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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Environmental activist group Greenpeace was ejected from London's Mac Expo yesterday, after various other exhibitors complained about the group's activities at the show.

The group had purchased a small both with contract terms to only hand out leaflets within their assigned area and to not take photographs at other stands. The Register got in touch with MacExpo marketing director Matt Denton who said "It was a valid stand with a valid message... they breached their contract."

Greenpeace does not deny having passed out fliers beyond their booth, but insists that the reaction was "over the top" in a statement to MacRumors. Greenpeace is vowing to return to the expo tomorrow to continue their 'Green my Apple' campaign.

Greenpeace recently rated Apple the 4th worst tech company in their guide to greener electronics.
Apple are trying to improve, which is a Good Thing.

However, bad publicity involving non Green companies is always a good thing. Shame companies into making their products 'greener' - which effectively what happened to Apple.

One World. We aren't getting off this rock any time soon.
crap freakboy said:
Good for them. If Apple needs to get its house in order then the more information the better. Time for change and it ain't gonna be cheap.

But this particular crap from Greenpeace has already been debunked.

They have gone from a respectable environmentalist group to a militant anti-business lobby.

I am Green, but I am not Greenpeace!

link at /. where this has been gone over a while ago, what a bogus Greenpeace report:
They do build in obsolescence into the ipod as you can't replace the battery (easily). It does become a disposable item, although a pricey one at that. I do love the ipod (even though I don't own one) but this puts me off to the point where I just can't go through with actually buying one. My experience with rechargeable batteries in mobile phones and lap top isn't good.
needthephone said:
They do build in obsolescence into the ipod as you can't replace the battery (easily). It does become a disposable item, although a pricey one at that. I do love the ipod (even though I don't own one) but this puts me off to the point where I just can't go through with actually buying one. My experience with rechargeable batteries in mobile phones and lap top isn't good.
Meh, don't worry about the batteries. Sure, some people have problems, but my 3G ipod is still doing surprisingly well! It may have lost a little bit of charge since I bought it but it still lasts at least 7 hours. Maybe I'm just lucky. Or maybe it knows it needs to behave before the sweet widescreen video ipod comes out. Or else. :D
It's about time Apple got rid of some of the rubbish materials in their machines, it's not that the campaigners are trying to brusie Apple but encourage them to be better than their competitors. I mean, Apple already has many advantages over Windows, so surely 'Green' can be one of them.
OwlsAndApples said:
It's about time Apple got rid of some of the rubbish materials in their machines, it's not that the campaigners are trying to brusie Apple but encourage them to be better than their competitors. I mean, Apple already has many advantages over Windows, so surely 'Green' can be one of them.'s a computer, what are you going to make it out of? oak leaves and wood?

Seriously. I mean I support the environment, but I know reactionary sensationalism when I see it. As someone said, Greenpeace has lost most of it's respect, even with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
benthewraith said:'s a computer, what are you going to make it out of? oak leaves and wood?
How about this one
Or this one

I have no problem with Greenpeace being at the show as long as they back up their findings with facts and conduct themselves in a civil manner. If Microsoft stepped out of line at the show, I would expect them to be kicked out of the show as well.
If Greenpeace want to be taken seriously, they should abide by the rules like everybody else. I like what they've done on their website, and it's probably flattering for Apple to be singled out in this way (any publicity is good publicity) - but I wouldn't be surprised to if they did get rowdy and stupid in the Expo.

It would be good to get some eyewitness accounts (someone's bound to put something up on YouTube, surely!!)

Alternative Mac History Mactimewarp
ejb190 said:
I have no problem with Greenpeace being at the show as long as they back up their findings with facts and conduct themselves in a civil manner. If Microsoft stepped out of line at the show, I would expect them to be kicked out of the show as well.

agreed. Apple should work hard to be a environmentally safe company, but that should stand for all companies too. i don't see why any one single company should be singled out at this point.
ejb190 said:
How about this one
Or this one

I have no problem with Greenpeace being at the show as long as they back up their findings with facts and conduct themselves in a civil manner. If Microsoft stepped out of line at the show, I would expect them to be kicked out of the show as well.

I love that first one; it's even got the Apple minimalist motif about it.

Didn't the first Apple I's come in a wood case as well?
I didn't even know there was an Expo on!

Anyway, before anyone even considers their opinion on the work of Greenpeace, they should read The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg.
benthewraith said:
Seriously. I mean I support the environment, but I know reactionary sensationalism when I see it. As someone said, Greenpeace has lost most of it's respect, even with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

i followed you up til you implied that the EPA is some gold standard of environmentalism. talk about an agency/group having lost respect...
DaddyShortLegs said:
How many trees were harmed in the production of their leaflets?

And were they produced on a "non-green" MAC?


your logic is brilliant. since they had to use non-green items in spreading their information, then they are hypocrites and shouldn't push for improvement of materials. good point!

of course you ignore that there are many sources of recycled paper, soy based inks, etc etc which their leaflets could very well have been made from (though i don't know for a fact that they were.)
Ever greater acceptance of free speech crackowns

So all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets in areas other than their stand? So they didn't smash up the Apple stand or invade Adobe chanting and shouting.

They handed out leaflets and were ejected because no one's ever allowed to talk about the downsides of our throwaway consumer-trinket technojunk culture without being told to shut up.

Heck, every trade show I ever go to has girls with their tits half hanging out wondering the halls handing out leaflets nowhere near their particular stand.

Sad to see so many people now happy to have people's free speech stamped all over. No wonder Bush can dismantle the Bill of Rights and his lapdog Blair can swiftly remove centruries-old liberties with barely a whisper. I agree with Greenpeace's concerns. Vast toxic waste dumps with no proper processing are springing up across China.

If some fat overfed Westerner's kids had to live and play near a site like that they'd be up in arms! But, no, let's pretend the problems are somehow 'made up' by 'subversives' and need stamping out with the jackboots.
Free speech was killed decades ago by every business along with every govts help. Green Peace agreed though to keep it in the booth, they didnt so they are to blame. This is a Mac expo not a tree huggers convention.
They were probably planning on escalating things to get kicked out all along... more press for them. Heck, they made it on the front page of MacRumors.
Some_Big_Spoon said:
I'm a Green Peace supporter, but with Bush in the Whitehouse, don't they have bigger fish to fry?

It took almost 20 posts before GWB was mentioned. It seems the attention span of some folks is actually getting longer.

Now back on point, please.

The only reason GP is targeting Apple is because they think they actually have a shot at getting them to do something, and once Apple moves in response to GP, then they have ammo to go after the others.

GP is a dead movement - we need a fair, equitable organization to take its place.

To quote the provocative and renowned philosopher Eric Cartman,

“No, I hate hippies! All they do is talk about the environment and then they drive cars that get bad gas milage!”

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