Nice calculation.
Except it does not properly consider that there are people out there who actually have a real life and don't spend hours every day video gaming.
What.....the youth these days have a life outside a computer ???
Though assume people only game x amount of time, buying outright let's you use the hardware for productivity purposes , so yeah many would end up using such a rig for most of the day.
For me renting makes little sense as I get a nice return of my investment each year I've I choose to upgrade to the latest gpu each year. Top end pascal cards have awesome productivity gains
Unless you are a world of Warcraft player....Do you realize that 1,000 hours is almost 3 years, assuming that you play every single day one hour?
I don't know anyone in his adult years that plays even remotely that much.
Economically speaking using a service like this is going to be way cheaper than building a dedicated gaming rig for a big, big part of the gaming crowd.
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