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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 2, 2010
The updated camera was one of the main reasons I got the 7 (upgrading from 6S) but I have to say thus far I'm underwhelmed. Took some shots in full daylight today and couldn't tell much of a a difference, slight edge in brightness/sharpness actually to the 6S. I thought fine, the 7 really shines in low light so that's where I will see the big difference. Nope, in all my sample shots in low light the 6S was actually better. The 6S shots were brighter and sharper. For those of you that upgraded from the 6S to the 7 I would love to get your feedback. If you still have both phones try taking pics of something in low light and let me know what you think.
Will test this out 27-29 September when I get my 7+. But this is disappointing for sure!
I agree. I didn't upgrade but wife did. I can't tell a difference. Granted she went with a 7 and not a plus, but I thought that only effected zooming and whatever the photography term for that blur effect was.

The only bullet point I feel I can say is clearly better is the speakers. I honestly expected the least out of these and they were the most impressive. Much louder and clearer. She likes to listen to music in the shower so I have louder music to look forward being woken up to lol.
Noticed something very strange on the 7plus, the 2x optical zoom does not seem to use the second lens, i put my finger over the tele lens and then hit the 2x zoom and it worked even when my finger was still covering the other lens....very, very strange!!!!!
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No diff here IMO from 6S to 7. But I feel I read these threads every year.

Remember dozens saying the 6S camera was same as 6.

6 Camera worse than 5S. etc

Yep, but this year was supposed to be something truly better for the base model...image stabilization with a faster lens that took better photos in low light. Waiting to see what the professional reviewers have to say. But just comparing my 7 to my 6S, I'm sad to say the 6S photos look better. I wish that wasn't the case but that's what I see.
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Noticed something very strange on the 7plus, the 2x optical zoom does not seem to use the second lens, i put my finger over the tele lens and then hit the 2x zoom and it worked even when my finger was still covering the other lens....very, very strange!!!!!

It uses the normal (wide angle) camera in low light even for 2x zoom
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Would love to hear from others that still have their 6S to get their thoughts. Just take a photo of the same thing in low light and see if you can tell a difference zoomed in.
Well, as a full-time photographer, I can definitely contribute to this thread...but only after I finally get my iPhone 7 Plus! Once T-Mobile ships mine out to me, I can chime in here and deliver a reliable analysis. Stay tuned...
Noticed something very strange on the 7plus, the 2x optical zoom does not seem to use the second lens, i put my finger over the tele lens and then hit the 2x zoom and it worked even when my finger was still covering the other lens....very, very strange!!!!!
What happens if you optical zoom then cover the telephoto lens? Maybe the camera detects no light and stays with the "wide angle"?
I've noticed a massive difference in low light photos. Also the 2x optical zoom. Those are two areas that make a difference in pictures, and they're added to an already great camera.

I have the base 7 and not the Plus but I'm not seeing a difference in low light photos. In fact, in my test shots the 6S shots looked slightly better. I had my wife take a look to be sure it wasn't just my eyes deceiving me and she agreed the 6S shots were better. Bummed.
I think the main reason would be between 6s and 7 that smaller one has ois now which is nice to have when taking vids.
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Noticed something very strange on the 7plus, the 2x optical zoom does not seem to use the second lens, i put my finger over the tele lens and then hit the 2x zoom and it worked even when my finger was still covering the other lens....very, very strange!!!!!
You're right...
I have the base 7 and not the Plus but I'm not seeing a difference in low light photos. In fact, in my test shots the 6S shots looked slightly better. I had my wife take a look to be sure it wasn't just my eyes deceiving me and she agreed the 6S shots were better. Bummed.

I dunno. I guess I disagree. I picked up dinner last night on the way home after picking up my wife's iPhone 7 plus. I waited at the bar for the food to be ready, and it was your classic dark, swanky, Scottsdale restaurant. I snapped a couple of pics of bottles behind the bar and a couple of other things and couldn't believe how much better they looked than 6s plus shots I'd snapped in similar situations. Don't get me wrong, it's not a DSLR, or anything near it, but I saw a huge improvement.

Now I'm an a hole, because I deleted the pics as I took them and never thought to save or post them. Regardless I see a difference.
Noticed something very strange on the 7plus, the 2x optical zoom does not seem to use the second lens, i put my finger over the tele lens and then hit the 2x zoom and it worked even when my finger was still covering the other lens....very, very strange!!!!!

Yes that is normal behaviour in low light, as the tele lens is not optical stabilized, it would result in blurry pics if used in low light. If you try your test again in a bright area, you will see that indeed the tele lens is used.
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Yes that is normal behaviour in low light, as the tele lens is not optical stabilized, it would result in blurry pics if used in low light. If you try your test again in a bright area, you will see that indeed the tele lens is used.
I think this phone will send people who aren't really across camera technology on a quick learning exercise on exposure. That's the second best thing to do now. First being learn better composition.

