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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 6, 2009
Can some one explain the logic behind full screen apps rendering other monitor as a paperweight?

I did search before posting but I still don't get the logic.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2011
Can some one explain the logic behind full screen apps rendering other monitor as a paperweight?

I did search before posting but I still don't get the logic.

Yeah it's completely useless. It's made it impossible to run quicktime player (X, 7 still works) on a separate screen while browsing. Or even the reverse, having QTX on your main screen while being able to monitor something's progress on the secondary screen.

Completely useless.




macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2005
Dual monitors does pose some challenges to things like Mission Control, where it could get confusing...

But that is why they get paid the big bucks. Apples engineers really should be able to figure out some solutions. RIght now it just seems so half-baked.


macrumors newbie
Jun 11, 2011
I agree

Dual monitors does pose some challenges to things like Mission Control, where it could get confusing...

But that is why they get paid the big bucks. Apples engineers really should be able to figure out some solutions. Right now it just seems so half-baked.

it is completely useless. I would absolutely love to use full screen apps, as long as it did not render my monitors to paper wights as you guys said…

they need to leave the other monitors untouched and have seamless integration treating the fullscreen app just like any other window, but just cannot be moved or resized, but you can drag into it and over it with other programs as well.

this current solution is such a hack job, and is very un-apple-like and the reckless release of such an unfinished feature is clearly profit driven, which is very odd coming from apple, so am really not sure what to think behind their reasoning here.

What I am worried about is them trying to do away with needing multiple monitors and them never pursuing a fix for us, other than making it easier to switch apps on a single monitor
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2005
Personally, I don't see the point in full-screen apps if you have two displays.
With one display, yes, it's helpful to maximize available space. But with two displays, i'm not sure I see a need.

Maybe just me, though.


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
If it a rather silly implementation by Apple since full-screen mode built-in to Chrome allows you to use the alternate display normally.

Likewise, Team Fortress 2 leaves the secondary monitor going. Which is great because I can leave my IM windows, IRC and email there and if someone contacts me while I'm playing I can alt-tab over and answer, even if it's just "sappin' sentries, talk to ya later" :)

So this is 100% Apple fail; all the other companies have been able to do full screen without breaking things.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2008
Bay Area
Personally, I don't see the point in full-screen apps if you have two displays.
With one display, yes, it's helpful to maximize available space. But with two displays, i'm not sure I see a need.

Maybe just me, though.

Things like iMovie or FCP X (which did not got full screen)/

It would be nice to work on iMovie on main screen and have netflix on the other screen.

Anyhow, stop QQing and DO Something:


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
Sent. I sure as hell hope someone reads it, and can get the feedback to the right place.

In OS X Lion, full screen apps disable additional monitors. This isn't acceptable.

Example: You can't full screen a Quicktime movie on a secondary screen while doing other work on the primary screen. This worked fine in Snow Leopard.

This is a showstopper bug for me, and many others who multitask and have multiple screens.


macrumors newbie
Oct 7, 2011
I'd love a display spanning option for full screen apps. Especially since I have a single very high-resolution display (3840x2400) that needs to be driven in multiple slices or tiles to get decent refresh rates; currently it's driven as two 1920x2400 slices, but I'd rather drive it as four 960x2400 slices or four 1920x1200 tiles, which is however a PITA with the current lack of decent spanning support for configurations like that. A 960 px wide menu bar, for instance, would be pretty useless.
I'd also love to see an option to re-enable vertical NeXT style menu palettes instead of the always-on-top horizontal menu bar, which is usability-wise quite awful for high-res use and occupies lots of useless space.
I'm of course a niche user, but I'm sure there are similar configurations for multiple separate displays, so I can't be the only one who would find some improvements useful.


macrumors member
Aug 6, 2011
Sent. I sure as hell hope someone reads it, and can get the feedback to the right place.

In OS X Lion, full screen apps disable additional monitors. This isn't acceptable.

Example: You can't full screen a Quicktime movie on a secondary screen while doing other work on the primary screen. This worked fine in Snow Leopard.

This is a showstopper bug for me, and many others who multitask and have multiple screens.

Oh I assure you this is not a bug.
This was the biggest reason for me upgrading from lion to SL. (and yes I consider going from 10.7 to 10.6 an upgrade.

I spent hours talking to apple tech support going up level after level. Finally had the poor guy I was talking to talk to a senior software engineer and found out that blanking out the second monitor was intended. You heard me right. Apple decided that we did not need a second display. Who made them god?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2011
Come on Apple.

I've posted on the Mac OS X Feedback page 3-4 times since Lion release about this. It's ridiculous.


macrumors regular
Jun 9, 2011
Ultimately the reason for this bug is the way Lion handles Full-screen mode. It puts the Full-screen app into it's own space without a desktop behind it.

