You are welcome , hope it works for you as well
I'm just updating my iPhone right now via iMazing: didn't work previously because I let iMazing check the iOS update (downloaded via iTunes) with iTunes. Then I remembered that in the past there was a script that was closing iTunes or not even let iTunes open if iMazing was trying to do so.
The issue is iMazing and iTunes need to be kept open separately and because iTunes find the firmware not working for some reason but downloads it perfectly and sees when an update is available, the trick is
Download the update via itunes
Close itunes
Open iMazing and select the update on your user library , then click update and when iMazing tries to open iTunes close it right away and you'll be good to update , like I just did
I really prefer the full update to OTA, that is only a little part of the iOS and can create disaster
exactly as with the system MacOs , I always update when Combos are available
In many years, so far, I never went through any issue using full updates , knocking wood