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cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Tim, tell the EU to kick rocks wearing flip flops. 🤌
Straight up. EU, enjoy your Android ONLY devices. Time to give them what they want.
Nah. Apple needs to get Google and Microsoft on board. All leave, all at once. Let them try to figure out how to make computers and software on their own. They'd come back on their knees begging all three to come back. Call their bluff. It's the only way to end this stupidity.


macrumors 6502
May 21, 2021
The big one for me is iMessage. I would definitely pay $5/month for the ability to iMessage on my Android.


Apr 11, 2018
There's always - ALWAYS - one guy 😆

While I doubt this would happen it would be an interesting experiment to see if the upset population would then outweigh the governmental overreach. Imagine if Apple just shutdown the EU access to the app store in protest of alt-stores... I imagine the users would take their anger out on their own government versus Apple.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
I guarantee you if Microsoft, Apple, and Google left they would quit and beg them to come back.
Perhaps but those companies - and their shareholders - like money a lot more than they hate regulation, so that will never happen

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
Why doesn’t the EU just tap into the huge font of technical expertise in the EU and build the companies with the vision they want? Likely, because it’s hard to do so with the regulations they have in place.


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
USB C substandard? The Koolaid is strong with this one.
It's certainly known to get loose over time, but the EU shouldn't be picking winners in any case. By mandating USB C they've effectively ruled out a better standard coming along to replace it... one that doesn't have a mess of standards hiding behind one 'universal' connector. Just look at the furore over the latest iPhones with USB 2.0 vs USB 3.1!


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2008
I think people are defending the user experience more so than defending billion dollar tech companies. Do you want your iPhone experience to be like Android? What a disaster that would be. Most people use Apple products because of the whole ecosystem and the (mostly) seamless user experience.
Sorry, but discussing a drug with an addict is mostly useless. The EU wants Apple to implement an option. To clarify this here: You do not have to use an option, cause it is optional.

But everyone of the nay sayers here will use those options. Why? Simply because Apple blocks innovation.

Ì’m really glad that the EU is killing Apples „lock users in, lock competition out“ business model. Why? Have a look what happened, after the EU forced Apple to implement USB-C:

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macrumors demi-god
Sep 12, 2014
It is not really a free market, if you can just choose between iOS and Android. And Google even pays billions to Apple.

What is "free" about not being able to do what you want with your own very expensive phone? Imagine you buy a car, but the car company also owns gas stations and only allows you to use their own gas stations. Would that be your idea or free market?
Also true but I found the widows ecosystem at a large church I helped IT system was a pain, with iexperienced staff who did not understand security on their devices one time a pastor brought a windows laptop back from Egypt with a nasty malware from hell that brought their entire network down and when you tried to kill it it just fought back like a monster. We moved them to entirely apple and also restricted admin status on devices to those who were responsible and knowlegable and things are going well altough I am no longer there its why I choose the apple ecosystem I Like there gas stations and security LOL
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macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2012
This is something I think that EU regulators don't get - right now there is virtually no competition in browsers because Chrome has a near monopoly - you're completely right that the only thing that prevents a complete chrome monopoly is Safari on iOS...
So, your remedy is that instead of competing fairly by making a better browser, it is fine if Apple cripples its competition so that they cannot be better and in fact worse because it has to be built on webkit with many restrictions on top of that? That is your definition of fairness? You want to defend the right of a company to do this without questioning it?
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macrumors demi-god
Sep 12, 2014
People are being too blinkered in their view on this. The mobile phone has become more than just a mobile phone, it has now become a device that in most part is an essential part of how society functions which means the iphone goes way beyond just being a mobile phone. Companies of all nature are now requiring people to install company app's on their phone. Medical services, utility companies, banks, retailers, local authorities, it is becoming increasing difficult to live and work in today's society without the use of a mobile phone. Therefore as a result, due to it's importance in today's society, it cannot be a closed system controlled only by one company who can do as it pleases.

This attitude/behavior might be ok in the US, it certainly is not in the EU, hence why the EU is asking for Apple to be more open.
That might be true (I am retired so less of an issue for me) but my experience is that companies and governments need to stay the hell out of my phone I just do not trust them. I liked the fact that on the iphone Steve kept the carriers out of the software on the phones I hated the software on my non apple cell phones frankly. I understand your point do not get me wrong. But the install needs to be done with security in mind not what government regulators want who do not understand security. I guess it depends on how you are allowed to use your phone or not at work or if they also give you a company owned phone and such.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
It is not really a free market, if you can just choose between iOS and Android. And Google even pays billions to Apple.

What is "free" about not being able to do what you want with your own very expensive phone? Imagine you buy a car, but the car company also owns gas stations and only allows you to use their own gas stations. Would that be your idea or free market?
People love to twist the true meaning of words just to suite their narrative. Nothing new or extraordinary.

Such as this time, they automatically assume “free market” is akin to unregulated or lightly regulated market where all parties will just behave. It should not be a hard thing to figure out how wrong this kind of thinking is.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 12, 2020
Translation: European businesses aren't competitive due to the regulations we crushed them under, so now we must crush others to bring them down to our level.

Apple, just leave. They're going to keep this BS up until it isn't worth your time to be there. Cut it off now and be done with their insane BS.
Apple could play chicken with the politicians. Imagine them withholding next year's iPhone release, but only in the EU. Those politicians would have an inferno lit under their asses to step off.


macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2021
Whilst I firmly believe the EU are overreaching and they will eventually cross a red line for Apple, side loading is done fine on the Mac so I don’t understand the fierce objection to that particular element. Apple will implement it eventually and we won’t think any different because of it. Vast majority of us will continue to use the App Store as we have done for over a decade and we will occasionally download apps directly from websites we trust. Most wont use rival app stores…

Also I think RCS should be adopted for iMessage. That doesn’t mean Android bubbles have to be blue… but it does mean better chats. I’d probably use iMessage more if Android users were able to integrate with it. As a European, WhatsApp has domination and I hate Meta.


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
If Apple doesn't like this, they should get ahead of it coming to the USA and be ready to lobby against it. Or even lobby to have something passed in the USA that protects Apple's hold on their hardware and software to create resistance of it working in the EU.
Yes! I, too, hope my favorite multi-trillion dollar corporation buys more politicians! Get on it, Apple!
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