Will you play it? It’s entirely online without npc’s except for robots and monsters as confirmed by Howard. Other players are the “npc’s”.
I will never buy it
I will never buy it
It sounds like this is to Fallout as GTA Online is to proper GTA.
I'm not remotely interested in it but then I didn't like the direction they took the series with Fallout 4 - inflexible story, minimal roleplaying, annoying crafting and bases - so I guess this just isn't for me any more.
Me neither. Taking most of the RPG elements out of Fallout 4 is why I never bought that title. I wonder if they’ll add more RPG to 76. Either way hope they fix all of that in Fallout 5 true single-player
Out of curiosity why do you think they took the RPG elements out of Fallout 4? It's got far, far more interesting characters that FO3 did (much more like FNV) and overall plays very much like both FO3 and FNV. And like everything else Bethesda releases, once you've figure out what mods to install for your own tastes you are all set.
FO4 doesn’t have much in terms of rpg mechanics: dialog, unique quests, weapon condition, skills, etc — All stripped from FO3. Why? To attract new and casual gamers rather than RPG fans. they didn’t invest nearly enough time into quests.
Same build as me. It'll play extremely well on our hardware. Can't wait to try out Battlefield V as well! For Honor starter pack is free till the 18th, so if you might be interested, go ahead and claim it before it gets a price again.I've got a desktop 7700k+1080ti build. This game should be interesting.
Same build as me. It'll play extremely well on our hardware. Can't wait to try out Battlefield V as well! For Honor starter pack is free till the 18th, so if you might be interested, go ahead and claim it before it gets a price again.
IDK, I'm not sure you've gotten solid information about that. I've played all three extensively and in terms of gameplay they are pretty darn similar, and many of the quests in FO4 are quite good. Yeah, there are problems, but there are problems with all three of them (like the need to mod them for even the most basic level of challenge, and FO4 is even worse than the prior Bethesda offerings in this way - it's absurdly easy if you use any intelligence and strategy at all during play, so IMHO players should mod the hell out of it for difficulty). I suppose if you are into some very specific game mechanics (like weapon degradation & repair) you may not like it as much, but then again you can almost certainly add anything you want with mods anyway. When it comes to RPGs I'm far more into story-telling, character-interaction, aesthetics and atmosphere than I am any specific mechanic (Dragon Age Origins is my single favorite RPG of all-time, even beating out the classic BG and BGII for me, so that should give you an idea where I'm coming from in terms of personal taste.). If I were you I would wait until the price drops considerably (probably already has) and then give it a whirl. I think you'll enjoy it a lot more than you think you will - some of the companions and quests are really fantastic and enjoyable, and while the characters still aren't up to what you see in some RPGs from other developers, they are a huge step up from other Bethesda offerings (outside of FNV, which Bethesda didn't develop in-house).
Hey can you mod it with just the base game or do you need the special editions/DLC in order to mod it?
Glad you mentioned DA:O just got it. Sounds like I’ll really enjoy it.
My main turn off for FO4 is the main story. It’s just childish (aside from what I’ve heard about RPG mechanics but sounds like you’ve enjoyed its RPG elements)
Self built or OEM?I've got a desktop 7700k+1080ti build. This game should be interesting.
Self built or OEM?
Nope. I have no interest in this. I don't know why gaming companies insist on making their awesome single player franchises multiplayer. The best way to ruin a great single player game is to make it multiplayer.
I’ve played the heck out of Fallout 4 and love it. I have been considering F76, but the lack of in-game human characters bothers me and the difference between an immersive solo game, in a world for my shaping, versus one polluted by other people in a MMO environment concerns me. Much of my attraction to F4 was based on in-game survivors and helping rebuild settlements. My guess is that mods in F76 are very limited In comparison to F4.
Here is a good review:
Other comments about Fallout 4, my opinion:
- The main quest is worthy and intriguing, not childish as someone claimed.
- The Institute is a good villain that you can align yourself with or fight it.
- Some people love settlement building and others don’t.
- Some people will find combat, clearing out locations repetitive, grindy, and other’s like myself won’t.
Some locations will remain cleared, but there are triggers in the game that can repopulate locations with bad guys, especially when the game sends you back there to find something, but not always.
- There are terrific community created mods that add adds gear, and story content.
- Multiple factions that are inherently different on their outlook about the direction the Commonwealth should take. You can align with all of them, but the vanilla game will try to make you pick just one or two and kill the others. That does not have to be, even with the vanilla game, but you have to read up on where not to do specific quests. Some of it is as simple as don’t do a quest where one faction quest asks you to attack another faction. NOTE: This rich environment is based on human NPCs, which F76 is missing.
- The vanilla game structure does try to funnel you to several specific endings, but within the structure of the game you can make some changes as previously stated, which requires a longer conversation, but it’s not difficult. And using the outstanding content mods that are available, you can completely change the ending, change significant events, and open the game up to what it could of, should of been.
The Wastelanders update will rectify that situation, that will be landing in early April. I've largely put the game down but I may pick it back up after this update.I have been considering F76, but the lack of in-game human characters bothers me and the difference between an immersive solo game
The Wastelanders update will rectify that situation, that will be landing in early April. I've largely put the game down but I may pick it back up after this update.
Here's my opinion of FO76, which may not be 100% accurate since I've not played it in a long time.
The map is huge and empty, lack of human NPCs are noticeable.
The game is geared towards coop play, whereas I'm a solo player and as I went through the main quest, I hit a major hurdle at one point because my XP was too low to continue, i.e., enemies too strong.
things wear out too strong, but supplies to repair that can be too scarce. I'm thinking of armor mostly.
Overall, I enjoyed the gameplay and other players were generally well behaved
I suspect that if the server was full of players that the discovery aspect of finding notes, and reading about what went on at some point would be strained and feel artificial. It’s almost as if this game would be better not as an MMO, but as a coop game.The Wastelanders update will rectify that situation, that will be landing in early April. I've largely put the game down but I may pick it back up after this update.
Here's my opinion of FO76, which may not be 100% accurate since I've not played it in a long time.
The map is huge and empty, lack of human NPCs are noticeable.
The game is geared towards coop play, whereas I'm a solo player and as I went through the main quest, I hit a major hurdle at one point because my XP was too low to continue, i.e., enemies too strong.
things wear out too strong, but supplies to repair that can be too scarce. I'm thinking of armor mostly.
Overall, I enjoyed the gameplay and other players were generally well behaved
Interesting. At least the plague explains why there were no AI humans in game. With the Wastelanders update, does this result in a new area being introduced or does it just change basic game mechanics across the landscape or both?Here's YT that provides some background and context if you've not play the game very much