First off please accept my apologies as I can see from the many many threads I've read about this that it's definitely been discussed before but I'm so completely lost with all of this now that I thought I should ask in a new thread.
I have a Mac Pro 5,1 (Mid 2010) which I bought when they first came out. It has worked beautifully for the past 10 years with absolutely no hitches at all which is amazing as I literally throw everything at it daily!
I would however like to upgrade the system from High Sierra (it is running that now) to Mojave and so have bought a Radeon RX580 Sapphire Pulse (link below)
I also purchased 64GB of ram as it was cheap and wanted to treat the computer 😉
After reading many hundreds of pages about upgrading my main question is how to get a boot screen operating with the above graphics card?
I was on one hand under the impression that as I'm running High Sierra then I could just pop the card in (I also bought a dual mini 6 pin to 8 pin lead), install Mojave as it will let me do that with this card and then when that's all up and running I could install something like rEFInd to allow myself to get a boot screen?
(or should that be install rEFInd before the system update?)
Either way that rEFInd needs installing I've come across threads saying this is all you need to do and then other threads saying that you need to install rEFInd and a Clover file and loads of Terminal commands so I'm really not sure now of what I need to do :-(
As mentioned above I've never had a problem with this Mac in the 10 years I've been using it and I like to think I know my way round them very well (used to work as a music technician with Macs and in fact they're the only computer I've ever used apart from Ataris, Spectrums & BBCs!). I however have never had the need to mess with them too much at a low level or anything like that.
I've only ever used the bootscreen for very edge cases and never needed to fix the computer or system once by using that method so I was initially thinking to myself, am I all that bothered with even having a boot screen? That brought me to thinking yes I am as so*s law might come to hand here and everything goes wrong and I have no way to get the computer back up and running again so I'd really like to get a boot screen working in the easiest way possible. I've seen other threads on using openCore but to be honest even though I can follow instructions and type in lines of code without a problem I do worry that there's just so much to do that if anything did go wrong then I'd be seriously worried as I wouldn't understand anything that I'd just done and wouldn't have the first foggiest of where to start to look to fix the problem.
I also (to sort of go hand in hand with rEFInd, came across Next Loader and I believe it was called Boot Runner) which I've read do the same sort of things?
Basically therefore my question is what is the easiest method for me to upgrade to Mojave using the card linked to above so that I can get a boot screen working with it. On the other hand if there's any way to not have a boot screen but if something did go wrong to still be able to fix the computer in some way and if you think that would be a better fit here then I'm open to hearing that side of things too.
One other question if I may whilst here regards updating the system to Mojave. I can see my Mac has the Mojave installer app on it (I believe it was around 6GB in size if my memory serves me correctly) and was wondering is it possible to place a copy of say High Sierra onto a USB flash drive along with that app so that I can boot from the USB drive and then install Mojave onto one of the internal SSD drives I have in the computer? If so this would be handy as then if I did have problems I'm guessing I could take all drives out of the computer that aren't working and place a new, blank drive in and boot from the USB flash drive if needed and start all over again should such a large problem arise?
Also just thinking ahead as to the best way to update to Mojave anyway so that I always have High Sierra to fall back on should I need to.
Many thanks in advance for any help with this and I'm really sorry if I've waffled on too much but just wanted to get all my knowledge written down so people can see exactly what I've seen and know so hopefully I can get the help I need.
Hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe during these odd times.
Best wishes,
I have a Mac Pro 5,1 (Mid 2010) which I bought when they first came out. It has worked beautifully for the past 10 years with absolutely no hitches at all which is amazing as I literally throw everything at it daily!
I would however like to upgrade the system from High Sierra (it is running that now) to Mojave and so have bought a Radeon RX580 Sapphire Pulse (link below)

Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 580 8G GDDR5 Dual HDMI/DVI-D/Dual DP Graphics Card - Black
SAPPHIRE Technology is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of innovative components and solutions for PC systems for both consumer and professional applications From its origins in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art graphics add-in boards the extensive SAPPHIRE product range ha...
I also purchased 64GB of ram as it was cheap and wanted to treat the computer 😉
After reading many hundreds of pages about upgrading my main question is how to get a boot screen operating with the above graphics card?
I was on one hand under the impression that as I'm running High Sierra then I could just pop the card in (I also bought a dual mini 6 pin to 8 pin lead), install Mojave as it will let me do that with this card and then when that's all up and running I could install something like rEFInd to allow myself to get a boot screen?
(or should that be install rEFInd before the system update?)
Either way that rEFInd needs installing I've come across threads saying this is all you need to do and then other threads saying that you need to install rEFInd and a Clover file and loads of Terminal commands so I'm really not sure now of what I need to do :-(
As mentioned above I've never had a problem with this Mac in the 10 years I've been using it and I like to think I know my way round them very well (used to work as a music technician with Macs and in fact they're the only computer I've ever used apart from Ataris, Spectrums & BBCs!). I however have never had the need to mess with them too much at a low level or anything like that.
I've only ever used the bootscreen for very edge cases and never needed to fix the computer or system once by using that method so I was initially thinking to myself, am I all that bothered with even having a boot screen? That brought me to thinking yes I am as so*s law might come to hand here and everything goes wrong and I have no way to get the computer back up and running again so I'd really like to get a boot screen working in the easiest way possible. I've seen other threads on using openCore but to be honest even though I can follow instructions and type in lines of code without a problem I do worry that there's just so much to do that if anything did go wrong then I'd be seriously worried as I wouldn't understand anything that I'd just done and wouldn't have the first foggiest of where to start to look to fix the problem.
I also (to sort of go hand in hand with rEFInd, came across Next Loader and I believe it was called Boot Runner) which I've read do the same sort of things?
Basically therefore my question is what is the easiest method for me to upgrade to Mojave using the card linked to above so that I can get a boot screen working with it. On the other hand if there's any way to not have a boot screen but if something did go wrong to still be able to fix the computer in some way and if you think that would be a better fit here then I'm open to hearing that side of things too.
One other question if I may whilst here regards updating the system to Mojave. I can see my Mac has the Mojave installer app on it (I believe it was around 6GB in size if my memory serves me correctly) and was wondering is it possible to place a copy of say High Sierra onto a USB flash drive along with that app so that I can boot from the USB drive and then install Mojave onto one of the internal SSD drives I have in the computer? If so this would be handy as then if I did have problems I'm guessing I could take all drives out of the computer that aren't working and place a new, blank drive in and boot from the USB flash drive if needed and start all over again should such a large problem arise?
Also just thinking ahead as to the best way to update to Mojave anyway so that I always have High Sierra to fall back on should I need to.
Many thanks in advance for any help with this and I'm really sorry if I've waffled on too much but just wanted to get all my knowledge written down so people can see exactly what I've seen and know so hopefully I can get the help I need.
Hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe during these odd times.
Best wishes,
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