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macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
I'm not expecting them to give the answer directly. But they are and one is giving the wring answer. I'd be fine if no answer was given.
I think that’s the point, both answers are arguably wrong. It depends how you define ‘camera’.


macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2020
We should all understand just how much we (our data) is worth and stand up for retaining that data and or get paid for it.
So, would you like to pay for it? That's the other option. You think everything is free, should be provided to you just because. But wait, if Google starts charging everyone, do you not think Bing and the rest will pick up everything else, because YOU will never want to pay to search stuff.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2020
Some of these antitrust disputes are getting out of hand. Antibusiness
In the world of games consoles this is normal. In television, this is normal. Pay to get an exclusive rights. This is just governments wanting some extra money. Microsoft is a big enough company. THEY could if they wanted to, pay $30b to apple and out-bid google. But they didn't.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
This was actually a lower cost to Google than a marketing campaign to educate people they can choose their default search engine in settings? Either Google did not do their due diligence or this is a prime example of your typical Apple user being that uninformed.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
The deal is that Google pays Apple so they can track you. Apple values privacy above all else except money.

This is true, but fortunately it is very easy to switch your default search engine if you value your privacy.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2021
That’s a lil less than $20/user for the year. The question is how much do they make in ad revenue/Apple user and I’m pretty sure it’s quite a lot more than $20/year.
That said, my default search has never been Google
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macrumors 604
Apr 10, 2008
Makes you wonder how lucrative all that search data they harvest is… if they are willing to spend $20B on exclusivity, what’s their take selling the data?
They make about $55B in revenue from searches conducted on Safari.... it says right there in the article they pay Apple 36%
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2018
The deal is that Google pays Apple so they can track you. Apple values privacy above all else except money.
To be fair, they don’t force you to use Google. It’s just the default browser, that can easily be changed but the user.
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macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
To be fair, they don’t force you to use Google. It’s just the default braised, that can easily be changed but the user.
Yeah there’s something quite funny about Google paying Apple all that money to be the default only for me to switch the setting to something else 😂


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2018
Yeah there’s something quite funny about Google paying Apple all that money to be the default only for me to switch the setting to something else 😂
And yet most don’t switch it. There’s a reason they pay it.


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
And yet most don’t switch it. There’s a reason they pay it.
Exactly. That’s why I think a fair solution would be create a regulation that says a search engine with over a certain share of the market is prohibited from bidding to be the default. That way:

a) Apple still gets to sell the default spot for lots of money
b) Google can’t further cement its dominance by being banned from participating
c) Users can still change their default search engine to something else.

Win, win, win.


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
I'm a little surprised Google would pay this amount. It's not like there's a market alternative that 99.9% of Apple product users would flock to.
That's EXACTLY why the Department of Justice needed to go after Google long ago. Unlike Apple, Google has been a virtual search monopoly for far too long, and paying that type of money to Apple kept it that way. There was no way even for deep pockets like Microsoft or anyone else to crack the market. All the while Google Search has been getting worse and worse without a care because they KNEW there was little anyone could do about it. Good for the DoJ to finally wake up and good for new tech like LLM's to shake that up.
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macrumors member
Jan 6, 2024
this antitrust case around search has been frivolous from the start, absolutely baseless when the ability to change browsers exists and is easy to do.

The reason people say just "google it" is because google revolutionized search and they did that long before iphone.


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2009
This is what the documents show but I get the feeling it goes deeper than that. You know how you get the feeling your phone is always listening to you ;) maybe some access to that.


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
So, would you like to pay for it? That's the other option. You think everything is free, should be provided to you just because. But wait, if Google starts charging everyone, do you not think Bing and the rest will pick up everything else, because YOU will never want to pay to search stuff.
This and ad-free TV -- both people think that out of the goodness of the providers hearts, they should have ad-free TV/movies for free and free internet. The only reason the internet is free is because your data has value. When you stop having accessible data or it becomes useless, things will have to change. Providers/web hosters, etc., don't spend millions/billions as a charity.

cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Oh, **** off. It's not like people can't change it. The federal government and all of its agencies can just go the **** away. :rolleyes:
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macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2015
Google "Search" is so poorly implemented at this point that it's probably only good for state-run propaganda services.


Oct 10, 2011
Apple as a company is coming out to be more and more pathetic with every passing day. So much money and they are still penny pinching loyal customers with base storage and ram sizes.

No worries, mate. Just go with a tech company who you believe treats its loyal customers better. Easy.

Will you do it?
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Lets not lie to ourselves here. Google isn't paying $20,000,000,000.00 a year for nothing. Apple markets itself as a privacy focused company because that works for them right now. As a publicly traded company they absolutely must grow or their stock price collapses. Unlike their competitors they have only one product that make them money and with phone sales stagnating, Apple car abandoned and the Vision Pro not getting any real traction where do they go? Services are what they talk about but I don't think Apple TV+ or Apple Music are the real services generator. I think its iCloud making the real money. Apple gives almost no free storage so once your photos are full you are almost forced to pay. Pay attention when Apple changed the default camera resolution from 12mp to 24mp. This wasn't a quality decision, this was a way to fill up your iCloud drive faster to generate that sweet sweet cash. While iCloud is a separate division and part of services it is still just an extension of the iPhone meaning without iPhone there is no Apple services revenue.

Lets do the math here. We have a company with investors that demand growth selling a product that has sales slowing worldwide. If Tim Cook can't make Apple grow then eventually he'll be replaced. If Apple is taking Googles money then they are already monetizing customer data. How long do you think it will take before he or his successor decides to go all in especially with government intervention stopping Apples ability to lock people in?

Closed systems and closed source software are liabilities for end users once the greed switch gets flipped.
Prime example of a post that cites facts but has hyperbolic conclusion. Apple CarPlay is not abandoned; iPhone sales are not stagnating nor is it the end of the world with AVP.

At any rate posts like this tend to go stale at earnings calls.
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