There is no April 24th ship date. The earliest delivery estimate is between April 24th and May 8th.
I read something a few days ago saying Apple was excited about the pre-sale numbers they were seeing in the Apple Store app favorites section. It appears that they know what you have in your favorites. I know it made it an easy/fast purchase for me. No looking for what I wanted, it was already there waiting for me to process the payment. ApplePay of course, use it everywhere I can.
True, but the point is, nobody AFAIK got a April 24 arrival date. We all got ranges and could all be waiting until May 8 for all we know. When I saw the poll, I was curious how anyone got a Apr 24 date as I was on the Apple store app at time 0 and saw only date ranges for all watches. I think the answer is, no one got an Apr 24 arrival date and the poll is not accurate. If someone does indeed have an arrival date of only Apr 24 (hard stop), I'd be interested to hear which watch and how they got it.A ship date of between April 24th and May 8th includes the date April 24th.
True, but the point is, nobody AFAIK got a April 24 arrival date. We all got ranges and could all be waiting until May 8 for all we know.
Exact same experience and choices.Went through the Apple Store App on my iPhone before the site's web page even came up.
So, I was online at 3:01 and got a SS with Milanese. Got the 4/24 date range.
A few minutes later I tried to order a black sport strap and that delivery slipped to an extra week later.
I gave up on the site after 45 painful seconds. Switched to the app. Apple Watch was on home screen, clci > Apple watch > 42mm milanese loop > buy now > credit card > my credit card info was in from express pay being setup.
Took all of 60 seconds once i was in app.