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macrumors member
May 28, 2004
Norman, OK (Moving Soon!)
joco said:
Has anyone confirmed this rumor??? Because I just called Apple and they said that NONE of the dual 2.5's shipped yet and they are not expected to ship until July 30.

Any ideas?

I remain dubious to the shipment of CPUs in large quantities at this moment.

Obviously shipment is a function of when you ordered and if your payment transaction is accepted in addition to product quanitity.

I would like my new G5.

I need a faster cpu for Mathematica. Right now it would be nice to solve these nonhomogeneous partial differential Bessel functions so I can precisely see the nondispersive wave propagation of a circle. My poor little G4 takes a while to compute the associated Eigenvalues.

Que Sera Sera


macrumors 6502
Apr 25, 2004
I called the online Apple store today and they said that is not true.
They will not see anything untill at least the 27th, and I wont see my overnight order untill the 29th or 30th. If not then I will need to wait for that following Monday.
I hope it is true.. but not looking good.


macrumors member
May 28, 2004
Norman, OK (Moving Soon!)
itsa said:
I called the online Apple store today and they said that is not true.
They will not see anything untill at least the 27th, and I wont see my overnight order untill the 29th or 30th. If not then I will need to wait for that following Monday.
I hope it is true.. but not looking good.

I agree.

A few stragglers might have their cpus but the majority will probably not be shipped out til the end of the month. I've been with Apple since the late 1980s and they usually stick to their posted ship dates or later.

The Bartender

macrumors member
Mar 20, 2004
Chip NoVaMac said:
You've seen a G5 2.5D in a store? Rumors were they were going to ship with 10.3.5, is why I am asking.

It is stated on the home page... I'll be seeing for myself soon anyway.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2001
Los Angeles
Apple is great, they take something messy and cumbersome like liquid cooling and they pack it into a slick aluminum case to make it sexy. I suppose by now I shouldn't be surprised.


macrumors 6502
Apr 25, 2004
jimsowden said:
I have to say, apple is weird when it comes to releases. We sh*tted our pants when these came, so we called apple and they said not a single unit was shipped yet. So the 2 dual 2.5s we and use have don't exist.

That must mean you have more on the way.. :0)


Dec 3, 2003
Phat_Pat said:
Whats the new card run at?

256 or 128?

256MB, and nagromme's right, even though you won't be using a 30" display, the new Nvidia card is a really powerful sucker. A must if you plan on picking up Doom III in the future. :p

...well, or if you're a 3D modeler of any sort too, I guess....


macrumors member
Feb 12, 2004
i'm doubtful that this is true. who would be the ones getting their machines? i ordered mine the day of release and nothing has changed in my order status. i'm not necessarily expecting to be one of the first to get one, just curious as to WHO is actually getting them if this claim is true.


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2004
I plan on ordering my dual 2.5 with the geforce 6800 ultra, but I'm not planning on ordering it until like the end of July. Will the shipping times be normal by then? Or is it going to be be another month even from then. If it is then I should probably try to order it sooner. This thing is gonna be amazing regardless.


macrumors member
Feb 12, 2004
clr900 said:
I plan on ordering my dual 2.5 with the geforce 6800 ultra, but I'm not planning on ordering it until like the end of July. Will the shipping times be normal by then? Or is it going to be be another month even from then. If it is then I should probably try to order it sooner. This thing is gonna be amazing regardless.

the 2.5 may have a shorter wait? i wouldnt hold out for the 6800 though, other posts on the forums and have systems with that card in them stated at 8/31 - 9/3 (so i've read and saw on apple). check for yourself. the card is what is going to hold you up. if the 2.5 status changes and you need the system order one with the stock card and then just upgrade to the 6800 when it becomes more widely available.

smoke it down:

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
jimsowden said:
I have to say, apple is weird when it comes to releases. We sh*tted our pants when these came, so we called apple and they said not a single unit was shipped yet. So the 2 dual 2.5s we and use have don't exist.

So I guess you will be getting two more? If so can I have one please? :)


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2004
Garden State
I'll believe they're shipping when more people weigh in with shipped orders. I wonder if this is all due to the revelation that Jim has two of them at work.

Overall though, I am glad we didn't learn that the 2.5s arrived 2 weeks ago, or else the last two weeks would have been hell.. which is to say the next two weeks may be pretty bad if my BTO doesn't really ship till 8/02... :(


macrumors newbie
Jul 6, 2004
still the 17th...

My CDW rep keeps saying that their first shipment of 2.5's is the 17th, and I am in that first shipment. (thats what it says on his system!)

what do you think? Anyone taking bets? :)


macrumors member
May 25, 2004
Houston, Texas
J_Berg said:
My CDW rep keeps saying that their first shipment of 2.5's is the 17th, and I am in that first shipment. (thats what it says on his system!)

what do you think? Anyone taking bets? :)

when did you place your order?? :confused:
lucky bastard !! :eek:


macrumors member
Feb 12, 2004
J_Berg said:
My CDW rep keeps saying that their first shipment of 2.5's is the 17th, and I am in that first shipment. (thats what it says on his system!)

what do you think? Anyone taking bets? :)

i think at this point i'd willingly give up atleast one....maybe both...of my testicles just to have the release of getting the machine (or just KNOWING when it will come). the anticipation is so bad for my heart.


macrumors newbie
Jul 6, 2004
Arodweb said:
when did you place your order?? :confused:
lucky bastard !! :eek:

Ordered it the day they were announced, what were YOU waiting for? :rolleyes:

It's not BTO, but CDW is adding 3 gigs of ram. We'll see how long that takes them.


Dec 26, 2002
Albuquerque, NM
Duff-Man says...I am #2 in line at the reseller that I have my order with here in Canada...when I start to see some other confirmations of shipping then maybe I'll give them a call for an updated ETA but if it is just one order that snuck out then I'll hang tight, somewhat patiently....oh yeah!
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