SL's Full-screen mode is better since it puts the app into Full-screen mode in the current space leaving the desktop behind it.


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2010
So this is 100% Apple fail; all the other companies have been able to do full screen without breaking things.

While this is certainly Apple's problem for lousy implementation, you can't claim that all the other companies have done it right. I've only found one media player app that gets full screen truly right. All the others that I tried back out of FS whenever you switch to a different app.

Ultimately the reason for this bug is the way Lion handles Full-screen mode. It puts the Full-screen app into it's own space without a desktop behind it.

Yes, this is the problem right here.

SL's Full-screen mode is better since it puts the app into Full-screen mode in the current space leaving the desktop behind it.

SL doesn't have an OS-wide FS mode. Any FS modes you may have found were implemented by the app, not the OS. So your success with FS mode is dependent on how the developer implemented it.


macrumors 68040
Oct 3, 2009
I think the reason dual-monitors are poorly supported is because not many people use such a setup, and as always, people in the minority are not prioritized.


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2010
I think the reason dual-monitors are poorly supported is because not many people use such a setup, and as always, people in the minority are not prioritized.

This would make sense except for the fact that Apple implements it so well otherwise, and sells monitors specifically for that purpose. Apple is poorly supporting their own hardware in this case.


macrumors member
Aug 6, 2011
I had a good talk with a fellow Mac man and apple developer and what he said made some sense. Why we are so angry is because apple has named this function wrong it is not full screen. Far from it, apple calls it full screen but in reality It is single application mode. To mirror how the iPad operates. So what apple needs to do is not fix full screen but rather add the full screen option to the OS. They just assumed that everybody would want to use single application mode all the time

Sgt. Raven

macrumors member
Oct 2, 2011
SillyCon Valley
I had a good talk with a fellow Mac man and apple developer and what he said made some sense. Why we are so angry is because apple has named this function wrong it is not full screen. Far from it, apple calls it full screen but in reality It is single application mode. To mirror how the iPad operates. So what apple needs to do is not fix full screen but rather add the full screen option to the OS. They just assumed that everybody would want to use single application mode all the time

I have a 30" @ 2560x1600 and a 24" @ 1920x1200, I don't want to run in single application mode ever, is there a way to turn it off? :confused:


macrumors member
Aug 6, 2011
I wish there was. Again it fails me to figure out why apple would do this to us. I don't know where they get their data that tells them that we don't use two screens with full screen on one side and work going on on the other
"yawn" yet the majority of the people are happy with lion so what should we do

Here's a thought. How about all of us that hate lion travel to Cupertino dressed as Guy Fawkes and try to carry out the gunpowder treason plot?


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2010
I have a 30" @ 2560x1600 and a 24" @ 1920x1200, I don't want to run in single application mode ever, is there a way to turn it off? :confused:

Uh, don't click on it? Turning it off would have no effect beyond the lack of ability to use it should you want to (like watching a movie in full-screen mode). It wouldn't free up any system resources.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2009
I had a good talk with a fellow Mac man and apple developer and what he said made some sense. Why we are so angry is because apple has named this function wrong it is not full screen. Far from it, apple calls it full screen but in reality It is single application mode. To mirror how the iPad operates. So what apple needs to do is not fix full screen but rather add the full screen option to the OS. They just assumed that everybody would want to use single application mode all the time

I think they want everyone to use computers the way that iToys are used.


macrumors 65832
May 1, 2005
Mission Control is a big improvement when you get used to it, but full-screen on multiple screens is a huge disappointment, and wildly unintuitive. Particularly so when Quicktime X's full-screen worked so well before!

I can't see why they can't just have full-screen function more like apps that implemented it in the past; full-screen to one monitor, leaving the other as normal. Clicking off will leave the app full-screen but cause the menubar to appear over the top (if on your main screen) while you work outside of it.

The only real tricky part is for full-screen apps on a secondary screen, but these could easily just have their own full-screen hover-over menu for the purpose of full-screen.

It just seems like Apple took a feature idea, and couldn't be bothered taking the simple steps needed to make it work for multiple monitors, which is shocking, especially when it actually hinders the ability to use mobile devices; for example, when using a laptop with a projector, how do you full-screen an app on the projector only while keeping notes on the laptop's screen?


macrumors newbie
Oct 31, 2011
An Easy Fix?

I think this problem is easily solved if Apple would just gives each monitor its own mission control. The only question is the menu bar but if they could just let it show up on both monitors (obviously hidden when in a full screen app. My ideal environment would be to have a could full screen apps on an auxilerary monitor that I can swipe between (Mail, iTunes, iCal) and have a couple desktops on my main monitor where I can do my work. This could even be optional as a preference. Seems like an easy fix to me. I've submitted it to Apple.
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