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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Elon Musk raised eyebrows yesterday when he called Apple the "Tesla Graveyard" in an interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt, but this afternoon he attempted to smooth things over with a series of tweets clarifying his stance on the company.

"Yo, I don't hate Apple," he said before stating "it's a great company with a lot of talented people." Musk says he loves Apple products and he's "glad they're doing an [electric vehicle]."

In the interview, Musk called Apple the Tesla Graveyard after being questioned about Apple hiring some of Tesla's "most important engineers." Musk laughed off the idea that important Tesla employees had left the company for Apple and said people Apple hired had already been fired from Tesla. "If you don't make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple," he said. "I'm not kidding."

Musk also made fun of products like the Apple Watch, the iPad Pro, and the Apple Pencil, comments that he explained in a bit more detail today. In a second tweet, Musk said he wasn't a fan of the Apple Watch's functionality, but expects it to be a much more compelling product in the future.

Regarding the watch, Jony & his team created a beautiful design, but the functionality isn't compelling yet. By version 3, it will be. - Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 9, 2015

Apple and Tesla have been at odds in recent months as Apple has entered the car business. The two companies have been poaching employees from one another for several months running, but Musk has maintained that Apple has hired away "very few people" from Tesla despite attempting to lure Tesla employees with salary increases and large signing bonuses.

Article Link: Elon Musk Backtracks on Earlier Comments, Says 'I Don't Hate Apple'
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Andres Cantu

macrumors 68040
May 31, 2015
Typical backtracking from people who are jealous and/or scared of what Apple is capable of and their incredible brand power that has yet to be matched by any other company.

We see this happen all the time, especially recently.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2011
Toronto, ON
Why would he make those original comments in the first place if he wasn't cheesed at Apple for poaching the people he claims were already canned? Seriously, he'd have no motivation to be snarky otherwise. He wants companies to get in the EV game to raise awareness so it's not that.

People were poached.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2011
Mehh, i dont know why people get upset. Gates was likes this. Balmer. Jobs. Musk. I am sure Ive and Cook tussle behind the scenes, more conscious of their* ego in the public.

How else would you like your leaders? The greatest are always cocky. embrace it. Gotta have that killer instinct.
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