I prefer a combination of different things and teachers….From anyone’s perspective do you prefer, silence or guided meditation?
The 1 Giant Mind app has a 12 step intro and besides verbally prepping at the beginning of a session, it moves onto silence other than your mantra. As I mentioned, I don’t do mantra, but use my breathing as a center of focus, that and watching the light show on the back of my eye lids. 🙂
The Zen meditation that as offered in the game I mentioned, was guided, constant talking. Actually I like both, and there is room for both, but tend to believe that silence and being focused on self without thought (ideally) has benefit as far as calming and self awareness.
Insight Timer offers a bunch of guided sessions.
First of all, there's not a path that suits everyone - we have to learn to know and follow what is good and challenge ourselves. I don't think totally silent meditation is better than guided.
It also depends a lot on the awareness on the teacher and the student.
Insight Timer is good, I had it a long time and even with subscription in a period. Then I deleted the app, and meditated without a timer even. But I missed to have a timer after some time. So now I have the app again but only use it as a timer, to keep track on my meditation and yoga practice, nothing else.
I got Waking Up app free for a whole year, as the app was new at the time.
The best on the app for me was Adyashanti's stuff. But sure Sam Harris has made a great app with a large variety of styles and knowledge. Nothing I would pay for though today - way too expensive - but each to their own.
I payed to meditate with Adyashanti when he had his Sunday Community Practice, which was awesome with plenty of people meditated together every other Sunday over the world. His wife is doing that practice now, and I'm sure she's good but I moved on at that point and meditated solo instead.
Everybody has to follow their own path, and understand their own consciousness.
Most of us have a free will, or some aspect and degree of it, at least.
Then it's up to us to make choices.
Finally, I've heard people telling stories how people sits and sleep at retreats where only silent meditations occur. It might be good for them, what do I know of their path?
Personally, I prefer staying awake and becoming more aware of the consciousness that I am.