Hello guys,
I have a similar issue, where my notes were not synced between my devices. At least, it was only working one-way, from iCloud to my devices, but not the other way.
I *may* have found a solution, at least, now it seems to work between my iMac, and iCloud, but it is still erratic with my iOS devices.
Here is how I proceeded:
1) activate the « on my Mac » account in Notes on your Mac,
2) move all your notes from the iCloud account to this new « on my Mac »,
3) quit Notes,
4) launch the Terminal application, and enter the following command:
defaults write com.apple.Notes DebugModeEnabled -bool true
5) launch Notes, and make sure that there is no notes in the iCloud account,
6) a new « Debug » menu appeared in the application; choose « Delete Data (Delete from Cloud) »,
7) quit Notes, and in the terminal, enter the command:
defaults delete com.apple.Notes DebugModeEnabled
8) launch Notes again (the Debug menu has disappeared), and create a new note in the iCloud account,
9) with Safari, connect to
https://www.icloud.com/, and check if your note has been uploaded,
10) modify the note on the iCloud website, and check the Notes application behaviour,
11) if the application seems to work properly, move your old notes from the « on my Mac » account to the iCloud account.
on my iPhone, it started to work after I disabled, and reenabled the Notes synchronization in the iCloud settings, but it doesn’t work on my iPad