Dear all, I'm Callum from MediaDevil. I noticed we were getting quite a few mentions here (and I recognise a few long-term customers, many thanks for the support!). I just wanted anyone and everyone to know that I'm happy to help if there are any queries.
Like others have mentioned, we tested our new Ultra-Tough edition screen protector material (which will probably replace our Tempered Glass range, as it's simply better) with iPad Pro 11" and iPad 12.9" 3rd Gen, and it works perfectly with Face ID, Apple Pencil 2 and general finger gestures. ONLY THEN did we go into production, because we don't go for the popular 'hit and hope' method of selling screen protectors. I'm not expecting any issues with ours, but in the unlikely event that there are any, we've got your back. Our Ultra-Tough material was developed here in the UK with an advanced materials company and we produce the screen protectors here too, so we're pretty nimble with our timescales.
For those who've never heard of MediaDevil before, we've been trading 9 years now and I think it is not a stretch to say we have a highly positive reputation for our products. We're just not that keen on talking ourselves up (we're British, see), so we keep a fairly low profile and let our wonderful customers speak on our behalf.
I'm a long-term reader, first-time poster, so I do hope I've abided by all of the posting rules.
Till next time.