So now you're saying its not removed from your icloud account?
Its still there listed in find my iphone?
Saying 'its not removed from your iCloud account?' and 'its not removed by your iCloud account?' has nothing in common as both are different statement.
I will say it again and try to make it more clear and specific :
1. iPhone 6 S Plus lost on 29/3/2017
2. Lost Mode enabled for lost iPhone 6 S Plus with in 30 minutes.
3. iPhone 6 S Plus appeared as offline in Find Phone
4. iPhone 6 S Plus disappeared from Find Phone list on 4/4/2017
5. Same day issue of iPhone 6 S Plus of lost iPhone 6 S Plus from Find Phone list as :
- One of my family member (as I have all family devices under same iCloud account) accidently removed
lost iPhone 6 S Plus from Find Phone list. I refused to accept this assumption and requested them to verify
it from their log etc. They confirmed that there is no logs that lost iPhone 6 S Plus was removed from Find Phone
list by any of my registered devices using my iCoud account.
- Some one was able to open iPhone 6 S Plus with correct passcode, hence it its lost mode disabled and
it disappeared from Find Phone list.
I refused to accept this justification, and requested them to provide technical justification and add
iPhone 6 S Plus back to Find Phone list. Support forwarded the issue to their Technical team and it is
pending until today (3 days).
- Some one used a 3rd party software etc ... I totally disappointed with this justification and refused to accept it.
Hence, what you are saying is wrong and misunderstanding.