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Jigga Beef

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 11, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
For some reason the last few months my Apple Music has been a disaster as far as Metadata and tagging has gone.

I have iCloud Music library which seems to be the issue but this is not a problem I’ve ever had before. I’ve kept an almost perfectly tagged iTunes / Apple Music library for over a decade and now I seem to be paying for a service (iCloud Music Library / iTunes Match) that is breaking it

I’ve manually added music and changed the tags in iTunes. But no matter what I do or what order I do it in the tags always seem to revert to what they were when imported, and worse of all deleted playlists always return and some current playlists are just duplicated. I even bought an app to tag the metadata before I import it and only have to add ratings in Apple Music but even than the ratings I add don’t seem to stick.

I have a folder of playlists right now containing 12 playlists I haven’t edited in over a year that just keep duplicating, It's up to 60 playlists when it should be 12. Deleted playlists just return no matter what.

Even I song bought a song iTunes store keeps reverting back to the artist even though I’ve changed it multiple times. Another issue I had never had before.

I can’t figure out what the correct workflow is to add new music or update current music without a disaster. I’ve tried adding music and right away editing the metadata, I’ve tried adding the music and waiting a few hours and editing it.

I’ve tried unchecking Sync Library adding the music, editing the data, then clicking Sync Library.

I don’t have any other devices or computers where iCloud Music Library is turned on and I always sync my Phone Manually for music so I have no clue what device is overriding the computer for the “master” data.

A few weeks ago I signed out of iCloud & iTunes on my 3 computers, 2 ipads, 3 AppleTVs and 1 phone and it seemed to fix the issue for about 3 days but Its occurred again and it not something that I want to really do every time I am adding new music to my local library.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2011
Same problem here - it's been going on since 12.1 release and no end in sight. Apparently it's a widespread issue impacting everyone. The only thing that seems to temporarily fix it is restarting your Mac - it'll work for an hour and then it reverts back to not syncing.
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Jigga Beef

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 11, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
"good" to know that there are others affected. I wonder if all bug fixes have been tabled while the native music app is being re-made. Good heads up on the re-starting the machine. I have unchecked Sync Library for now but will try and re-start + sync the changes later today. Thanks for the heads up!
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