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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 29, 2017
Berks, Pa
I’m pissed😡

I was finishing up some homework in bed and as I close the lid, part of my blanket got caught in the in hinge area and I heard and earth shattering crunch.... open it back up and there she’s goes

So now I definitely have to buy AppleCare this week before the 90 clock runs out... my community college sales AppleCare on cards so I figure I get one of those to prevent any preinspection for AppleCare

Any got the low down on screen repair prices from Apple with or without AppleCare 🙄

Edit... too late for AppleCare.... I’m about to get raped
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I don't believe AppleCare will cover your screen breakage. Apple considers that as accidental damage which is not covered under ordinary AppleCare. You would need AppleCare + which for you is too late to purchase. Sorry, I have no idea how much screen replacement will cost.
I don't believe AppleCare will cover your screen breakage. Apple considers that as accidental damage which is not covered under ordinary AppleCare. You would need AppleCare + which for you is too late to purchase. Sorry, I have no idea how much screen replacement will cost.

yeah just confirmed.... I’m screwed 🙄

Time to get the lube.... silicon or water based😭

Apparently it’s just the glass Chin benzel logo baffle doo hickey

I need to find this part for the 16
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Will your house insurance not cover you for accidental damage for this sort of thing?
I assume it still works? If I had that crack I'd leave it be as it's not even on the screen. Then if you happen to damage it by accident again then get the thing fixed.
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If the crack is not bothersome on the display area, I would just leave it if the repair costs are too much.
Do let us know how much a screen repair is.
Seems like such a hassle to get Liberty Mutual involved 😩
There's a risk that you're premiums will go up if you file a claim. You certainly can talk to an agent and ask them though.

Also contact apple, you never know they may offer a deal for you.
Take it in to Apple to see how much they'd charge - at least that way you can consider options.

I know its not impacting your ability to use the laptop, but stuff like that makes me nervous as the integrity is compromised and it may spread quite easily.
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it's not on the viewable part of the screen right? clear tape it and keep on going. I wouldn't tote it anywhere though, just put it permanently on your desk. It may not spread if you just leave it open.
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That’s the best bet, but a lot of CCs have been quietly discontinuing their damage and extended warranty coverages.

Fortunately my Visa Infinite offers two year pro rated coverage VS lost, stolen, accidental damage or mechanical failure up to Cdn$1,500.
I was finishing up some homework in bed and as I close the lid, part of my blanket got caught in the in hinge area and I heard and earth shattering crunch.... open it back up and there she’s goes

So now I definitely have to buy AppleCare this week before the 90 clock runs out... my community college sales AppleCare on cards so I figure I get one of those to prevent any preinspection for AppleCare

Any got the low down on screen repair prices from Apple with or without AppleCare 🙄

I would call Apple first, maybe they'd be willing to help out, or at the very least give a discount with the cost of repair. Doesn't hurt to ask. You could also drop into the Apple Store if one is near you, and speak with a manager, they also may be willing to either replace or at the very least reduce the cost of repair.

I don't believe AppleCare will cover your screen breakage.

AFAIK Apple only sells Apple Care + now, at least here in Canada. I know before the regular Apple Care wouldn't cover Accidental Damage, then Apple introduced AC+ in the US, and then sometime last year, (or 2018) they brought it up to Canada and I thought that was the only coverage they sold now.

Anyways, I always buy it for this reason, it's nice to know any accidents are covered since I fed a 2012 MBP coffee once :( Also, with Macbooks and everything being soldered or glued, after the 1 year, if your keyboard goes on that 16", that's a huge cost since the entire top deck get's replaced. And if the logic board goes... better hope you bought AC, so for the $300 cost of AC+ or whatever it is, I'll buy it. Peace of mind. I can't fathom spending over $2k on a MB and after the 1 year being on my own.
Repair options and warranty coverage aside, the idea that the screen can get cracked like this is rather disturbing to me.
is this a freak accident or indicating that the screen on the new 16” MBP is more fragile ?
It doesn't matter whether the hinge is on a laptop or your bedroom door - if something gets in the way of the hinge closing, damage can ensue. Worse, there's leverage involved with the edge farthest from the hinge (again, same with a door or a laptop - the hinge is the fulcrum of a lever), so the forces involved are magnified. When it comes to doors, I've had to replace splintered wood and stripped wood screw holes, and pound deformed steel door frames.

This is hardly a freak accident. It's fundamental mechanics/physics. Something is likely to give unless the hinge and its surroundings are built so heavily (like a bank vault, nutcracker, or well-made pliers or scissors) that only the object squeezed between the jaws is affected.

Yeah, it's always possible to build a sturdier hinge assembly - that's part of the size/weight design equation. Even so, a strong hinge wouldn't prevent another kind of damage reported here - screens that crack because a pen or other object is left on the keyboard when the lid is being closed. A hinge can be designed to float a bit (allows space for a bit of blanket or a pencil), but that brings other design challenges (maintaining the position of the display when opened, perception of sturdiness, etc.). A "perfect" design is a hard thing to come by.
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