Hey gang,
So I currently have a 6s Plus and after waiting in line on launch eve at the Apple store, and finding out there were no plus to be had, I finally made it over to the Apple store and compared phones and cameras. Here are my thoughts...
-iPhone 7 and 7 Plus even in the bright store settings with full brightness didn't have a huge difference in pics at all compared to my 6s Plus, in some cases as others have said, the 6s looked better.
- I tried out the 2x zoom and it was cool and smooth but as the keynote showed where they did 10x zoom and the guy on top showed completely clear, that was complete crap. I did this test in the Apple store where they have perfect lighting. It was very very grainy and full of pixilation. This brings me to the point that I wonder how much of this is software controlled and if its just bad marketing, in terms of why they won't fix it? If the only difference the second camera does is a real clear 2x zoom, is that worth a whole upgrade? Because the digital zoom still sucks. I can't figure out why Samsung cameras on their phones look so much more crisp and clear and iPhone cameras do not, even though I have heard that Samsung supplies the iPhone camera, not sure if this is true.
- I was in Atlanta this past week visiting my sister and had the chance to play with my nephews 2 year old iPod touch and my nieces iPhone 5s, we shot some pics with both and I was very shocked to see both colors and pics looked more clear on their devices then any of the 5 different iPhone 6s or 6s Plus I had within the family, why is this?
- I have a 7Plus on pre order because I generally upgrade all my devices yearly because gadgets are one of my passion. Not sure how I feel being that based on real life tests this evening that keynote was way off in terms of examples it showed and the existing pics in the demo phones I am completely confident are like computer generated or touched up.
What are your thoughts people?