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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The U.S. Senate today passed the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, also known as CISA, in a 74 to 21 vote. A similar bill has already passed in the House, and the two cybersecurity bills will likely be combined before heading to the White House for a final decision from President Obama. The vote comes a week after Apple spoke out against the bill.

CISA is designed to allow companies to share information on cybersecurity threats with one another and the government. However, as noted by Wired, privacy advocates have asked Congress to kill the bill, saying that it hides "new government surveillance mechanisms in the guise of security protections."

Apple spoke out against the bill last week after other technology companies, like Twitter, Yelp, Wikipedia, reddit also opposed the bill. The Computer and Communications Industry Association, which represents Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft had urged the Senate to make improvements to the bill, saying that they do not support the bill as it's currently written.

The Cupertino company once again reiterated its commitment to user privacy in its opposition to the legislation, saying that it doesn't support CISA and that the trust of its customers "means everything to us and we don't believe security should come at the expense of privacy." Apple has taken a strong privacy stance in recent years, continually noting that the government doesn't have access to its servers. In iOS 8, Apple ended its storage of encryption keys for iOS devices, making it impossible for the company to unlock iPads an iPhones under police request.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act Passes in Senate


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2010
As a US citizen, I am very disappointed that this passed (though, admittedly I only found out about this right now).

Did I, or anyone other citizen have a say in whether or not this should be passed? Of course not! That's not how our democratic government works!

Our politicians keep passing these ridiculous laws without our permission. It's time we do something about this, because they've been getting away with too much for too long!


Jun 9, 2013
Enjoy the decline.

On a serious note, I'm really not surprised. One day we will have chips in our bodies that will take care of their goals without the need for search warrants.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2009
Irvine, CA
One thing that both democrats and republicans agree with is craping on the constitution

The constitution is not a static document. Because of Alexander Hamilton and George Washington, our government interprets the "elastic clause" to mean that anything they feel the need to do is constitutional.


Jun 22, 2007
What do people expect?
People voted for the politicians that came up and approved this.
And people are now complaining?
And yet people keep voting and supporting the SAME politicians?

Hello? Am I missing something?
This bill is passed because the people want it. If you actually didn't want it, then maybe, just maybe, vote for somebody else to represent you. Just saying. If you keep voting and supporting the same politicians that you were complaining about, well, you got what you wished for.


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
We have to stop this !
You're right!

But here's why it's worse already, far worse that hypocritical Apple cult like followers believe.

Roll back time to 2014, although it began sooner 2014 was the pivotal liars year.

Lying via a phony "story about Net Neutrality" the libs and Democrats convinced enough Americans that big companies like Comcast Cable were hogging bandwidth while we got charged big bucks. A very successful campaign pushed through Net Neutrality (a clever label to mislead the public).

Fast forward to the present and this topic.
Fast forward a few years and we will have limited high priced Internet. When they want to the Government will shut it down.
Sounds like China doesn't it. Well it will be.

By the time the libs wake up to reality they'll wish they didn't hate the USA like they did. Too Late.


macrumors 604
Mar 11, 2013
What do people expect?
People voted for the politicians that came up and approved this.
And people are now complaining?
And yet people keep voting and supporting the SAME politicians?

Because most people are incredibly uninformed and just vote for who their family votes for or who they see on TV more and the small vocal minority who are informed and vote against these people are overpowered.


macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2009
Irvine, CA
You're right!

But here's why it's worse already, far worse that hypocritical Apple cult like followers believe.

Roll back time to 2014, although it began sooner 2014 was the pivotal liars year.

Lying via a phony "story about Net Neutrality" the libs and Democrats convinced enough Americans that big companies like Comcast Cable were hogging bandwidth while we got charged big bucks. A very successful campaign pushed through Net Neutrality (a clever label to mislead the public).

Fast forward to the present and this topic.
Fast forward a few years and we will have limited high priced Internet. When they want to the Government will shut it down.
Sounds like China doesn't it. Well it will be.

By the time the libs wake up to reality they'll wish they didn't hate the USA like they did. Too Late.

I think you just fell off a slippery slope. That doesn't sound at all likely. Net neutrality is about treating web content equal so that big or small sites can get the same speeds and providers can't control what people see.
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