Saying that, I think third party apps might give more control of both cameras and show just how beneficial wife aperture and optical stabilisation are.
I dunno. I guess I disagree. I picked up dinner last night on the way home after picking up my wife's iPhone 7 plus. I waited at the bar for the food to be ready, and it was your classic dark, swanky, Scottsdale restaurant. I snapped a couple of pics of bottles behind the bar and a couple of other things and couldn't believe how much better they looked than 6s plus shots I'd snapped in similar situations. Don't get me wrong, it's not a DSLR, or anything near it, but I saw a huge improvement.

Now I'm an a hole, because I deleted the pics as I took them and never thought to save or post them. Regardless I see a difference.
If we could see histograms from different phone models, it might be more telling as much seems to be judged on the automatic metering. That doesn't tell you much as you wouldn't compare two dslr cameras based solely on the auto modes.
Yep, but this year was supposed to be something truly better for the base model...image stabilization with a faster lens that took better photos in low light. Waiting to see what the professional reviewers have to say. But just comparing my 7 to my 6S, I'm sad to say the 6S photos look better. I wish that wasn't the case but that's what I see.

Yep not a game changer phone, it's not worth the money...
Hey gang,
So I currently have a 6s Plus and after waiting in line on launch eve at the Apple store, and finding out there were no plus to be had, I finally made it over to the Apple store and compared phones and cameras. Here are my thoughts...

-iPhone 7 and 7 Plus even in the bright store settings with full brightness didn't have a huge difference in pics at all compared to my 6s Plus, in some cases as others have said, the 6s looked better.

- I tried out the 2x zoom and it was cool and smooth but as the keynote showed where they did 10x zoom and the guy on top showed completely clear, that was complete crap. I did this test in the Apple store where they have perfect lighting. It was very very grainy and full of pixilation. This brings me to the point that I wonder how much of this is software controlled and if its just bad marketing, in terms of why they won't fix it? If the only difference the second camera does is a real clear 2x zoom, is that worth a whole upgrade? Because the digital zoom still sucks. I can't figure out why Samsung cameras on their phones look so much more crisp and clear and iPhone cameras do not, even though I have heard that Samsung supplies the iPhone camera, not sure if this is true.

- I was in Atlanta this past week visiting my sister and had the chance to play with my nephews 2 year old iPod touch and my nieces iPhone 5s, we shot some pics with both and I was very shocked to see both colors and pics looked more clear on their devices then any of the 5 different iPhone 6s or 6s Plus I had within the family, why is this?

- I have a 7Plus on pre order because I generally upgrade all my devices yearly because gadgets are one of my passion. Not sure how I feel being that based on real life tests this evening that keynote was way off in terms of examples it showed and the existing pics in the demo phones I am completely confident are like computer generated or touched up.

What are your thoughts people?
Hey gang,
So I currently have a 6s Plus and after waiting in line on launch eve at the Apple store, and finding out there were no plus to be had, I finally made it over to the Apple store and compared phones and cameras. Here are my thoughts...

-iPhone 7 and 7 Plus even in the bright store settings with full brightness didn't have a huge difference in pics at all compared to my 6s Plus, in some cases as others have said, the 6s looked better.

- I tried out the 2x zoom and it was cool and smooth but as the keynote showed where they did 10x zoom and the guy on top showed completely clear, that was complete crap. I did this test in the Apple store where they have perfect lighting. It was very very grainy and full of pixilation. This brings me to the point that I wonder how much of this is software controlled and if its just bad marketing, in terms of why they won't fix it? If the only difference the second camera does is a real clear 2x zoom, is that worth a whole upgrade? Because the digital zoom still sucks. I can't figure out why Samsung cameras on their phones look so much more crisp and clear and iPhone cameras do not, even though I have heard that Samsung supplies the iPhone camera, not sure if this is true.

- I was in Atlanta this past week visiting my sister and had the chance to play with my nephews 2 year old iPod touch and my nieces iPhone 5s, we shot some pics with both and I was very shocked to see both colors and pics looked more clear on their devices then any of the 5 different iPhone 6s or 6s Plus I had within the family, why is this?

- I have a 7Plus on pre order because I generally upgrade all my devices yearly because gadgets are one of my passion. Not sure how I feel being that based on real life tests this evening that keynote was way off in terms of examples it showed and the existing pics in the demo phones I am completely confident are like computer generated or touched up.

What are your thoughts people?
Digital zoom is just cropping. It doesn't change the quality of the image other than cut some of it away.

Any demo is going to show a product's functions and results as good as possible. Apple don't just show pictures taken in an Apple Store. The artificial lighting, tripod mount, manual control will all play massive roles in getting the images you saw in the keynote. But hat doesn't mean you can't capture the same level of image from your iPhone. Photography is not merely about pointing and shooting.
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