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macrumors newbie
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Jan 9, 2007
Last Sunday I purchased a new Mac Book Pro i7 with touch bar.

Thing is I got it home and read so many negative comments about it, that I dare not open it. I'm thinking of taking it back for a refund.

I just wish i could read some positive comments.

Thing is my question is should i take it back and wait for the next refresh.

Any comments suggestions would be greatly received.

I think a lot of the nay sayers are triggered by the lack of ports. But that little port hub you can plug into the side solves that.

Also a lot of the little niggles that were apparent i.e, battery, bugs etc have been mopped up with 10.12.3.

Crack it open and just enjoy it. Even if you still choose to return it, you have 14 days. It a beautiful machine!
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If you do not have the 14 day return window then take it back now and do some more homework else have a play and see if it meets your needs as that's what counts in the end
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I think a lot of the nay sayers are triggered by the lack of ports. But that little port hub you can plug into the side solves that.

Also a lot of the little niggles that were apparent i.e, battery, bugs etc have been mopped up with 10.12.3.

Crack it open and just enjoy it. Even if you still choose to return it, you have 14 days. It a beautiful machine!

Thank you. But the Reseller I bought it from only accepts returns unopened. :-(
It's a fabulous computer; the best MBP Apple have ever made. A lot of negativity came from early hiccups that have long been resolved. The rest of it came from the standard stubbornness of change.

We had the same type of complaints when the first rMBP was released. It'll be a non-issue in a few years' time.
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I think you should ignore the comments, and just see what you think. You cannot please everyone, all of the time. Some people will love, others won't. Just see if it works for you, and if not take it back.

Everyones use cases are different, it might be the perfect machine for you
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Reactions: MrX8503 and daihard again from Apple direct....use and find out if it is for you. If not, return.
On a completely different note, if you have bought it and not opened it yet for a full week...maybe you do not need a MBP right now? This is Gen 1 after all. Wait for Gen 2 and see if Apple does anything different.

If you absolutely need an MBP right now, don't worry. Open it up and use. Life is too short :)
Kev, if you have this unpleasent feeling at the very beginning that usually derives from not being able to fully justify a purchase, then don't keep it.
It will cast a shadow over the happy feeling of owning and using the machine. again from Apple direct....use and find out if it is for you. If not, return.
On a completely different note, if you have bought it and not opened it yet for a full week...maybe you do not need a MBP right now? This is Gen 1 after all. Wait for Gen 2 and see if Apple does anything different.

If you absolutely need an MBP right now, don't worry. Open it up and use. Life is too short :)
+1. Fully agree, its a good idea.
Last Sunday I purchased a new Mac Book Pro i7 with touch bar.

Thing is I got it home and read so many negative comments about it, that I dare not open it. I'm thinking of taking it back for a refund.

I just wish i could read some positive comments.

Thing is my question is should i take it back and wait for the next refresh.

Any comments suggestions would be greatly received.

Why don't you make up your own mind like any adult would?

You'll always see more negative comments than positive comments everywhere, for any product.

Nobody bothers looking for a random forum, signs up, finds the correct subforum, posts "hey, I like mine" then vanishes. It just doesn't happen.
I bought my MacBook Pro a week ago and spent a huge amount of money on it. I came home, cracked it open and started using it. It was only then that I looked on these forums and though damn! There are a lot of complaints about this computer. If I hadn't checked this forum I never would have known, and I would have blissfully gone on using my computer.

I willl say I returned my first one. I first got a space gray MBP, and I will admit that I was surprised by how loud the keyboard was, but it wasn't a problem for me. I returned the space gray because I became paranoid about the finish wearing. My new silver MBP has a very quiet keyboard, but otherwise is perfect like the first one was.
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Reactions: tnfan again from Apple direct....use and find out if it is for you. If not, return.
On a completely different note, if you have bought it and not opened it yet for a full week...maybe you do not need a MBP right now? This is Gen 1 after all. Wait for Gen 2 and see if Apple does anything different.

If you absolutely need an MBP right now, don't worry. Open it up and use. Life is too short :)

Agreed. Purchased mine December 13. Was so concerned about buying it on unlucky date of 13! Read somewhere here not to every buy a Mac on the 13th. ;) This is my first Mac and have been completely satisfied. No problems whatsoever. Also read about the issues before buying but I understood this was a first gen and that there could be some issues. However, considering how many are sold worldwide the number of reported issues to me seemed relatively minute. Good luck on your decision.
I agree with MacJunk(ie). Return it. Buy it again. Then enjoy.

