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macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2021
And with allegedly higher subscription fee and harsh stance on adblocker, my YouTube activity is now strictly confined to iPad only as their ad-block is the best to counter YouTube right now, which is a shame because my work cannot be done on iPad, period. No more background listening.

When I figured out that Google and YouTube were just shutting people up for no good reason, and they were acting like total dictators over the folks making videos—slapping those yellow flags and stuff—it hit me they don't really give a hoot about what we think. You can talk all you want, but in the end, it's like you're just talking to a wall. So I ditched YouTube, man. Dumped the app right off my iPhone and iPad. I'm still subscribed to a few creators I actually dig, and I'll check out their stuff when it crosses my mind. Feels pretty good to me.


macrumors 68020
Oct 11, 2011
This would be great if they generate how-to articles from YouTube videos, So many times I search for how to do something, something quick and simple, like where to find a setting in window, or how much of something is something. and all I get now is YouTube videos on how to do it. I don't need a 10 minute video on how to pair an old bluetooth speaker I had laying around. It's worse than the 10 page article before a recipe on how it's your favorite child hood memory and blah blah blah.
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macrumors G4
Nov 25, 2017
Interesting new features, however not sure whether they will be useful


macrumors 65816
Jul 20, 2011
I can't wait to see what Apple plans to do with AI, especially with all the on-device processing power they are giving us.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Dumped the app right off my iPhone and iPad. I'm still subscribed to a few creators I actually dig, and I'll check out their stuff when it crosses my mind. Feels pretty good to me.
I dumped app years ago, and relied on iPad to watch/listen ever since. Yes, a few has very good videos I want to follow and watch regularly, but that’s about it.


macrumors 65816
Aug 10, 2023
Google's Fascist-style speech censorship department

No. Google is not "fascist". What Google is happens to be exactly what all advertising agencies are - intending to reach as many people while offending the least. That's what advertising does.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Degenerative AI will suggest more re-shared shorts, and more ads.
The Shorts wind me up, I find them to be utterly useless, but Google pretty much forces them down everyone's throats, both viewers and content creators, they changed the algorythm so to get it to promote your videos you need to make regular Shorts videos. Doesn't matter if was a good idea or not they forced it into everyone.

Speaking of AI Apples new auto spell AI is just as useless as before, I can type Algorythm and it doesn't auto correct or make any offerings for the correct spelling, if I type Algorithm it's fine. It fails to detect one wrong letter. Google needs to calm down in its AI ambitions, Apple needs to make theirs do simple tasks like spelling.


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2022
So that is why Google is blocking people who have adblockers, they need extra money to develop these AI features.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
?? What "thoughts and beliefs" of yours has been attacked by Google?
My take on that is that Google knows how to 'game the system' better than probably anyone. If they want to direct your attention in particular ways, they can/will do it, for the sake of $$$’s. Many people are influenced by this, if not everyone at least to some degree.

I would suggest, a YouTuber can gain an advantage and make content they 'know' will attract more views and $’s, leading to even more $’s for Google.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2023
I bet this is going to mean further censorship on YouTube.

When you look at how many scam ads YouTube green lights then you know that generative images and audio are going to completely drown YouTube in junk created by prompting slaves who work for criminals who have friends at Google and Microsoft who let them run amok. American lawmakers keep talking about 'monopolies' but ignore the elephant in the room - criminal gangs in South Asia have infiltrated these companies by gaming the visa system and outsource system.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
When I figured out that Google and YouTube were just shutting people up for no good reason, and they were acting like total dictators over the folks making videos—slapping those yellow flags and stuff—it hit me they don't really give a hoot about what we think. You can talk all you want, but in the end, it's like you're just talking to a wall. So I ditched YouTube, man. Dumped the app right off my iPhone and iPad. I'm still subscribed to a few creators I actually dig, and I'll check out their stuff when it crosses my mind. Feels pretty good to me.
People are getting blocked from comments for no reason YT. Put a good comment it still will not be posted. AI for YouTube blocked honest people posting comments. Ads are bad enough, but their AI is worse. YT is bad and hurts good creators by having positive comments blocked. Popular Japanese YT people do big ads they get a lot of money from promoting foods, services, etc. is high. YT polices high gold and silver YT creators. If they file a complaint the chances of you ever posting on their site it anywhere on YT comfortably, is highly reduced. You will be blocked........ I have been on YT for 15-plus years, but the ads and terrible creators use bots. to add likes and subscribers. Google, I gave up using.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 13, 2007
Yeah I saw that announcement, but I lost the functionality about a month ago. Now it just says "slide left or right to seek"

I used it when it was an experimental feature. Maybe they removed it temporarily and will roll it out to everyone soon.
I also used it as an experimental feature. For a few weeks its was off again for me, but I’d say about 2 weeks ago it came back permanently in the app.


macrumors member
Dec 12, 2014
What a joke. They can’t even filter out the ‘you won a free scam from “whatsapp me at +1somenumberwritteninweirdfonts”’ posts.


macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
I bet this is going to mean further censorship on YouTube.

Generative AI is going to mean more censorship in general. It’s already happening. It’s nearly impossible for two adult humans to reasonably disagree about anything meaningful anymore. And if humans aren’t allowed to hold opinions that don’t exactly fit the party line, AI definitely won’t be allowed to have those thoughts.

We’re already in a culture war trying to shape each other’s human brains, bordering on Thoughtcrime. I shudder to think how we will warp these AI brains.
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