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macrumors 6502a
Nov 22, 2010
Absolutely, I actually tweeted that review earlier.

Most tech sites review them from a tech point of view and not from the real world perspective of how everyday consumers will use the phones.

This is great.


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2012
I agree. This is how reviews should be. Not done in a lab, but done in real world scenarios. Reading this is making me second guess why I ordered the plus. I'll try it out and if I'm not total sold on it, I'll exchange for iPhone 6.


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
Agreed! I am curious though, what do you guys think about the difference between the cameras in that review (Tower of Terror pic)? The windows on that building as well as the trashcans on the foreground appear sharper on the 6 Plus. There is also less noise in the sky and ground as well. Is it negligible or worth the extra $100?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2009
Skeptical at first but this review was very well done. It is listed as a whimsical review (iPhone at Disneyland) but there is a lot of astute observations that are made. Especially the overarching feeling that many, many people I have met conclude about the iPhone vs Android. On paper, Android should be equivalent if not better, but in real life, iPhone excels in usability. What is the formula though? It's kind of like Coke: people have a vague idea of the ingredients, but not enough to replicate it. It's not pure marketing and reality distortion.

Q Bert

macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2011
Chicago Burbs
Man, I'm impressed with the camera. You can see the difference with the 6Plus having OIS, albeit, not humongous difference, it's not night and day but it's better


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2011
Miami, FL
I agree. This is how reviews should be. Not done in a lab, but done in real world scenarios. Reading this is making me second guess why I ordered the plus. I'll try it out and if I'm not total sold on it, I'll exchange for iPhone 6.

Wow, I hadn't even seen this comment before I made mine. Great minds.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2007
iPhones and Disneyland? These are a few of my favorite things...

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to read this.


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2012
Agreed! I am curious though, what do you guys think about the difference between the cameras in that review (Tower of Terror pic)? The windows on that building as well as the trashcans on the foreground appear sharper on the 6 Plus. There is also less noise in the sky and ground as well. Is it negligible or worth the extra $100?

They look very similar. The one with the Eureka building did look a bit better on the plus. I think the main diffrence is going to be size. I do take pictures of our kid, but not sure I want the bigger size as I did last week. The case I got was pretty big. Well bigger than what I'm used too. I'm still weighting out the options, but I'm thinking the 6S+ might be the one to get once the software is optimized a bit more. I know developers will do it with their apps. But I'd like apple to but more work into the OS so it's a hybrid between a phone and tablet. Right now it just feels like a big phone.


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
They look very similar. The one with the Eureka building did look a bit better on the plus. I think the main diffrence is going to be size. I do take pictures of our kid, but not sure I want the bigger size as I did last week. The case I got was pretty big. Well bigger than what I'm used too. I'm still weighting out the options, but I'm thinking the 6S+ might be the one to get once the software is optimized a bit more. I know developers will do it with their apps. But I'd like apple to but more work into the OS so it's a hybrid between a phone and tablet. Right now it just feels like a big phone.

Very true! By the time the software is optimized to take advantage of the higher resolution, the 6S Plus may just be around the corner and worth the wait.


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2012
Very true! By the time the software is optimized to take advantage of the higher resolution, the 6S Plus may just be around the corner and worth the wait.

That's my thinking. I'm sure apple will update iOS8, but I don't know iOS 8.1 or 8.2 with a ton of features. They will probably save that for iOS 9. By then the next iPhone is set to be released. I really want to make the plus work, but I just don't think it can fit in my lifestyle today with it's current features. But that being said, I'll will give it a fair shot of using it for 2 weeks.


macrumors 6502
Mar 10, 2012
AWESOME review! I loved the video he took with the 6, I'm so impressed by the new autofocus and image stabilizers. Very excited for my phone. Both the 6 and the 6+ seem like top notch devices!

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
Best review EVAH! :D Now here's hoping I'll receive my iPhones before going to Disneyland for Halloween. :cool:


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
My favorite part:

"While we’re talking specs for a second, I have a confession to make: I don’t love technology.

I think that the ‘pure’ love of technology is somewhat pathological in the culture that TechCrunch often covers. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

But what I do love is what technology, when it works in concert and for our benefit, can accomplish. Sometimes that’s curing diseases or enabling the impaired. And sometimes it’s as simple as capturing that perfect ‘daddy’s shodurs’ selfie.

And that’s where Apple’s efforts with the iPhone — and especially these latest models — really come to fruition.

I’ve been trying to quantify exactly what makes these versions so badass — and they are. What I’ve come up with is that they finally feel fully intentional."


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2009
This is my kind of review. He addressed every single question I've read over the last few days. People wondering why you would choose the 6 over the 6 Plus, is it worth the camera upgrade to spend the extra money, how does he battery hold up in real life, and does it overall make you feel like you own the best phone out there.

Knowing that I use my phone for more of the interactive nature (messaging, tweeting, and sharing photos) and less for long term use (gaming, movie watching) I feel pretty good about my choice to get the 6 at a larger capacity and avoid the 6 Plus (for now).

A review that makes you understand how the phones going to perform to meet your personal needs? Well isn't that a new thought. Way to go man, well done indeed.


AWESOME review! I loved the video he took with the 6, I'm so impressed by the new autofocus and image stabilizers. Very excited for my phone. Both the 6 and the 6+ seem like top notch devices!

Agreed! The auto focus pixles have me all giddy inside. Can't wait to see how the video films and moves from foreground to background focus.

By far (aside from the beautiful new screen) the feature I'm most excited to try out and use on a daily basis.
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