No way to know if it sold out as they will be filling orders for months and months into 2018
They will sell way more 8 and 8+ units for sure.
it was already on sale???!!!
iPhone X doesn't go on pre sale until October...
Come on, guys. I think it's fair to assume that the question is meant to be future tense.
Once around 3-5 minutes rolls around it'll probably be around 3-4 weeks like usual, just hope it doesn't reach 6-8 too quickly. And I do honestly believe most ppl understood what he was conveying in his poll question....
I had two people tell me over the weekend that they weren't fast enough to order the iPhone X on Friday so not everyone knew it wasn't even available to begin with. If you weren't paying attention during the order process I wouldn't be surprised if it looked like iPhone X was sold out/unavailable on Friday.
I have no doubt that it will be successful, but I don't see the X being a record breaker for Apple.
I think it will be. There are a lot of people that like having the latest and greatest whether they need it or not, and this will be the current status symbol for many.
I think you mean to ask, "will the iPhone X sell out quickly?"
Anyway, maybe it won't be so bad for the X. There are a few unique factors to consider.
- It's launching later so they have more time to build up an initial stock.
- A lot of people will have already decided to get an 8 or 8 Plus instead.
- The price will be a deal breaker for many.
- Things like the notch, lack of home button, and lack of TouchID will also be deal breakers for some.
Every year, the "most desirable" iPhone - e.g. Jet Black 7+ last year, gold 5S a few years ago - has its ship date slip almost immediately to 6+ weeks out.
I remember trying for a Jet Black 7+ at exactly 3AM EST last year and getting an estimated delivery date of late October, nearly two months out.
This was for a phone they were supply-constrained enough on that it wasn't even available in the lowest storage tier.
Given the 6-8 week lead time on even normal "most desirable" iPhones in past years, the fact that they're not even taking pre-orders until the end of October makes me think that they know even the earliest preorders won't see delivery until January.
They've probably calculated that taking pre-orders at the end of October for a January ship date is a better PR story than taking pre-orders in September for a January ship date - this keeps them in the same 6-8 week window that previous high-demand iPhones have had.
Additionally, the real story will be how many iPhone X units they allocate to each region. Demand for iPhone 7 was actually up worldwide except for China, where the iPhone is a status symbol and changes in physical design are more important than anything else. That makes me think they'll allocate the bulk of first-run iPhone X units to China, leaving North American supply even more limited than it already would be.
TLDR if you pre-order at exactly the first second you're humanly capable of adding it to your cart, you probably still won't get one until January 2018.