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Oct 4, 2011
It is astonishing how people like you think the entire world share the same preference. Nothing have changed! Not everyone have become a little girl and not every little girl have become grumpy old man/woman! The world is same as it was yesterday. It is just Apple realizing that their phones are being used by a vast number of people with different age/gender/preferences etc, so is adding more features to stock apps. I personally don't like it and wish there was an option to set a basic mode, but hey.... it is a big world out there and I don't expect everyone to have my preferences. I think Apple is heading on the right direction with this.

You're simply wrong. It's deliberate mediocritization designed by people who understand mass marketing. Moreover, it's pandering to China with its billion drones.
As someone who works with teenagers, I can say that while you may think these features are dumb, apple knows exactly what they're doing... They're not going after traditional "power users" here but instead the huge market of snapchat-using iPhone owners who will eat these features up.

Yes, and that is un-Apple-like.
I don't either - although camera and sketch are nice - but just because we don't like it doesn't mean the majority or the target demographic feel the same way.

We, people who post on a mac rumors forum, are in a VERY small minority.

Yes, and that is why I have lost faith in Apple. They go mass market and they abandon quality products and they lose quality customers - simple.
Maybe it's more that the whole world has moved forward, while you are the one still stuck in the past.

Wrong. Apple has gone mass market. Quality suffers. Apple without quality is no longer Apple. Goodbye.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
You're simply wrong. It's deliberate mediocritization designed by people who understand mass marketing. Moreover, it's pandering to China with its billion drones.

Yes, and that is un-Apple-like.

Yes, and that is why I have lost faith in Apple. They go mass market and they abandon quality products and they lose quality customers - simple.

Wrong. Apple has gone mass market. Quality suffers. Apple without quality is no longer Apple. Goodbye.
Apple broke through to become more than just a hobby company. Welcome to reality.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2007
Louisiana, United States
Yes, and that is un-Apple-like.


As much as we would like to to believe that Apple has ever focused its product development on the wants/needs of the pros and power users (assuming you aren't trolling), Apple has always been about reaching "the rest" of the market beyond this niche group.

blut haus

macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2015
This mentality is why the guy who runs snapchat is rolling in mountains of money while you're here complaining about how dumb his type of product is.
lol there you go being hella self righteous again man. Here you are posting about how others are complaining while these other guys are rolling in a mountain o' cash, right brah? Just because someone makes tons of cash doesn't mean their idea is great, it means tons of people are dumb enough to give them money for it. Your logic is so flawed it hurts. What you are saying is a parallel to claiming the asshats who sued McDonalds in the 90's for coffee that was too hot were geniuses for having the idea to sue for something that was incredibly asinine. I suppose if your idea of success is money then you're right...which is sad.
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Mar 20, 2008
im glad im not only one who things its stupid. We all can see how the stuff works on skype. Completely stupid, and it only makes people not to use it. Kids these days use Snapchat and storylines of some sort. I hate it and I hope I can switch it off. Apple should focus on invention and not this crap.
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Mar 18, 2006
These new features are really awesome! They make my phone run really hot and it can crash sometimes. Maybe there should be a setting to remove some of these features as to not bloat the app. get your free copy of iOS 10 beta today for free!'s a beta!
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macrumors 68000
Jan 31, 2003
I just don't care about emojis and all kinds of bobbles and jingles on my messages. Has everyone become a little girl all of a sudden?

This is the guy that probably wears cargo pants and sandals and a polo shirt from Abercrombie and think he's in style. And probably thinks a guy with a white iPhone is a homosexual who carries a man purse...
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macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2013
No offence
These new features are really awesome! They make my phone run really hot and it can crash sometimes. Maybe there should be a setting to remove some of these features as to not bloat the app. get your free copy of iOS 10 beta today for free!
Imagine that on a first public beta!


macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2011
What I really would have liked is iMessage integrated into the iCloud Website, so I can send and receive messages on a non Mac PC.
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macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2013
I like the new features, but since I'm in Europe and whatsapp is king here I probably won't use it which is a shame since I prefer iMessage :(


macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
What we need to appreciate is how young users will embrace these features. By keeping iMessage and thus these new features exclusive to iPhone and not on Android, it'll provide extra incentive for teenagers to remain inside the apple ecosystem in order to remain feature compatible with their friends.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
I am not opposed to any of the new stuff as an option, but I want the option to turn it off and keep Messages how it is now. That means I want to have some control over what I receive, not just what I choose to send.

I will be greatly disappointed if there is no option to reduce the effects. I don’t understand how Apple can do this to people with a disability either, some people are actually sensitive to this kind of visual noise.

The point that it's an accessibility issue, not just aesthetic preference is well made, and why I hold out some hope we will get some options provided for this.

Something something Phil Schiller's ass

Lol, you could probably post this reply to 90% of posts on this forum and it would still make sense.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 5, 2016
Apple is trolling its customers.
Definetly not what the majority of us want or need.


Jun 16, 2016
can anyone who has an ipad pro with pencil+ios10, try if you can hand written on the ipad with the pencil?


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2006
I don't understand people having problems with this. It's not like you have to use the new emojis and fun screen effects. And if someone sends annoying things to you, you should go talk to that person. If they continue to send you stuff to annoy you, just block them for a while.

I kind of like the stickers on Facebook messenger to greet someone or being sarcastic in a cute way. But I hate how it replaces the pretty iOS emojis with crappy (and often hard to see) Facebook emojis. Apple is catching up to the rest of the world and hey, I might even design and sell some stickers on there.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 31, 2009
These new features are really awesome! They make my phone run really hot and it can crash sometimes. Maybe there should be a setting to remove some of these features as to not bloat the app. get your free copy of iOS 10 beta today for free!
-You're on a beta, which phone are you using?
-How does it bloat if you're not using it, why the need to remove it all together?
-If you remove it, would you want a message, download or no notification if someone else sends you something like this?
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macrumors member
Sep 11, 2015
"Messages is the most used iOS app"


As much as I wish it was... Where I'm from it's not used at all... Largely because it doesn't integrate with Android. I'm forced to use WhatsApp, Line and FB instead. Without android compatibility iMessage will go nowhere... In Asia at least. I would much have preferred this feature to fluffy duck features.
Look forward to the day I can delete all my 3rd party messaging apps and rely on iMessage.
It's aimed at the Chinese market, which enjoys it especially.

But the Chinese market will never use iMessage unless it's Android friendly!!!! Everyone uses "WeChat" and "Line" here, never once have I been iMessaged.
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