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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Device repair company iFixit is ending its repair relationship with Samsung, iFixit announced in a blog post today. The partnership is being dissolved after a two-year period because iFixit and Samsung have been unable to negotiate a new deal.


iFixit said that it wanted to build a repair-friendly ecosystem for independent businesses and consumers with its Samsung Repair Hub, something that it has not been able to do. The company says it ultimately doubts "Samsung's commitment to making repair more accessible."

Samsung used iFixit to facilitate a self-repair program for its customers, with iFixit offering step-by-step repair guides for replacing display assemblies, back glass, charging ports, and other components. iFixit says that there were continual obstacles working with Samsung, including the high price of components.

Repair parts "were so costly" that customers ended up replacing their devices rather than repairing them. Batteries and screens, for example, were in pre-glued bundles and customers could not replace a battery without also swapping out the screen, which is a much more expensive repair. iFixit was also unable to provide parts to repair shops at prices and quantities "that made business sense," and iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens told The Verge that Samsung limited iFixit to selling no more than seven parts per customer within a three-month period.

Samsung never even shipped iFixit components for the Galaxy S23 series, the Z Flip 5, and the Z Fold 5, and has not sent anything since the S22 lineup launched. Samsung is instead selling components for its latest smartphones through Encompass. A separate report from 404 Media gives further insight into Samsung's repair requirements, with a leaked contract suggesting that independent repair shops must give Samsung the contact information and other details of every customer that has a repair done. Samsung's contract also has a clause that requires repair shops to "immediately disassemble" any smartphone that has been previously repaired with aftermarket parts.

Starting in June, iFixit will no longer be Samsung's designated third-party parts and tools distributor. Existing repair information won't be removed from iFixit, but iFixit also will no longer collaborate with Samsung to develop new repair manuals. iFixit plans to continue to sell parts and repair kits for Samsung devices using OEM parts when available as well as aftermarket components, which is similar to what it does for iPhone replacement parts.

Samsung previously worked with iFixit to announce a Galaxy Upcycling program that ultimately never materialized, so this is iFixit's second failed Samsung venture. "We clearly didn't learn our lesson the first time, and two years ago we let them convince us they were serious about embracing repair," reads the iFixit blog.

iFixit said that it "tried to make this work," but Samsung was profiting from unpaid work on repair guides. Ultimately, iFixit is "bummed" and won't let "one bad apple spoil the bunch." iFixit is still working with Google, Valve, Lenovo, Motorola, Microsoft, and others on repair ventures.

Samsung will likely bring more of its self-repair options in house, mirroring what Apple does. Apple has a Self Service Repair program that was introduced in 2021, with Apple offering repair manuals and components so customers can do their own repairs.

Article Link: iFixit Ends Repair Relationship With Samsung


macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2021
Does anyone really expect anything else from a company devoid of morals, who’s sole focus is to imitate and undercut its competitors?
Which of the two companies in the article are you referring to? The parasitic parts shill leeching onto every major OEM taking advantage of sensationalism or the low-quality manufacturer that is Samsung?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2014
Everyone blame iPhone for being difficult to repair. But when I sent my Samsung 8 edge+ and Note 9 to samsung for changing damaged screen, repair fee included swapping out battery and back panel. That means, to change the front display panel and have the same waterproof like a new one, Samsung had to change both panels and battery. Samsung was not being generous for sure.


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2012
In other news, “in exchange for selling them repair parts, Samsung requires independent repair shops to give Samsung the name, contact information, phone identifier, and customer complaint details of everyone who gets their phone repaired at these shops, according to a contract obtained by 404 Media. Stunningly, it also requires these nominally independent shops to "immediately disassemble" any phones that customers have brought them that have been previously repaired with aftermarket or third-party parts and to "immediately notify" Samsung that the customer has used third-party parts.”


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
It's not like Apple provides high quality service either.

Sent my Mac into the Apple Store because it kept restarting on its own. They couldn't fix it, so sent it somewhere to get fixed/replace the motherboard. Sent it back a week later... Apparently "fully tested." Apple Store rep turn it on, and it was on the same exact screen as when I dropped it off. What do you know, it restarted on its own again.

Apple Store rep apologized, and they had to send it out a second time to have a sensor replaced in the hinge. Now it works.


macrumors 604
Aug 15, 2001
The Cool Part of CA, USA
Samsung is hurting financially and is supposed to be having managers and leaders come in 6 days a week. Its no surprise then that they wouldn't extend a deal that likely costs them $ and doesn't really benefit them much.
Samsung as a company had revenue of roughly $200 billion last year, and their worst selling high-end phone on that list, the Z Fold 5, took in a gross of well over $2 billion on well over a million units sold.

I'm pretty confident that whatever issues Samsung might be having, and whatever they were paying iFixIt, it was a fraction of a rounding error.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Probably not enough meat for both companies to share.

iFixit only survives by marking up generic parts and putting their logo on stuff. Their expertise is going to China and picking out average quality parts. In this case, Samsung naturally wants to eat the lion's share because it's their product. There's simply not enough margin left for iFixit.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
Samsung is hurting financially and is supposed to be having managers and leaders come in 6 days a week. Its no surprise then that they wouldn't extend a deal that likely costs them $ and doesn't really benefit them much.
This same company that students who graduated can pay $10,000 us monies to work for Samsung. This has BEEN GOING ON FOR OVER 35 YEARS at least. How trusting is this company?
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