the battery. If your phone is broken, bring it to the Apple store.

I think people did miscalculations because you really think the 5s would have better battery life even with the fact that it has more processors and a 64 bit chip which requires more processing power?

Uh. Yeah, because, you know, literally nobody actually has the phone, right?

The A7 chip is DRAMATICALLY more power efficient than the previous chip even though it's more powerful.


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2011
At the alternatives section.
I think people did miscalculations because you really think the 5s would have better battery life even with the fact that it has more processors and a 64 bit chip which requires more processing power?

it does not have more processors...

and where did you read a 64 bit chip requires more processing power?

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
I just woke up. This is the 5s that I just received last night.


So my battery is now at in at about 70% and I haven't even left for work yet.

It has lost 30% in an hour and some change. I haven't even played any games.

I'm coming from the iPhone 5c, the battery on that one lasted longer. $800, this is going back.

This is miraculous. It is now at 74% it's draining by the minute. I literally just watched it drain from 75% to 74% in the minute it took to write this post.

Restoring your phone as new, as was mentioned earlier, may resolve your issue.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2012
funny my 5s is easily amazing on battery, charge it every 2days.

and i came from a galaxy s4 which to had a monster battery.


macrumors newbie
Mar 18, 2008
Boston, MA
Agree with restoring before return, but the fact your usage matches since when it was unplugged means something has been using your battery since unplugged. There has been no standby. If you have all the background app pushes off and screen brightness with the restore then you did all you can do.

It does seem like a high rate of use for only 1:40 though.
Even in a crappy cell area you should be getting better. I only have background apps off.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
This is miraculous. It is now at 74% it's draining by the minute. I literally just watched it drain from 75% to 74% in the minute it took to write this post.

You are most likely running an app that is sucking lots of CPU resource. I would restart the phone altogether.


Sep 10, 2013
You are most likely running an app that is sucking lots of CPU resource. I would restart the phone altogether.

Agreed. We don't even now if the OP has everything set at max which will take a toll on battery. He just came here to complain and failed to include the information to what he has the iPhone apps and settings set at.

OP, go to Google and do a search on how to save battery life on an iPhone 5S and follow the instructions as well as a restore. Than come back here to post what difference if any you notice.

Here are three links to look at...
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