I have the iPhone X, and used it for a year. I loved the OLED color schemes, and the rich colors. But I went back to the LCD screen and "upgraded" to an iPhone 8 because I was getting headaches from the OLED pulsing thing. But after going to back LCD's my headaches have stopped.
i’ve heard true tone on helps? is that true?
I read that also, but it did not help for me. I left true tone on all the time when I used the X and I still had the headaches. It may help for other people though, just not for me.
i had a headache this morning. do you think it’s from the iphone X?
Like how often do they happen?
Some people headaches.If apple goes full OLED with all their phones that will be concerning if it’s going to give everyone headaches.
Because there are far more special, sensitive snowflakes in Apple’s customer base that are used to having everyone listen when they whine about how hard their first world life is.Its strange, Samsung and other manufactures have been using OLED displays for years and I never once heard anyone mention PWM. Now that apple has OLED displays all these posts about people getting headaches are popping up.
Because there are far more special, sensitive snowflakes in Apple’s customer base that are used to having everyone listen when they whine about how hard their first world life is.
I’ll also point out the fact that the device is blamed and an entire type of well established screen technology is derided before anyone even suggests that the amount of time someone spends staring at a tiny screen could cause a headache.
Nah. Let’s just skip right to “NO I’M SENSITIVE AND A VICTIM TOO”.
There are reasons why someone might prefer one to the other, as people are pointing out, but color accuracy probably isn’t one of them. The idea that OLED is more saturated doesn’t have anything to do with the technology, it comes from Samsung shipping with an over saturated profile enabled by default followed by constant repetition that their OLED colors “really pop”.I have the iPhone X and I just feel colors seem too saturated at times. Like, its too much color if that makes sense. Green grass is soooo GREEN, like super green sometimes. Just as an example.
I like the lcd compared to the oled. Oled looks too warm for me. Even when I turn off True Tone.I have the iPhone X and I just feel colors seem too saturated at times. Like, its too much color if that makes sense. Green grass is soooo GREEN, like super green sometimes. Just as an example.
If you put an lcd and oled side by side there’s differences in the hue, Warm vs cool, even with True Tone turned off.I had the X for a year and the XS Max for about a month, and I still cannot tell the difference between Apple's LCD displays and their OLED displays to be honest. They both look as washed out and dull to me.
I like the lcd compared to the oled. Oled looks too warm for me. Even when I turn off True Tone.
If you put an lcd and oled side by side there’s differences in the hue, Warm vs cool, even with True Tone turned off.
Oh I re-read you’re original post about washed out and dull. Touché.Trust me I've tried and I can't see the difference at all... Except when looking at a true black screen obviously.
i had a headache this morning. do you think it’s from the iphone X?
Like how often do they happen?