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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 3, 2016
So, meant to type this earlier. Phone was taken off the charger, at 100%, on Friday night.

As of earlier today, Sunday, at like 1 PM, it still had 6% left.

I had purchased this phone earlier this week. Was stuck between the XR, because of the battery, and the XS Max, because of what that phone offers. Ended up getting the XS Max, but was scared because the battery on my previous X was not close to what I thought it would be.

Had been obsessed all week with monitoring the battery to make sure I was getting decent battery life or else I was gonna return it. I literally just went almost two full days without charging the phone! Didn’t even use low-power mode. Had about 5 hours of Apple Music playing in the background, through bluetooth. Even read a book for about an hour and a half. Moderate usage otherwise.

Wanted to make a post for anybody in a similar position who was interested in the phone but was concerned about the battery life. This thing will give you plenty of battery life.
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Oct 2, 2016
Doesn't look very good considering you've been playing Apple music for 3 hours on background. Wil-fi/4G on/off? Bluetooth?

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
It is very hard to compare battery life for actual use because people use their phones very differently. There is so many variables that can affect battery life.

I use an SE, and it is common for me to not charge it over the weekend at all. BTW, I typically only charge my SE during my commute to and from work. It is very rare for me to charge my SE at home. Actually, I charge my Siri Remote to my ATV4K at home more than I charge my iPhone.


macrumors 65816
Sep 3, 2009
It is very hard to compare battery life for actual use because people use their phones very differently. There is so many variables that can affect battery life.
I was thinking the same thing and I only have a 6S


Nov 20, 2008
Not enough info to determine if it's good or not.

Brightness will be the biggest factor, followed by all the other things like bluetooth, wifi, even cell signal strength. then you have all the junk like reduce motion, etc; there are lots of settings that can affect battery life, each leeching a little life but cumulatively can add up.

For comparison, I have a new Xs and have wifi and bluetooth on, all the other junk turned off, and am relaxing in a dark room with 10% brightness and I've gone about one hour now since taking it off the charger just running Safari and Gmail and I'm at 98%. It's just all about use case and settings which will vary greatly person o person.

Unfortunately Apple made it even harder to determine true battery usage with the revamped battery information section.

Another thing to keep in mind is the phone will likely be indexing in the background for a few days when new so life will get better.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2018
If you’re happy with it, then stick with it. The XR would have even better battery life than that.

Depending on my use, I can make it through most of a day without charging. I charge daily.


macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2018
Is it acceptable to you? That's the only answer that matters and only you can answer it so I'm not sure what you hope to gain from the opinions of strangers online. For what it's worth, you got two days out of it so I'd say it's great.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Is it acceptable to you? That's the only answer that matters and only you can answer it so I'm not sure what you hope to gain from the opinions of strangers online. For what it's worth, you got two days out of it so I'd say it's great.
That's really all it comes down to.
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