It is worth buying the computer from an Apple Store or a direct retailer that abides by Apple's 14-day return policy. You will probably love the computer, but should you not like it, should you not like the size, or should there be some minor annoyance with it, you can return it for a 2015, a refund & wait for a 2017, or swap it for another 2016 of identical size, or swap it for a 2016 of the other size.
OP some good advice above, but overwhelmingly its suggested to return and think again from a better store

There is just no facts available to know who or how many late 2016 MBP have been sold, returned etc etc let alone how many have moved on to other OS's or are satisfied (the silent majority cuts both ways), it's all guess work at best and you need to use your own judgement of the validity and relevance to you of the many opinions both for and against you can find here and elsewhere

Its how your future purchase fits with your workflow and budget that ultimately counts

Best of luck
OP some good advice above, but overwhelmingly its suggested to return and think again from a better store

There is just no facts available to know who or how many late 2016 MBP have been sold, returned etc etc let alone how many have moved on to other OS's or are satisfied (the silent majority cuts both ways), it's all guess work at best and you need to use your own judgement of the validity and relevance to you of the many opinions both for and against you can find here and elsewhere

Its how your future purchase fits with your workflow and budget that ultimately counts

Best of luck

Madasafish110 Very much agree if not sold on the new MBP, it's far better to stand back and think on it. Return it and think on your needs, new MBP may well work well for you equally it may not. If not in any urgency wait the 2nd generation as they have always been historically improved.

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I'm wondering if the OP has summoned the bottle to open the box yet, but really I think that a buyer so plagued by doubts should just return it. After all, there'll be nothing to stop him buying again.
OP,if you're having this much buyer's remorse with it unopened, I recommend doing a return and then taking your time and determining what best fits your needs. It may very well be a MBP. At this point it seems you may view this purchase negatively and not enjoy the machine.

While many people love the new MBP, there are others who don't. I think this is the first time in recent memory that there's so much negativity, complaints and issues, that you should do your due diligence so you can enjoy what ever you buy
If you can wait, then return it. This just means that you do not actually really need it right now at all.
It's the 15" i7 with touch bar

So I assume you need a powerful computer, maybe for professional purposes? Honestly, it is a great machine.

Maybe I can recommend something regarding specs and options but I don't know what you use it for.

Personally I thought it was too expensive, but this is also subjective. I can live with the previous model which I bought second hand, but everyone has a different reasoning for getting a certain model.
C'mon, people don't take to the internet to preach about how amazing their machines are... they're too busy USING THEM! Regarding the 2016 MbP, there are a lot of rabble rousers out there that wanted change, then complained when they got it [how does THAT work BTW?]. "ZOMG PORTS! MAG SAFE! GLOWING APPLE LOGO!"

Two USB adapters, some common sense. . . you're good to go.

But don't take my word for it....

Honestly, I use my 15" 2.9 460 as a daily driver for everything from transcodes to general usage to light gaming, and it's been one of the coolest, quietest, most fun machines I've ever used. Granted, it'll never come close to the performance of my 5Ghz Over clocked Kaby Lake Desktop with SLI GTX 1080s, but most of the time it's a complete waste to boot up the tower for 90% of what I'm doing when the MbP is right next to me at all times. That should tell you a lot right there.

When I'm on the road, I live on the MbP, and I have no regrets. No problems, no battery issues, and being able to trickle charge from a usb plug in [with the correct cable] is a great advantage. Granted, it's not the same as breaking out the charger, and it'll only charge under light usage, but it's still a HUGE advantage over the old proprietary mag safe.

[To any wondering, I don't transcode on the desktop because Skylake had an issue where overclocked processors became VERY unstable during handbrake transcodes, even when everything else was rock solid. As Kaby lake is just an optimization, I fear the issue may still remain, and I'm not about to test it]
I willl say I returned my first one. I first got a space gray MBP, and I will admit that I was surprised by how loud the keyboard was, but it wasn't a problem for me. I returned the space gray because I became paranoid about the finish wearing. My new silver MBP has a very quiet keyboard, but otherwise is perfect like the first one was.

So the new silver MBP has a much quieter keyboard then the space gray?
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